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English-German Dictionary

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pseudoparasite Scheinparasit {m}
pseudoparasite unechter Parasit {m}
pseudoparasitic pseudoparasitisch
pseudoparenchymaPseudoparenchym {n}
pseudoparenchymatic pseudoparenchymatisch
pseudoparenchymatous pseudoparenchymatös
pseudoparenchymatously pseudoparenchymatös
pseudoparkinsonismPseudoparkinsonismus {m}
pseudo-participle [ancient Egyptian] Pseudopartizip {n}
pseudopeptidoglycanPseudopeptidoglycan {n}
pseudopeptidoglycanPseudopeptidoglykan {n}
pseudophakia Pseudophakie {f}
pseudophakic pseudophak
pseudophakic bullous keratopathy <PBK> pseudophake bullöse Keratopathie {f} <PBK>
pseudophanerophytePseudophanerophyt {m}
pseudophanerophyte Scheinstrauch {m}
pseudophase Pseudophase {f}
pseudophilosophyPseudophilosophie {f}
pseudophosphatasePseudophosphatase {f}
pseudopilus Pseudopilus {m}
pseudoplankton Pseudoplankton {n}
pseudoplanktonic pseudoplanktonisch
pseudoplanktonic pseudoplanktisch
pseudoplastic pseudoplastisch
pseudoplastic strukturviskos
pseudo-plasticity Pseudoplastizität {f} [z. B. bei Keramiken]
pseudoplasticity Pseudoplastizität {f} [z. B. bei Keramiken]
pseudopodetiumPseudopodetium {n}
pseudopodiaPseudopodie {f}
pseudopodia Scheinfüßchen {pl}
pseudopodia formation Pseudopodienbildung {f}
pseudopodial Pseudopodien-
pseudopodia-like pseudopodienartig
pseudopodium Pseudopodium {n}
pseudopodiumScheinfüßchen {n}
pseudopods [pseudopodia] Scheinfüßchen {pl}
pseudopolypPseudopolyp {m}
pseudopore Pseudopore {f}
pseudo-porencephaly Pseudo-Porenzephalie {f}
pseudopregnancy Scheinschwangerschaft {f}
pseudopregnancyPseudoschwangerschaft {f}
pseudoprime pseudoprim
pseudoprime Pseudoprimzahl {f}
pseudoprotease Pseudoprotease {f}
pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism <pseudo PHP> Pseudopseudohypoparathyreoidismus {m} <Pseudo-PHP>
pseudopterostigma Pseudopterostigma {n}
pseudopterostigma Scheinflügelmal {n} [Pseudopterostigma]
pseudopunctate pseudopunktat
pseudopunctate shell structure pseudopunktate Schalenstruktur {f}
pseudopupilScheinpupille {f}
pseudopupil Pseudopupille {f}
pseudo-questionScheinfrage {f}
pseudorabies Pseudowut {f}
pseudorabiesPseudorabies {f}
pseudorabiesTollkrätze {f}
pseudorabiesJuckseuche {f}
pseudorabiesPseudolyssa {f}
pseudorabies Morbus Aujeszky {m}
pseudorabies [viral disease in swine] Aujeszky-Krankheit {f}
pseudorabies in cattle infektiöse Bulbärparalyse {f} bei Rindern
pseudoracemate Pseudoracemat {n}
pseudoracematesPseudoracemate {pl}
pseudo-random pseudozufällig
pseudorandom number <PRN>Pseudozufallszahl {f}
pseudorandom number generator Pseudozufallszahlengenerator {m}
pseudorandomization [also: pseudo-randomization] Pseudorandomisierung {f} [auch: Pseudo-Randomisierung]
pseudorapidity [also: pseudo-rapidity]Pseudorapidität {f}
pseudo-refugees {pl} Pseudo-Flüchtlinge {pl}
pseudo-refugees [coll.] Scheinflüchtlinge {pl} [ugs.]
pseudoreplicatePseudoreplikat {n}
pseudoreplication Pseudoreplikation {f}
pseudorheumatismPseudorheumatismus {m}
pseudo-Riemannian manifold pseudo-riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeit {f}
pseudorobin [Luscinia sibilans, syn.: Erithacus sibilans, Larvivora sibilans, Pseudaeedon sibilans] Schwirrnachtigall {f} [auch: Schwirr-Nachtigall]
pseudorobin [Luscinia sibilans, syn.: Erithacus sibilans, Larvivora sibilans, Pseudaeedon sibilans] Sibilantnachtigall {f}
pseudorotation Pseudorotation {f}
pseudorutile [Fe2Ti3O9] Pseudorutil {m}
pseudo-sacral pseudosakral
pseudo-sarcophagus Scheinsarkophag {m}
pseudoscabies [also: pseudo-scabies, pseudo scabies] Pseudoscabies {f} [auch: Pseudo-Scabies]
pseudoscabies [also: pseudo-scabies, pseudo scabies]Trugräude {f} [ugs.]
pseudoscabies [also: pseudo-scabies, pseudo scabies] Pseudokrätze {f} [ugs.]
pseudoscalar Pseudoskalar {m}
pseudo-scholarScheingelehrter {m}
pseudo-sciencePseudowissenschaft {f}
pseudosciencePseudowissenschaft {f}
pseudo-scientific pseudowissenschaftlich
pseudoscientist Pseudowissenschaftler {m}
pseudosclerotiumPseudosklerotium {n}
pseudoscorpion [Pseudoscorpiones] Pseudoskorpion {m}
pseudo-security Scheinsicherheit {f}
pseudosegment Pseudosegment {n}
pseudosegmentationPseudosegmentierung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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