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English-German Dictionary

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programmatic programmatisch
programmatic formulaProgrammformel {f}
programmatically programmatisch
programme [Br.] Programm {n}
programme [Br.]Programmheft {n}
programme [Br.] [also radio]Sendung {f}
programme [Br.] [leaflet] Theaterzettel {m} [veraltet]
programme [Br.] of activities <PoA, PoAs> [Kyoto Protocol] Programme of Activities {n} <PoA> [CDM-Projekttyp] [Kyoto-Protokoll]
programme announcement [Br.]Programmhinweis {m}
programme change [Br.] Programmänderung {f}
programme committee [Br.] <PC>Programmkomitee {n} <PK>
programme content [esp. Br.]Programminhalt {m}
programme (content) provider [Br.] Anbieter {m} von Programminhalten
programme costs [Br.]Programmkosten {pl}
programme description [Br.] Programmbeschreibung {f}
programme development [Br.]Programmentwicklung {f}
programme director [Br.] Programmdirektor {m}
programme evaluation [Br.] Programmevaluierung {f}
Programme for International Student Assessment <PISA> [Br.]Programm {n} zur weltweiten Schülerbeurteilung [Pisa-Studie]
Programme for International Student Assessment <PISA> [Br.]Pisa-Studie {f} [ugs.]
programme forecast [Br.]Programmvorschau {f}
programme formats [esp. Br.] Programmformate {pl}
programme implementation [Br.] Programmumsetzung {f}
programme information [Br.]Programminformation {f}
programme interrupt [Br.]Programmunterbrechung {f}
programme leader [Br.] <PL>Programmleiter {m}
programme management [Br.] Programmmanagement {n} [Programm-Management]
programme manager [Br.]Programmleiter {m}
programme manager [Br.] [female] Programmmanagerin {f}
programme memory [Br.]Programmspeicher {m}
programme music [Br.]Programmmusik {f}
programme of a concert [Br.]Vortragsfolge {f} eines Konzerts
programme of a government [Br.] Regierungsprogramm {n}
programme of accessories [Br.] Zubehörprogramm {n}
programme of action [Br.] Handlungsprogramm {n}
programme of courses [Br.]Kursprogramm {n}
programme of measures [Br.] Maßnahmenprogramm {n}
programme of reform [Br.] Reformprogramm {n}
programme of the day [Br.] Tagesprogramm {n}
programme of work [Br.] Arbeitsprogramm {n}
programme outline [Br.] Programmskizze {f}
programme participant [Br.] Programmteilnehmer {m}
programme participant [female] [Br.] Programmteilnehmerin {f}
programme picture [Br.]Vorfilm {m}
programme planning [Br.]Programmplanung {f}
programme priority [Br.]Programmpriorität {f}
programme recommendations [Br.] Programmempfehlungen {pl}
programme review [Br.]Programmbesprechung {f}
programme run [Br.]Programmausführung {f}
programme sector [Br.] Programmbereich {m}
programme selection [Br.]Programmauswahl {f}
programme selector switch [Br.] Programmwahlschalter {m}
programme series [Br.]Programmreihe {f}
programme series [Br.] Sendereihe {f}
programme storage [Br.] Programmspeicher {m}
programme structure [Br.]Programmstruktur {f}
programme symphony [Br.] Programmsymphonie {f}
programme to combat racism [Br.] Antirassismusprogramm {n}
programme unit [Br.] Programmeinheit {f}
programme variety [Br.] Programmvielfalt {f}
programme work [Br.] Programmarbeit {f}
programme year [Br.] Programmjahr {n}
[programme to develop a socialist culture in GDR]Bitterfelder Weg {m}
[programme/program of (showtime) numbers in variety, circus, cabaret etc.]Nummernprogramm {n} [im Varieté, Zirkus, Kabarett etc.]
programme-controlled [Br.] programmgesteuert
programmed programmiert
programmed geplant
programmed cell death <PCD>programmierter Zelltod {m} <PZT, PCD>
programmed check programmierte Überprüfung {f}
programmed checking programmierte Überprüfung {f}
programmed diagnostic functionprogrammierte Diagnosefunktion {f}
programmed halt programmierter Halt {m}
programmed instruction programmierte Unterweisung {f}
programmed learning programmiertes Lernen {n}
programmed stopprogrammierter Halt {m}
programmed termination harter Abbruch {m}
programme-dependent [Br.]programmabhängig
programme-independent [Br.]programmunabhängig
programme-maker [Br.] Programmmacher {m}
programme-maker [female] [Br.] Programmmacherin {f}
programmerProgrammierer {m}
programmer [female]Programmiererin {f}
programmer analyst Programmieranalytiker {m} [selten]
programmer analyst Programmiereranalytiker {m}
programmer internshipProgrammierpraktikum {n}
programmer traineeAnfangsprogrammierer {m}
programmersProgrammierer {pl}
programmers [female]Programmiererinnen {pl}
programmers' manual Programmierhandbuch {n}
programmes [Br.] Programme {pl}
programming Programmierung {f}
programmingProgrammgestaltung {f}
programming Programmieren {n}
programming programmierend
programming Programmier-
programming Programmiertätigkeit {f}
programming {sg}Programmierungen {pl}
programming adapterProgrammieradapter {m}
programming approachProgrammierungsansatz {m} [auch: Programmieransatz]
programming assignment [esp. Am.] Programmieraufgabe {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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