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propellant (charge) Treibsatz {m}
propellant gasTreibgas {n}
propellant loading system equipment Raketenbetankungsausrüstung {f}
propellant powder Treibladungspulver {n}
propellants Treibstoffe {pl}
propelled by electricity [postpos.]elektrisch angetrieben
propelled by steam [postpos.]von Dampf angetrieben
propellent Treibmittel {n}
propeller Propeller {m}
propeller [of ship]Schiffsschraube {f}
propeller beanie Propeller-Beanie {f}
propeller blade [Am.]Luftschraubenblatt {n}
propeller blade [Am.]Propellerblatt {n}
propeller control unit <PCU> Propeller-Verstellsteuerungseinheit {f}
propeller diameter Schiffsschraubendurchmesser {m}
propeller draft [Am.] Luftschraubenzug {m}
propeller draught [Br.] Luftschraubenzug {m}
propeller effectSchraubeneffekt {m}
propeller effect Radeffekt {m}
propeller engineLuftschraubentriebwerk {n}
propeller hub Luftschraubennabe {f}
propeller jet Luftschraubenstrahl {m}
propeller key <⌘> [command key]Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
propeller pitch Luftschraubensteigung {f}
propeller pitchPropellersteigung {f}
propeller pitch variation Luftschraubenverstellung {f}
propeller plane Propellerflugzeug {n}
propeller power unitLuftschraubentriebwerk {n}
propeller problem Propellerproblem {n}
propeller pumpFlügelpumpe {f}
propeller pumpRotationspumpe {f}
propeller shaftPropellerwelle {f}
propeller shaftAntriebswelle {f}
propeller shaft Kardanwelle {f}
propeller shaftSchraubenwelle {f}
propeller synchronisation system [Br.] Propellersynchronisierungssystem {n}
propeller thrustLuftschraubenschub {m}
propeller track Luftschraubenkreis {m}
propeller walk Radeffekt {m}
propeller walk Schraubeneffekt {m}
propeller wash Luftschraubenstrahl {m}
propeller with bevelled edgeSchrägkantschaufel {f}
propeller-driven aircraftPropellerflugzeug {n}
propeller-driven plane Propellermaschine {f}
propeller-driven plane Propellerflugzeug {n}
propellers Kardanwellen {pl}
propeller-type current meter Propellermessflügel {m}
propellingtreibend [antreibend]
propelling charge Treibladung {f}
propelling charge powder Treibladungspulver {n}
propelling force Vortriebskraft {f}
propelling pencil [Br.] Drehbleistift {m}
propelling pencil [Br.]Füllbleistift {m}
propelling pencil [Br.] Druckbleistift {m}
propelling pencil [Br.] [mechanical pencil] Minenschreiber {m}
propelling pencil [Br.] [mechanical pencil]mechanischer Stift {m} [seltener] [Druckbleistift]
propellor [spv.] Propeller {m}
propeltidiumPropeltidium {n}
propene [C3H6] Propen {n}
propension [Am.] [archaic] [propensity] Neigung {f} [Vorliebe]
propensities Neigungen {pl}
propensityNeigung {f} [Tendenz]
propensity Hang {m} [Tendenz, Vorliebe]
propensityTendenz {f}
propensityPropensität {f}
propensity forNeigung {f} zu
propensity for conflictKonfliktneigung {f}
propensity for doing evil Neigung {f} zu bösen Taten
propensity for doing goodNeigung {f} zu guten Taten
propensity for gamblingNeigung {f} zum Spielen
propensity for violence Hang {m} zur Gewalt
propensity to / towards violenceGewaltbereitschaft {f}
propensity to / towards violence Hang {m} zur Gewalttätigkeit
propensity to buy Kauflust {f}
propensity to buy Neigung {f} zu kaufen
propensity to consume Konsumneigung {f}
propensity to consume Neigung {f} zu verbrauchen
propensity to consumeKonsumfreudigkeit {f}
propensity to divorce Scheidungsneigung {f}
propensity to evilHang {m} zum Bösen [Kant]
propensity to exaggerate Hang {m} zur Übertreibung
propensity to hoard Neigung {f} zu horten
propensity to hoardNeigung {f} zu sparen
propensity to investInvestitionsneigung {f}
propensity to investNeigung {f} zu investieren
propensity to regulateVerordnungsfreudigkeit {f}
propensity to save Neigung {f} zum Sparen
propensity to save Sparfreudigkeit {f}
propensity to save Sparneigung {f}
propensity to wrinkleKnitteranfälligkeit {f}
propensity towards wholeness Streben {n} nach Ganzheit
propeptide [also: pro-peptide] Propeptid {n}
« prompronprooprooproppropproppropproppropprop »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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