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English-German Dictionary

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protodiastolic decrescendo murmur protodiastolisches Decrescendogeräusch {n}
protodiastolic murmurprotodiastolisches Herzgeräusch {n}
protodont protodont
protodynastic [esp. Egypt] protodynastisch
Proto-Elamic Proto-Elamisch {n}
proto-Elamic Proto-Elamisch {n}
Proto-Elamic proto-elamisch
proto-Elamic proto-elamisch
proto-factory Protofabrik {f}
proto-fascism Protofaschismus {m} [auch: Proto-Faschismus]
proto-fascist protofaschistisch
protofeathers [also: proto-feathers]Protofedern {pl}
protoferro-anthophyllite [(Fe,Mn)2Fe5 [Oh|Si4O11]2]Protoferro-anthophyllit {m}
protofibril Protofibrille {f}
protofilament Protofilament {n}
protofundamentalism [also: proto-fundamentalism]Protofundamentalismus {m}
protogalaxyProtogalaxie {f}
Proto-GermanicProtogermanisch {n}
Proto-Germanic protogermanisch
Proto-Germanic urgermanisch
Proto-Germanic Urgermanisch {n}
proto-gospel Urevangelium {n}
protogynyProtogynie {f}
protogynyProterogynie {f}
protogyny Vorweiblichkeit {f}
proto-hermit [Paul of Thebes] Ureinsiedler {m}
protohierarchErsthierarch {m}
protohistory Frühgeschichte {f}
protohypsodonty Protohypsodontie {f}
Proto-Indo-EuropeanUrindoeuropäisch {n}
Proto-Indo-European proto-indogermanisch
Proto-Indo-European protoindoeuropäisch
Proto-Indo-European language <PIE> protoindoeuropäische Sprache {f}
proto-industrial proto-industriell
proto-industrialisation [Br.] Protoindustralisierung {f}
proto-industryProtoindustrie {f}
proto-Israelite protoisraelitisch
protojoséite [Bi5TeS4] Protojoséit {m}
protolanguageUrsprache {f} [Grundsprache]
protolith Ausgangsgestein {n}
protolithProtolith {m}
protolithic ursteinzeitlich [die früheste Steinzeit betreffend]
protolithionite [KLiFe2+Al(AlSi3)O10(F,OH)2] Protolithionit {m} [Zinnwaldit]
protologyProtologie {f}
protolysis Protolyse {f}
proto-MarkUrmarkus {m}
protomartyrProtomärtyrer {m}
protomartyr Erzmärtyrer {m}
protomathematics [treated as sg.]Protomathematik {f}
protomeProtome {f}
protomerite Protomerit {m}
protomesentery Protomesenterium {n}
proto-missionary Urmissionar {m}
proton Proton {n}
proton acceptanceProtonenaufnahme {f}
proton acceptor Protonenakzeptor {m}
proton affinity Protenenaffinität {f}
proton affinityProtonenaffinität {f}
proton affinity Protonaffinität {f}
proton beam Protonenstrahl {m}
proton binding energyProtonenbindungsenergie {f}
proton capture Protoneneinfang {m}
proton capture process <p-process> Protonenanlagerungsprozess {m} <p-Prozess>
proton carrier Protonenträger {m}
proton catcherProtonenfänger {m}
proton channelProtonenkanal {m}
proton collision Protonenkollision {f}
proton concentration Protonenkonzentration {f}
proton concentration gradient Protonenkonzentrationsgradient {m}
proton density Protonendichte {f}
proton density weighting <PD weighting> Protonendichtegewichtung {f} <PD-Gewichtung> [auch: Protonendichte-Gewichtung]
proton density weighting <PD weighting> Protonendichtewichtung {f} <PD-Wichtung> [auch: Protonendichte-Wichtung]
proton density-weighted spin echo sequences protonendichte-gewichtete Spinechosequenzen {pl}
proton donation Protonenabgabe {f}
proton donatorProtonendonator {m}
proton donor Protondonator {m}
proton donorProtonenspender {m}
proton donorProtonendonator {m}
proton emissionProtonenemission {f}
proton excess Protonenüberschuss {m}
proton exchange membrane <PEM> Protonen-Austausch-Membran {f} <PAM> [auch engl. PEM]
proton exchange membrane <PEM> Protonenaustauschmembran {f} <PAM> [auch engl. PEM]
proton exchange membrane fuel cell <PEMFC> Protonenaustauschmembran-Brennstoffzelle {f}
proton flux Protonenfluss {m}
proton gradientProtonengradient {m}
proton irradiation Protonenbestrahlung {f}
proton magnetometer <PM> Protonenmagnetometer {n} <PM>
proton massProtonenmasse {f}
proton microscope Protonenmikroskop {n}
proton motive force <PMF>protonenmotorische Kraft {f} <PMK>
proton number Protonenzahl {f}
proton number [atomic number] Kernladungszahl {f}
« protprotprotprotprotprotprotprotprotprotProv »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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