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psychotherapy research Psychotherapieforschung {f}
psychotic Irrer {m} [ugs. oder fachspr. veraltet]
psychoticPsychotiker {m}
psychotic [female] Irre {f} [ugs. oder fachspr. veraltet]
psychotic [female]Psychotikerin {f}
psychotic illnessPsychose {f}
psychotically psychotisch
psychoticismPsychotizismus {m}
psychoticsIrre {pl} [ugs. oder veraltet]
psychotics Psychotiker {pl}
psychotomimetic drug [psychedelic drug] psychedelische Droge {f}
psychotraumaseelisches Trauma {n} [Psychotrauma]
psychotraumatologistPsychotraumatologe {m}
psychotraumatologyPsychotraumatologie {f}
psychotronics [treated as sg.]Psychotronik {f} [Parapsychologie]
psychotropic psychotrop
psychotropic drugPsychopharmakon {n}
psychotropic drugsPsychopharmaka {pl}
psychotropic drugs psychotrope Substanzen {pl}
psychotropicsPsychotropika {pl}
psychotropics Psychopharmaka {pl}
psychovegetative [also: psycho-vegetative]psychovegetativ
psychrobacteria Psychrobakterien {pl}
psychrolutids [family Psychrolutidae]Dickkopf-Groppen {pl}
psychrolutids [family Psychrolutidae] Quappengroppen {pl}
psychrolutids [family Psychrolutidae]Psychrolutiden {pl} [Dickkopf-Groppen]
psychrometerPsychrometer {n}
psychrometric psychrometrisch
psychrophilic psychrophil [kälteliebend]
psychrophobiaPsychrophobie {f}
psyllic acid [C33H66O2] Psyllinsäure {f}
psyllids [family Psyllidae] Blattflöhe {pl}
psyllium [Plantago ovata and Plantago psyllium] Indischer Flohsamen {m}
psyllium husk powderFlohsamenschalenpulver {n}
Psyllium husks {pl}Flohsamenschalen {pl}
Psyllium seed husks {pl} Flohsamenschalen {pl}
p-Sylow subgroupp-Sylowuntergruppe {f}
psy-op [also: PsyOp] psychologische Operation {f}
psy-ops [psychological operations] [fig.]psychologische Operationen {pl}
psy-war [psychological warfare]psychologische Kriegsführung {f} <PSK>
psy-war [psychological warfare] psychologische Kriegführung {f}
psywar [short for: psychological warfare] operative Information {f} [Bundeswehr-fachspr. Ausdruck für psychologische Kriegsführung]
Ptah [Egyptian god]Ptah {m} [ägyptischer Gott]
ptaquilosidePtaquilosid {n} [Carcinogen des Adlerfarns]
ptarmic [rare]Niespulver {n}
ptarmic [rare] Nießpulver {n} [alt]
ptarmigan [Br.] [Lagopus muta, formerly also: Lagopus mutus]Alpenschneehuhn {n}
ptarmigans [family Phasianidae, genus Lagopus]Schneehühner {pl}
PTB Certificate of Conformity PTB-Bescheinigung {f} [Konformitätsbescheinigung der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt]
pteranodon Pteranodon {n}
PterelausPterelaos {m}
pteridine Pteridin {n}
pteridologistPteridologe {m}
pteridology Pteridologie {f} [Farnkunde]
pteridomaniaPteridomanie {f}
pteridophyte Gefäßsporenpflanze {f}
pteridophyte farnartige Pflanze {f}
pteridophyte Pteridophyt {m}
pterinPterin {n}
pterionPterion {n}
pteris family {sg} [family Pteridaceae, syn.: Acrostichaceae]Pteridaceen {pl}
pteris family {sg} [family Pteridaceae, syn.: Acrostichaceae] Saumfarne {pl}
pterlyae Federfluren {pl}
ptero- Flügel-
ptero- Flug-
pterobranchs [class Pterobranchia] Pterobranchia {pl}
pterobranchs [class Pterobranchia] Pterobranchier {pl}
pterobranchs [class Pterobranchia] Flügelkiemer {pl}
pterodactylPterodaktylus {m}
pterodactylFlugfinger {m}
pterodactyladienePterodactyladien {n}
pterodactyle Pterodaktylus {m}
pterometeorochory [also: pterochory] Pterometeorochorie {f}
pteron Pteron {n}
pteropod ooze Pteropodenschlamm {m} [auch: Pteropoden-Schlamm]
pteropods [family Limacinidae]Flügelschnecken {pl}
pteropods [Pteropoda] Pteropoden {pl} [Flügelschnecken]
pterosaur Pterosaurus {m}
pterosaurFlugsaurier {m}
pterosaur skeleton Flugsaurierskelett {n} [auch: Flugsaurier-Skelett]
pterosaur skullFlugsaurierschädel {m} [auch: Flugsaurier-Schädel]
pterosaurianFlugsaurier {m}
pterostigma Pterostigma {n}
pterostigma Flügelmal {n} [Pterostigma]
pterostilbene [C16H16O3]Pterostilben {n}
pterothorax Pterothorax {m}
pteroylglutamic acid <PGA> [folic acid] [C19H19N7O6]Folsäure {f}
pterygiolarval pterygiolarval
pterygiophorePterygiophor {m}
pterygiophoreFlossenträger {m}
pterygiophoreFlossenstrahlträger {m}
pterygium Pterygium {n}
pterygium excisionPterygiumexzision {f} [auch: Pterygium-Exzision]
pterygoid branches [Rami pterygoidei] Rami pterygoidei {pl} [Zweige an Musculus pterygoideus lateralis und medialis]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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