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English-German Dictionary

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pseudobrookite [(Fe,Fe)2(Fe2+,Ti)O5] Pseudobrookit {m}
pseudobulb Pseudobulbe {f}
pseudocapillitium Pseudocapillitium {n}
pseudocentipedes [class Symphyla] Zwergfüßer {pl}
pseudocephalium Pseudocephalium {n}
pseudocerciPseudocerci {pl}
pseudocercus Pseudocercus {m}
pseudocereal Pseudogetreide {n}
pseudocheirid possum [family Pseudocheiridae] Ringbeutler {m}
pseudocheirid possum [family Pseudocheiridae] Ringelschwanzbeutler {m}
pseudochilidiumPseudochilidium {n}
pseudocholinesterasePseudocholinesterase {f}
pseudochylothoraxPseudochylothorax {m}
pseudocilium Pseudocilie {f}
pseudoclassical pseudoklassisch
pseudoclassicismPseudoklassizismus {m}
Pseudo-ClementinesPseudoklementinen {pl}
Pseudo-Clementines [Pseudo-Clementine Writings] Pseudo-Klementinen {pl} [auch: Pseudo-Clementinen]
pseudocode Pseudocode {m}
pseudocoel Pseudocoel {n}
pseudocoelPseudocöl {n} [selten]
pseudocoelom Pseudocoelom {n}
pseudocoelomate Pseudocoelomat {m}
pseudocoelomates Pseudocoelomaten {pl}
pseudocoelomic Pseudocoelom-
pseudo-cold frontPseudokaltfront {f}
pseudocolony Pseudokolonie {f}
pseudocolor [Am.]Falschfarbe {f}
pseudocolor [Am.]Pseudofarbe {f}
pseudo-color [Am.] [also: pseudo color]Pseudofarbe {f}
pseudocolor display [Am.]Pseudocolor-Darstellung {f} [auch: Pseudocolordarstellung]
pseudo-color display [Am.] [also: pseudo color display] Pseudocolor-Darstellung {f} [auch: Pseudocolordarstellung]
pseudocolor image [Am.]Falschfarbenbild {n}
pseudocoloring [Am.]Pseudokolorierung {f}
pseudo-coloring [Am.] [also: pseudo coloring] Pseudokolorierung {f}
pseudocolour [Br.]Falschfarbe {f}
pseudocolour [Br.] Pseudofarbe {f}
pseudo-colour [Br.] [also: pseudo colour] Pseudofarbe {f}
pseudocolouring [Br.]Pseudokolorierung {f}
pseudo-colouring [Br.] [also: pseudo colouring] Pseudokolorierung {f}
pseudocopulationPseudokopulation {f}
pseudocotunnite [K2PbCl4] Pseudocotunnit {m}
pseudocowpox {sg} Pseudokuhpocken {pl}
pseudocrassinucellate pseudocrassinucellat
pseudocraterPseudokrater {m}
pseudocroupPseudokrupp {m}
pseudocryptorchism Pseudokryptorchismus {m}
pseudoculus Pseudoculus {m}
pseudo-Cushing's syndrome <PCS> [also: pseudo-Cushing syndrome]Pseudo-Cushing-Syndrom {n} <PCS>
pseudocyclic pseudozyklisch
pseudocyclic electron transport pseudozyklischer Elektronentransport {m}
pseudocyesis Scheinschwangerschaft {f}
pseudocyesis Pseudogravidität {f}
pseudocyphella Pseudocyphelle {f}
pseudocystPseudozyste {f}
pseudocystPseudocyste {f}
pseudocyst formation Pseudocystenbildung {f}
pseudocyst formationPseudozystenbildung {f}
pseudocystidium Pseudocystide {f}
pseudocystidium Scheincystide {f}
pseudodacnis [Dacnis hartlaubi, syn.: Pseudodacnis hartlaubi] Türkispitpit {m} [auch: Türkis-Pipit]
pseudo-debate Scheindebatte {f}
pseudo-debility [also: pseudodebility] Pseudodebilität {f}
pseudodeltidiumPseudodeltidium {n}
pseudodementiaPseudodemenz {f}
pseudo-democracy [also: pseudodemocracy] Pseudodemokratie {f}
pseudo-democratic [also: pseudodemocratic] pseudodemokratisch
pseudodiarrhea [Am.] Pseudodiarrhoe {f} [fachspr. Rsv.]
pseudodiarrhea [Am.]Pseudodiarrhö {f}
pseudodichotomously pseudodichotom
Pseudo-Dionysius the AreopagitePseudo-Dionysius {m} Areopagita
pseudodipteros Pseudodipteros {m}
pseudo-diverticulum [also: pseudodiverticulum] Pseudodivertikel {n}
pseudodominance Pseudodominanz {f}
pseudodontorns [family Pelagornithidae] [extinct]Pseudozahnvögel {pl} [ausgestorben]
pseudodowry [rare] [indirect dowry] indirekte Mitgift {f}
pseudo-dowry [rare] [indirect dowry] indirekte Mitgift {f}
pseudo-educational pseudoedukativ
pseudoelaterPseudoelatere {f}
pseudo-EnlightenmentAufkläricht {m} [pej.] [Scheinaufklärung]
pseudoenzyme Pseudoenzym {n}
pseudoephedrine <PSE> Pseudoephedrin {n} <PSE>
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride Pseudoephedrinhydrochlorid {n}
pseudoesterase [also: pseudo-esterase]Pseudoesterase {f}
pseudo-etymology [folk etymology]Volksetymologie {f}
pseudoexfoliation Pseudoexfoliation {f}
pseudoexfoliation <PEX> syndromePseudoexfoliationssyndrom {n} <PEX-Syndrom>
pseudoexfoliation syndrome <PEXS> PEX-Syndrom {n}
pseudofaeces [Br.] [also: pseudo-faeces] Pseudofaeces {pl}
pseudofaeces [Br.] [also: pseudo-faeces] Pseudofäzes {pl}
pseudofaeces [Br.] [also: pseudo-faeces]Scheinkot {m}
pseudofossilPseudofossil {n}
pseudofracture Pseudofraktur {f}
pseudofracture Scheinfraktur {f}
Pseudofusulus varians [terrestrial snail in the family Clausiliidae, the door snails]Gedrungene Schließmundschnecke {f}
pseudo-GallicismScheingallizismus {m}
pseudo-Gallicism Pseudogallizismus {m}
pseudogamic pseudogam
« proxprudprunpry psampseupseupseupseupsorpsyc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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