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programming Programmieren {n}
programming programmierend
programming Programmiertätigkeit {f}
programming {sg} Programmierungen {pl}
programming {sg} Programm {n} [Gesamtheit an Sendungen]
programming adapter Programmieradapter {m}
programming approach Programmierungsansatz {m} [auch: Programmieransatz]
programming assignment [esp. Am.] Programmieraufgabe {f}
programming button Programmiertaste {f}
programming cardProgrammierkarte {f}
programming code Programmiercode {m}
programming connector Programmierstecker {m}
programming costs Programmierkosten {pl}
programming course Programmierkurs {m}
programming deviceProgrammiergerät {n}
programming effortProgrammieraufwand {m}
programming environment Programmierumgebung {f}
programming error Programmierfehler {m}
programming expenditure Programmieraufwand {m}
programming flowchartProgrammablaufplan {m}
programming flowchartProgrammflussdiagramm {n}
programming gameProgrammierspiel {n}
programming guide [manual]Programmierhandbuch {n}
programming guide [manual] Programmierleitfaden {m}
programming guidelineProgrammierrichtlinie {f}
programming handbook Programmierhandbuch {n}
programming instruction Programmieranweisung {f}
programming key Programmiertaste {f}
programming language <PL> Programmiersprache {f} <PS>
programming languagesProgrammiersprachen {pl}
programming languages Programmierungssprachen {pl} [selten, veraltet] [Programmiersprachen]
programming library Programmierbibliothek {f}
programming manual Programmierhandbuch {n}
programming methodProgrammierverfahren {n}
programming methodProgrammiermethode {f}
programming methodProgrammierungsmethode {f}
programming methodologyProgrammiermethodik {f}
programming model Programmiermodell {n} [auch: Programmierungsmodell]
programming noteProgrammhinweis {m}
programming paradigm Programmierparadigma {n}
programming period Programmierungszeitraum {m}
programming plugProgrammierstecker {m}
programming primer Programmierfibel {f}
programming problem Programmierproblem {n}
programming routineProgrammierroutine {f}
programming segmentProgrammiersegment {n}
programming skills Programmierkenntnisse {pl}
programming standard Programmierstandard {m} [Programmier-Standard]
programming step Programmierschritt {m}
programming stepsProgrammierungen {pl} [Programmierschritte]
programming strategy Programmierstrategie {f} [auch: Programmierungsstrategie]
programming structure Programmstruktur {f}
programming style Programmierstil {m}
Programming subject to change. Programmänderungen vorbehalten.
programming symbol Programmiersymbol {n}
programming system Programmiersystem {n}
programming system Programmierungssystem {n} [selten für: Programmiersystem]
programming team Programmierteam {n} [Programmier-Team]
programming technique Programmierverfahren {n}
programming timeProgrammierzeit {f}
programming tool Entwicklungswerkzeug {n} [Programmierwerkzeug]
programming toolProgrammierwerkzeug {n} [auch: Programmier-Werkzeug]
programming unitProgrammiereinheit {f}
programming work Programmierarbeit {f}
program-oriented [Am.]programmorientiert
programs [Am.] Programme {pl}
program-sensitive [Am.]programmabhängig
program-specific programmspezifisch
progredience Progredienz {f}
progress Fortgang {m}
progress Fortschritt {m}
progress zeitlicher Verlauf {m}
progress Entwicklung {f}
progress Verlauf {m}
progress Vorwärtsbewegung {f}
progress Fortkommen {n}
progress Weiterkommen {n}
progressFahrt {f} [selten]
progressVorankommen {n}
progress Ablauf {m}
progressFortentwicklung {f}
progress Progress {m}
progress Progreß {m} [geh.] [veraltet]
progress {sg}Fortschritte {pl} [insgesamt]
progress {sg} at schoolschulische Leistungen {pl}
progress {sg} in learningLernfortschritte {pl}
progress {sg} of a building Fortschritte {pl} eines Baus
progress {sg} of a patient Fortschritte {pl} eines Patienten
progress {sg} of a project Fortschritte {pl} eines Projekts
progress {sg} of a pupil Fortschritte {pl} eines Schülers
progress [archaic, rare] Reise {f}
progress [of disease, decay etc.] Fortschreiten {n}
progress bar Fortschrittsbalken {m}
progress barLadebalken {m} [Fortschrittsanzeige]
progress barStatusbalken {m} [Fortschrittsbalken]
progress bar Fortschrittsanzeige {f}
progress chart Arbeitsflussbild {n}
progress chaser Terminjäger {m}
progress checkFortschrittskontrolle {f}
« profprogprogprogprogprogprogprogprohprojproj »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers