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English-German Dictionary

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protective-conductor terminal Schutzleiterklemme {f}
protectively beschützend
protectorGürtel {m}
protector Schutzeinrichtung {f}
protectorZwischenbau {m}
protectorBeschützer {m}
protector Schutzherr {m}
protector Störschutz {m}
protector Protektor {m} [veraltet] [Beschützer]
protectorBeschirmer {m}
Protector of Time [in fantasy fiction] Hüter {m} der Zeit
protector pad Schutzgleiter {m}
protectoral schutzherrlich
protectorate Schirmherrschaft {f}
protectorate Protektorat {n}
protectorateSchutzgebiet {n}
protectorate Schutzherrschaft {f}
protectorate [of responsibility of a Vogt] Vogtei {f}
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Protektorat {n} Böhmen und Mähren
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Reichsprotektorat {n} Böhmen und Mähren
protectorates Schutzgebiete {pl}
protectorless ohne Beschützer
protectory Kinderfürsorgeheim {n}
protectoryFürsorgeheim {n}
protectoryKinderheim {n} [für vernachlässigte Kinder]
protectress Beschützerin {f}
protectresses Beschützerinnen {pl}
protectrixBeschützerin {f}
protégé Protegé {m} [geh.]
protégé Günstling {m}
protégé Schützling {m}
protégéeSchützling {m} [weiblich]
protégée Schutzbefohlene {f} [Rechtssprache] [sonst veraltend geh.]
protégésProtegés {pl}
protegulum Protegulum {n}
proteidProteid {n}
proteinEiweiß {n}
proteinEiweißkörper {m}
proteinProtein {n}
protein Eiweißstoff {m}
protein acetylation Proteinacetylierung {f}
protein activationProteinaktivierung {f}
protein aggregate Proteinaggregat {n}
protein aggregation Proteinaggregation {f}
protein antigen Proteinantigen {n}
protein assayEiweißbestimmung {f}
protein assay Proteinbestimmung {f}
protein backbone Proteinrückgrat {n}
protein balance Eiweißhaushalt {m}
protein balance Eiweißbilanz {f}
protein balance Proteinbilanz {f}
protein bar Proteinriegel {m}
protein binding Proteinbindung {f}
protein binding site Proteinbindungsstelle {f} [auch: Protein-Bindungsstelle]
protein biosynthesis Proteinbiosynthese {f}
protein biosynthesisEiweißsynthese {f} [veraltet]
protein biosynthesis Eiweißbiosynthese {f}
protein biosynthesis machineryProteinbiosynthesemaschinerie {f}
protein body Proteinkörper {m}
protein breakdown Eiweißabbau {m}
protein breakdownProteinabbau {m}
protein breakdown Proteolyse {f}
protein building blockEiweißbaustein {m}
protein C <PC> Protein C {n} <PC>
protein channel Proteinkanal {m}
protein channels Proteinkanäle {pl}
protein chemistryProteinchemie {f}
protein chip Protein-Chip {m}
protein class Proteinklasse {f}
protein coagulation Eiweißkoagulation {f}
protein coagulationEiweißgerinnung {f}
protein complex Proteinkomplex {m}
protein complexes Proteinkomplexe {pl}
protein componentProteinkomponente {f}
protein component Proteinbestandteil {m}
protein componentEiweißbaustein {m}
protein compound Eiweißverbindung {f}
protein concentrate Proteinkonzentrat {n}
protein concentrationProteinkonzentration {f}
protein contentProteingehalt {m}
protein content Eiweißgehalt {m}
protein crystalProteinkristall {m}
protein crystalEiweißkristall {n}
protein database Proteindatenbank {f}
protein decomposition Eiweißfäulnis {f}
protein deficiency Proteinmangel {m}
protein deficiencyEiweißmangel {m}
protein deficiency Proteindefizienz {f}
protein degradation Proteinabbau {m}
protein degradation Proteindegradation {f}
protein denaturationProteindenaturierung {f}
protein denaturation Eiweißdenaturierung {f}
protein density Proteindichte {f}
protein design Proteindesign {n}
protein determination Proteinbestimmung {f}
protein determination Eiweißbestimmung {f}
protein digestibility <PD> Proteinverdaulichkeit {f}
protein digestion Proteinverdauung {f}
protein disulfide isomerase <PDI> [Am.] Protein-Disulfid-Isomerase {f} <PDI>
protein disulfide isomerase <PDI> [Am.]Proteindisulfidisomerase {f} <PDI>
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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