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English-German Dictionary

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pronephros Pronephros {m}
pronephros Vorniere {f}
pronephrosKopfniere {f}
prongZacke {f}
prongStift {m} [dicker Kontakt-, Steckerstift]
prongZacken {m} [südd.] [österr.]
prong [jewelry] Krappe {m} [Schmuck]
prong [of antler]Ende {n} [Geweih]
prong [of antler] Sprosse {f} [Geweihsprosse]
prong [of fork, rake, etc.]Zinke {f}
prong [sl.] [vulg.] [erect penis]Ständer {m} [ugs.] [erigierter Penis]
prong buck [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Pronghorn {n}
prong buck [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn]Gabelhornträger {m}
prong buck [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Gabelhorntier {n}
prong buck [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn]Gabelantilope {f}
prong buck [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Gabelhornantilope {f}
prong buck [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Gabelbock {m}
prong chuckKlauenfutter {n}
prong collarStachelhalsband {n}
prong collars Stachelhalsungen {pl}
prong (dog) collar [also: dog prong collar] Stachelwürger {m} [Stachelhalsband]
prong (dog) collar [also: dog prong collar]Korallenhalsband {n} [ugs.] [hier für: Stachelhundehalsband, Krallenhalsband]
prong (dog) collar [also: dog prong collar]Krallenhalsband {n} [Stachelhundehalsband]
prong settingKrappenfassung {f}
prong-billed barbet [Semnornis frantzii] Aztekenbartvogel {m}
-pronged -zinkig
pronged clubtail [Gomphus graslinii]Französische Keiljungfer {f} [Libellenart]
pronged cork remover Zackenkorkenzieher {m}
pronged tubular wrench Zapfensteckschlüssel {m}
pronged wrenchKlauenschlüssel {m}
prong-gilled mayflies [family Leptophlebiidae] Leptophlebiiden {pl} [Eintagsfliegen-Familie]
pronggilled mayflies [family Leptophlebiidae]Leptophlebiiden {pl} [Eintagsfliegen-Familie]
pronghorn [Antilocapra americana]Gabelbock {m}
pronghorn [Antilocapra americana] Gabelhornantilope {f}
pronghorn [Antilocapra americana] Gabelhorntier {n}
pronghorn [Antilocapra americana] Gabelhornträger {m}
pronghorn [Antilocapra americana] Pronghorn {n}
pronghorn (antelope) [Antilocapra americana] Gabelantilope {f}
pronghorn buck [Antilocapra americana]Gabelantilope {f}
(pronghorn) antelope [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Gabelbock {m}
(pronghorn) antelope [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Gabelhornantilope {f}
(pronghorn) antelope [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn]Gabelantilope {f}
(pronghorn) antelope [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Gabelhorntier {n}
(pronghorn) antelope [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn] Gabelhornträger {m}
(pronghorn) antelope [Am.] [Antilocapra americana] [pronghorn]Pronghorn {n}
pronging Umgraben {n} mit Grabgabel
prongs Zacken {pl}
prongs [of fork, rake, etc.] Zinken {pl} [einer Gabel, Harke usw.]
pronking Prunken {n}
pronograde posture [quadrupedalism]pronograde Haltung {f} [Quadrupedalismus]
pronominal pronominal
pronominal adverbPronominaladverb {n}
pronominal (word) Pronomen {n}
pronormoblastPronormoblast {m}
pronotal Pronotum-
pronotal ctenidium Pronotalctenidium {n}
pronotumPronotum {n}
pronounFürwort {n}
pronoun <pr., pron.> Pronomen {n} <Pr., Pron.>
pronoun of address Anredepronomen {n}
pronounceable aussprechbar
pronounceableness Aussprechbarkeit {f}
pronounceddeutlich hervortretend
pronounced ausgesprochen
pronouncedprononciert [geh.]
pronounced stark [z. B. Reaktion auf Arzneimittel]
pronounced [strongly marked, distinct]ausgeprägt
pronounced dyspnea [Am.] ausgeprägte Atemnot {f}
pronounced dyspnoea [Br.] ausgeprägte Atemnot {f}
pronounced flavourdeutlicher Geschmack {m}
pronounced nationalism ausgeprägter Nationalismus {m}
pronounced opinion ausdrückliche Meinung {f}
pronounced opponent ausdrücklicher Gegner {m}
pronounced tendency ausgesprochene Tendenz {f}
pronounced tendencyausgeprägte Neigung {f}
pronounced tenderness ausgeprägte Druckschmerzhaftigkeit {f}
pronounced views entschiedene Ansichten {pl}
pronouncedly ausgesprochen
pronouncement Äußerung {f}
pronouncementBehauptung {f}
pronouncementErklärung {f}
pronouncementVerkündigung {f}
pronouncement of judgementUrteilsverkündung {f}
pronouncement of judgmentUrteilseröffnung {f}
pronouncement of sentenceUrteilseröffnung {f}
pronouncing aussprechend
pronouncing dictionary Aussprachewörterbuch {n}
pronouns Pronomen {pl}
pronouns Pronomina {pl}
pronouns Fürwörter {pl}
pronto [coll.]sofort
pronto [coll.]dalli [ugs.] [schnell]
pronto [coll.]hastunichtgesehen [ugs.]
pronucleusVorkern {m}
pronucleusPronucleus {m}
pronucleus Pronukleus {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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