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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 759 for words starting with P in the English-German dictionarynext page »
protein translation Proteintranslation {f}
protein translocation Proteintranslokation {f} [auch: Protein-Translokation]
protein transportProteintransport {m}
protein transport system Proteintransportsystem {n}
protein typeProteintyp {m}
protein types Proteintypen {pl}
protein tyrosine phosphatase <PTP>Proteintyrosinphosphatase {f} <PTP>
protein variant Proteinvariante {f}
protein Z <PZ>Protein Z {n} <PZ>
proteinaceous proteinartig
proteinaceous eiweißartig
proteinase Proteinase {f}
proteinase Protease {f}
proteinase activity Proteinase-Aktivität {f} [auch: Proteinaseaktivität]
proteinase inhibitor <PI>Proteinaseinhibitor {m}
proteinase inhibitor <PI>Proteinasehemmer {m}
protein-bound proteingebunden
protein-coding proteincodierend
protein-deficiency anaemia [Br.]Eiweißmangelanämie {f}
protein-deficiency anemia [Am.]Eiweißmangelanämie {f}
protein-folding diseaseProteinfaltungskrankheit {f}
protein-folding disorderProteinfaltungsstörung {f}
protein-induced pluripotent stem cells <piPS cells, piPSCs> protein-induzierte pluripotente Stammzellen {pl} <piPS-Zellen>
proteinogenic proteinogen
proteinogenic amino acid proteinogene Aminosäure {f}
proteinogenic amino acidsproteinogene Aminosäuren {pl}
proteinopathy Proteinopathie {f} [selten]
proteinopathy Proteinfehlfaltungserkrankung {f}
proteinoplast Proteinoplast {m}
proteinosisProteinose {f}
proteinous eiweißartig
protein-protein interaction <PPI> Protein-Protein-Interaktion {f} <PPI>
protein-protein interactions <PPIs> Protein-Protein-Interaktionen {pl} <PPIs>
protein-richreich an Proteinen [nachgestellt]
protein-rich proteinreich
proteins Proteine {pl}
proteins Eiweißstoffe {pl}
proteinuria <PU>Proteinurie {f} <PU>
proteobacteria Proteobakterien {pl}
proteobacterial proteobakteriell
proteobacterial Proteobakterien-
proteogenic proteinogen
proteoglycanProteoglykan {n}
proteoglycans Proteoglykane {pl}
proteohormone Proteohormon {n}
proteohormones Proteohormone {pl}
proteoid root Proteoidwurzel {f}
proteoliposome Proteoliposom {n}
proteolysis Proteolyse {f}
proteolysis Eiweißspaltung {f}
proteolytic proteolytisch
proteolytic proteinspaltend
proteolytic eiweißspaltend
proteolytic activityproteolytische Aktivität {f}
proteolytic caries theory proteolytische Kariestheorie {f}
proteolytically proteolytisch
proteolytically proteinspaltend
proteolytically eiweißspaltend
proteomeProteom {n}
proteome map Proteomkarte {f}
proteome researchProteomforschung {f}
proteomic proteomisch
proteomical proteomisch
proteomics [treated as sg.]Proteomik {f}
proteopathy Proteopathie {f} [selten]
proteopathyProteinfehlfaltungserkrankung {f}
proteopeptic eiweißverdauend
proteostasis Proteostase {f}
proteotoxic proteotoxisch
proteotoxicity Proteotoxizität {f}
proterogenesisProterogenese {f}
Proterophytic Proterophytikum {n}
ProterozoicProterozoikum {n}
Proterozoic proterozoisch
ProterozoicAlgonkium {n} [veraltet] [Proterozoikum]
protestEinspruch {m}
protest Protest {m}
protestWiderspruch {m}
protest Unmutsbekundung {f} [geh.]
protest Verwahrung {f} [selten] [Protest]
protest [demonstration]Demonstration {f}
protest [expression of disapproval] Unmutsäußerung {f}
protest action Protestaktion {f}
protest atheismProtestatheismus {m}
protest campaign Protestaktion {f}
protest charges Protestgebühren {pl}
protest charges Protestkosten {pl}
protest culture Protestkultur {f}
protest demonstration Protestdemonstration {f}
protest emailProtestmail {f} [ugs.] [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}]
protest emailProtest-E-Mail {f} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}]
« protprotprotprotprotprotprotProtProtprotprot »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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