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English-German Dictionary

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pseudo-dowry [rare] [indirect dowry]indirekte Mitgift {f}
pseudoelaterPseudoelatere {f}
pseudo-Enlightenment Aufkläricht {m} [pej.] [Scheinaufklärung]
pseudoenzyme Pseudoenzym {n}
pseudoephedrine <PSE> Pseudoephedrin {n} <PSE>
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride Pseudoephedrinhydrochlorid {n}
pseudoesterase [also: pseudo-esterase]Pseudoesterase {f}
pseudo-etymology [folk etymology] Volksetymologie {f}
pseudoexfoliation Pseudoexfoliation {f}
pseudoexfoliation <PEX> syndromePseudoexfoliationssyndrom {n} <PEX-Syndrom>
pseudoexfoliation syndrome <PEXS>PEX-Syndrom {n}
pseudofaeces [Br.] [also: pseudo-faeces] Pseudofaeces {pl}
pseudofaeces [Br.] [also: pseudo-faeces]Pseudofäzes {pl}
pseudofaeces [Br.] [also: pseudo-faeces]Scheinkot {m}
pseudofossil Pseudofossil {n}
pseudofracturePseudofraktur {f}
pseudofractureScheinfraktur {f}
Pseudofusulus varians [terrestrial snail in the family Clausiliidae, the door snails] Gedrungene Schließmundschnecke {f}
pseudo-Gallicism Scheingallizismus {m}
pseudo-GallicismPseudogallizismus {m}
pseudogamous pseudogam
pseudogamyPseudogamie {f}
pseudoganglion Pseudoganglion {n}
pseudo-gatingPseudo-Gating {n}
pseudogene Pseudogen {n}
pseudogenesPseudogene {pl}
pseudogout Pseudogicht {f}
pseudograndreefite [Pb6SO4F10] Pseudograndreefit {m}
pseudo-Gregorian pseudo-gregorianisch
pseudogynaecomastia [Br.] Pseudogynäkomastie {f}
pseudogynecomastia [Am.] Pseudogynäkomastie {f}
pseudohalterPseudohaltere {f}
pseudohalterePseudohaltere {f}
pseudohermaphroditePseudohermaphrodit {m}
pseudohermaphroditism Pseudohermaphroditismus {m}
pseudohernia [Hernia spuria]Pseudohernie {f}
pseudohistorical [also: pseudo-historical] pseudohistorisch [auch: pseudo-historisch]
pseudoholomorphic curvepseudoholomorphe Kurve {f} <PHK>
pseudohypacusis Pseudohypakusis {f}
pseudohypericin [C30H16O9]Pseudohypericin {n}
pseudohypoparathyroidism <PHP> Pseudohypoparathyreoidismus {m} <PHP>
pseudo-imbecility [also: pseudoimbecility] Pseudoschwachsinn {m}
pseudoindusium Pseudoindusium {n}
pseudo-innovation Scheininnovation {f}
pseudo-innovationPseudoinnovation {f}
pseudointellectualPseudointellektueller {m}
pseudointellectual pseudointellektuell
pseudointellectual [female]Pseudointellektuelle {f}
pseudo-intellectual babbleGeschwurbel {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [pseudointellektuelles Geschwätz, Geschwafel]
pseudointellectuals Pseudointellektuelle {pl}
pseudo-intelligence [also: pseudointelligence] Pseudointelligenz {f}
pseudoinverse Pseudoinverse {f}
Pseudo-IsidorePseudoisidor {m}
Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals [Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianae] Pseudoisidorische Dekretale / Dekretalien {pl}
pseudojohannite [Cu3(OH)2 [(UO2)4O4(SO4)2](H2O)12] Pseudojohannit {m}
pseudo-Jones fracture [fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot]Pseudo-Jones-Fraktur {f}
pseudokinase Pseudokinase {f}
pseudoknot Pseudoknoten {m}
pseudo-knowledge Scheinwissen {n}
pseudolagoon [also: pseudo lagoon]Pseudolagune {f}
pseudo-Lasègue [also pseudo-Lasegue, peudolasegue] Pseudo-Lasègue {m} [auch: Pseudolasègue]
pseudolaueite [MnFe2(PO4)2(OH)2·7-8H2O] Pseudolaueit {m}
pseudo-legal scheinlegal
pseudolite [pseudo-satellite] Pseudolit {m} [Pseudo-Satellit]
pseudo-loan Scheinentlehnung {f}
pseudo-loan Pseudoentlehnung {f}
pseudologia fantastica Pseudologie {f}
pseudologia phantastica [pathological lying] Pseudologia phantastica {f} [pathologisches Lügen]
pseudolymphoma <PL>Pseudolymphom {n}
pseudolyonsite [Cu3(VO4)2] Pseudolyonsit {m}
pseudomalachite [Cu5(PO4)2(OH)4]Pseudomalachit {m} [Lunnit]
pseudomanubriumPseudomanubrium {n}
pseudo-Meigs' syndrome Pseudo-Meigs-Syndrom {n}
pseudomelanoma Pseudomelanom {n}
pseudomembranous colitis [cf. Clostridium difficile colitis] pseudomembranöse Kolitis {f} [antibiotikaassoziierte Kolitis]
pseudomemories Pseudoerinnerungen {pl}
pseudometamerically pseudometamer
pseudometanaupliusPseudometanauplius {m}
pseudometricPseudometrik {f}
pseudometric Halbmetrik {f} [Pseudometrik]
pseudometricSpanne {f} [Pseudometrik]
pseudometric space pseudometrischer Raum {m}
pseudomonadPseudomonade {f}
pseudomonads Pseudomonaden {pl}
pseudomonas Pseudomonas {f}
pseudomonomerous pseudomonomer
pseudomonomerous gynoecium pseudomonomeres Gynäzeum {n} [auch: pseudomonomeres Gynoeceum]
pseudomorphosis [also fig.] Pseudomorphose {f}
pseudomotor contractionpseudomotorische Kontraktion {f}
pseudomurein [pseudopeptidoglycan]Pseudomurein {n}
pseudomyceliumPseudomyzel {n} [auch: Pseudomycel]
pseudomycosis Pseudomykose {f}
pseudomyopia Pseudomyopie {f}
pseudomyopiaScheinmyopie {f}
« proxprunPruspsalpseupseupseupseupsitpsycpsyc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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