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protest rally Protestkundgebung {f}
protest resolution Protestresolution {f}
protest signs Protestplakate {pl}
protest song Protestsong {m}
protest songsProtestlieder {pl}
protest strikeProteststreik {m}
protest vote Protestwahl {f}
protest vote Proteststimme {f}
protest voterProtestwähler {m}
(protest) placardProtestschild {n} [bei Demos etc.]
protestable protestfähig
Protestant Protestant {m}
protestant Evangele {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
protestant [protesting]protestierend
Protestant [female]Protestantin {f}
Protestant <Prot.> evangelisch <ev.>
Protestant <Prot.> protestantisch <prot.>
Protestant Association / Union Protestantenverein {m}
Protestant Church in the Netherlands [Protestantse Kerk in Nederland] Protestantische Kirche {f} in den Niederlanden
Protestant church music protestantische Kirchenmusik {f}
Protestant Church of PomeraniaPommersche Evangelische Kirche {f}
Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research Forschungsstätte {f} der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft
Protestant league protestantische Liga {f}
Protestant League Evangelischer Bund {m} <EB>
Protestant Military Chaplaincy [Evangelical Church in Germany] Evangelische Militärseelsorge {f} [in Deutschland]
Protestant Orthodoxy altprotestantische / protestantische Orthodoxie {f}
Protestant pastorevangelischer Pfarrer {m}
Protestant Reformation Reformation {f}
Protestant Reformers Reformatoren {pl}
Protestant religious studies evangelische Religionslehre {f} [Studium]
Protestant Scholasticism altprotestantische / protestantische Schulphilosophie {f}
Protestant social welfare organisations [in Austria] evangelische Diakonie {f} [österr. ugs.]
Protestant theology evangelische Theologie {f} <ET>
Protestant Union [1608]evangelische Union {f} [1608]
Protestant Union [1608]protestantische Union {f} [1608] [auch: Protestantische Union]
[protestant charitable organisation in Germany or Austria]Diakonisches Werk {n} [Organisation]
[protestant church built according to the rules of the Patent of Tolerance of 1781 in Austria]Toleranzkirche {f}
[Protestant hospital] Evangelisches Krankenhaus {n} <EVK>
[Protestant league in Germany, founded in 1886]Evangelischer Bund {m} <EB>
Protestantism Protestantismus {m}
Protestantisms [forms or expressions of Protestantism]Protestantismen {pl}
protestants Protestanten {pl}
protestationBeteuerung {f}
protestationProtesterklärung {f}
protestation Gegenerklärung {f} [öffentliche u. feierliche]
protestation Protestation {f} [veraltet] [Widerspruch, Protest]
Protestation at SpeyerProtestation {f} zu Speyer
protestation of innocenceBeteuerung {f} der Unschuld
protestation of innocenceUnschuldsbeteuerung {f}
protestations Beteuerungen {pl}
protestations of innocence Unschuldsbeteuerungen {pl}
protested aufbegehrt
protested zu Protest gegangen
protested billprotestierter Wechsel {m}
protesterBeschwerdeführer {m}
protester[jemand, der Einspruch erhebt]
protesterDemonstrant {m}
protester Protestler {m} [ugs.]
protester Protestierender {m} [in einer Demonstration]
protesterProtestierer {m} [ugs.]
protester Protestant {m} [Demonstrant]
protester [female]Demonstrantin {f}
protester [female] Protestiererin {f} [ugs.]
protester [female]Protestierende {f} [in einer Demonstration]
protester for hire [pej.]Berufsdemonstrant {m} [hum.] [pej.]
protester stronghold Protesthochburg {f}
protester strongholdsProtesthochburgen {pl}
protester-for-hire [pej.]Berufsdemonstrant {m} [hum.] [pej.]
protesters Aufbegehrende {pl}
protesting aufbegehrend
protesting reklamierend [beanstandend]
protestingProtesterhebung {f}
protesting protestierend
protesting letterProtestbrief {m}
protestingly unter Protest
protestingly protestierend
protestorEinsprecher {m} [schweiz.]
protestor [female]Einsprecherin {f} [schweiz.]
protestor [spv.] Demonstrant {m}
protestsProteste {pl}
protests Einsprüche {pl}
Proteus Proteus {m}
proteus [Proteus anguinus](Europäischer) Grottenolm {m}
proteus scale [Parlatoria proteus]Veränderliche Löffelschildlaus {f}
Proteus syndrome Proteus-Syndrom {n}
prothallial prothallisch
prothallial cell Prothalliumzelle {f}
prothallial growth Prothalliumwachstum {n}
prothallial tissue Prothalliumgewebe {n}
prothallium Prothallium {n}
prothallus Prothallus {m}
prothonotary warbler [Protonotaria citrea] Zitronenwaldsänger {m}
prothoracic ganglion Prothorakalganglion {n}
prothoracic gland Prothoraxdrüse {f}
prothoracic gland Prothorakaldrüse {f}
prothoracic leg Prothorakalbein {n}
prothoracic segment Prothorakalsegment {n}
« protprotprotprotprotprotprotprotprotProtprot »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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