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prominenceProtuberanz {f}
prominence [topography] Prominenz {f} [Topographie]
prominentmarkant [hervorstechend]
prominent herausragend
prominent hervorragend
prominent hervorspringend
prominent hervorstehend
prominent hervortretend
prominent hervorstechend
prominent bestimmt [Spielanweisung]
prominent hervorgehoben
prominent [forehead] ausladend [Stirn]
prominent [personality] profiliert [Persönlichkeit]
prominent [projecting] vorstehend
prominent [distinguished]bedeutend
prominent [famous] berühmt
prominent [feature, characteristic] auffallend [hervorstechend]
prominent [leading] führend
prominent [salient] auffällig
prominent earabstehendes Ohr {n}
prominent ear setback (plastische) Korrektur {f} abstehender Ohren
prominent feature herausragendes Merkmal {n}
prominent figureProminenter {m}
prominent figure prominente Persönlichkeit {f}
prominent figure [female] Prominente {f}
prominent figures {pl} Prominenz {f} [Persönlichkeiten]
prominent guests Promigäste {pl} [ugs.]
prominent J wave [Osborn wave] J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m}
prominent man Prominenter {m}
prominent nose markante Nase {f}
prominent nosehervorstehende Nase {f}
prominent people {pl} Prominenz {f} [Persönlichkeiten]
prominent person Promi {m} [ugs.] [Prominenter]
prominent person prominente Person {f}
prominent person Prominenter {m}
prominent person [female]Prominente {f}
prominent personage prominente Persönlichkeit {f}
prominent personality prominente Persönlichkeit {f}
prominent politician prominenter Politiker {m}
prominent positionherausragende Position {f}
prominent rolebedeutende Rolle {f}
prominent veins hervorstehende Venen {pl}
prominently prominent
prominents [family Notodontidae] Zahnspinner {pl}
promiscuityVermischtheit {f}
promiscuityhäufiger Partnerwechsel {m}
promiscuity Wirrwarr {m} [ugs. häufig {n}]
promiscuity sexuelle Freizügigkeit {f}
promiscuity {sg} [indiscriminate sexual relationships]wahllose Geschlechtsbeziehungen {pl}
promiscuity [of sexual relationships] Promiskuität {f}
promiscuous verworren
promiscuous vermischt
promiscuous leichtfertig [veraltet] [moralisch bedenkenlos]
promiscuous [indiscriminate]wahllos
promiscuous [composed of various elements] buntgewürfelt
promiscuous [literary] [confused] wirr [unzusammenhängend]
promiscuous [sexual behaviour] promiskuös
promiscuous [sexual behaviour] promiskuos [geh.]
promiscuous [sexually] promiskuitiv
promiscuous behavior [Am.]häufiger Partnerwechsel {m}
promiscuous behavior [Am.] häufig wechselnder Geschlechtsverkehr {m} <HWG> [Amtssprache]
promiscuously promisk
promiscuously [in an indiscriminate manner]durcheinander [in Unordnung]
promiscuously [in confusion] promiscue
promiscuously [sexually]promiskuitiv
promiscuousness Verworrenheit {f}
promiscuousness [of sexual relationships] Promiskuität {f}
promiseVersprechen {n}
promiseZusage {f}
promise Zusicherung {f}
promise Versprechung {f}
promise (-) bearerVerheißungsträger {m}
Promise at Dawn [Jules Dassin] Versprechen in der Dämmerung
promise bracelet Verlobungsarmband {n}
promise by a contracting partyVersprechen {n} einer Vertragspartei
promise implied in a contract implizierte Zusage {f}
Promise KeeperPromise Keeper {m} [Mitglied der Promise Keepers, einer evangelikalen Organisation]
Promise Me [Harlan Coben] Ein verhängnisvolles Versprechen
promise of a creditKreditversprechen {n}
promise of a loan Darlehenszusage {f}
promise of a loanVersprechen {n} eines Darlehens
promise of a loanZusage {f} für ein Darlehen
promise of a marriage Heiratsversprechen {n}
promise of a mortgage Hypothekenzusage {f}
promise of delivery Lieferversprechen {n}
promise of delivery Lieferzusage {f}
promise of graceGnadenzusage {f}
promise of helpHilfeversprechen {n}
promise of helpVersprechen {n} zu helfen
promise of justificationRechtfertigungszusage {f}
promise of loveLiebesversprechen {n}
promise of marriage Eheversprechen {n}
promise of marriage Heiratsversprechen {n}
promise of performance Leistungsversprechen {n}
promise of quality Qualitätsversprechen {n}
promise of revengeRacheversprechen {n}
« projprojpro-prolprolprompromprompromprompron »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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