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puff [coll.] [breath]Puste {f} [ugs.]
puff [e.g. cigarette] Schnapper {m} [ugs. für: Zug an der Zigarette]
puff [gust]Windstoß {m}
puff [hairstyle]Haarrolle {f}
puff [of an inhaler] Hub {m} [ugs.] [eines Asthmasprays]
puff [of an inhaler] Sprühstoß {m} [geh.] [eines Asthmasprays]
puff [powder puff] Quaste {f} [Puderquaste]
puff [puffing] Gepaff {n} [ugs.]
puff [swelling, protuberance] Beule {f} [Schwellung]
puff adder [Heterodon platirhinos, syn.: H. platyrhinos] Östliche Hakennatter {f}
Puff and the Incredible Mr. Nobody [Charles Swenson] Paff und der wundersame Herr Niemand
Puff is part of the trade. Klappern gehört zum Handwerk.
Puff is part of the trade. Klappern gehört zum Geschäft.
puff of a cigaretteZigarettenzug {m}
puff of air Luftzug {m}
puff of breathAtemstoß {m}
puff of smokeRauchwolke {f}
puff of windBrise {f} [Windstoß]
puff of wind Lufthauch {m}
puff of windWindstoß {m}
puff paste Butterteig {m} [Blätterteig]
puff paste Plunderteig {m}
puff pasteBlätterteig {m}
puff paste patty Blätterteigpastetchen {n}
puff paste sticksBlätterteigstängelchen {pl}
puff pastriesBlätterteige {pl}
puff pastries {pl} Blätterteiggebäck {n}
puff pastry Blätterteig {m}
puff pastryPlunderstück {n}
puff pastry pieBlätterteigpastete {f} [warm; mit Geflügel-, Fisch- oder Fleischragout gefüllt]
puff piece Lobeshymne {f} [lobender Zeitungsartikel z. B.]
puff print Schaumdruck {m}
puff sleeves Bauschärmel {pl}
puff sleeves Puffärmel {pl}
Puff, the Magic Dragon [Charles Swenson, Fred Wolf] Paff, der Zauberdrache
Puff, the Magic Dragon [song: Leonard Lipton, Peter Yarrow] Paff, der Zauberdrachen [Lied: Übers. Fred Oldörp; statt: ... Zauberdrache]
Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of Living Lies [Charles Swenson]Im Land der lebendigen Lügen
[puff pastry, supposedly shaped like a pig's ear] Schweinsohr {n} [Gebäck aus Blätterteig]
puffadder shyshark [Haploblepharus edwardsii] Puffotter-Katzenhai {m}
puffback flycatcher [Batis pririt / Batis pirit] Priritschnäpper {m} [auch: Piritschnäpper]
puffback flycatcher [Batis pririt / Batis pirit]Priritbatis {m}
puff-backed bulbul [Pycnonotus eutilotus] Wollrückenbülbül {m}
puff-backed honeyeater [Meliphaga aruensis] Aruhonigfresser {m}
puffball Bofist {m}
puff-ballGummiball-Puste {f}
puffball [Lycoperdon, Calvatia] Bovist {m}
puffbirdFaulvogel {m}
puffbirds [family Bucconidae]Faulvögel {pl}
puffbirds [family Bucconidae] Tamatias {pl}
puffbirds [family Bucconidae]Bucconiden {pl}
puffed aufgeblasen
puffed [coll.] kurzatmig
puffed [e.g. pastry]aufgegangen [z. B. Teig]
puffed out aufgebläht
puffed out ausgedehnt
puffed out geschwollen
puffed outherausgestreckt
puffed outbauschig
puffed rice Puffreis {m}
puffed sleeve Puffärmel {m}
puffed upaufgedunsen
puffed upaufgebläht [fig.]
puffed up [conceited] eingebildet [aufgeblasen]
puffed wheat Puffweizen {m}
puffed with conceit [postpos.] aufgeblasen [fig.] [ugs.] [arrogant]
puffed-up aufgeblasen [ugs.]
puffer [a writer of commendatory or promotional material] Marktschreier {m} [fig.] [Person, die Empfehlungen oder (lobhudelnde) Werbeschriften verfasst]
puffer [childish] [steam train] Dampfzug {m}
puffer [esp. Scot.]Dampfschiff {n}
puffer [inhaler]Inhalator {m}
puffer [smoker] Paffer {m} [ugs.]
puffer [smoker]Schmauchlümmel {m} [selten] [wird J. W. v. Goethe zugeschrieben]
puffer [Tetraodontidae] Kugelfisch {m}
puffer fish [family Tetraodontidae]Pufferfisch {m}
puffer fish [family Tetraodontidae] Kugelfisch {m}
puffer fish species Kugelfischart {f}
puffer jacketSteppjacke {f}
pufferfish [family Tetraodontidae]Kugelfisch {m}
puffery Marktschreierei {f}
pufferymarktschreierisches Anpreisen {n}
pufferyüberschwängliches Lob {n}
puff-face / puff-faced water snake [Homalopsis buccata]Boa-Wassertrugnatter {f}
puffin colony Papageientaucher-Kolonie {f}
puffin colonyPapageientaucherkolonie {f}
puffiness Geschwollenheit {f}
puffiness Schwellungen {pl}
puffiness Verschwollenheit {f}
puffing Aufblähung {f}
puffingAufbauschen {n}
puffing Aufbauschung {f}
puffing [breathing in repeated short gasps] keuchend
puffing [locomotive]schnaubend [Lokomotive]
puffing and panting Gekeuche {n} [ugs.]
puffing away paffend [ugs.]
puffing pig [Phocoena phocoena, syn.: P. americana, P. brachycium, P. communis, P. lineata, P. vomerina, P. rondeletti, Delphinus (Phocaena) phocaena, D. phocaena, D. ventricosus] [common porpoise]Schweinswal {m}
puffing pig [Phocoena phocoena, syn.: P. americana, P. brachycium, P. communis, P. lineata, P. vomerina, P. rondeletti, Delphinus (Phocaena) phocaena, D. phocaena, D. ventricosus] [common porpoise] Braunfisch {m} [Schweinswal]
puffing pig [Phocoena phocoena, syn.: P. americana, P. brachycium, P. communis, P. lineata, P. vomerina, P. rondeletti, Delphinus (Phocaena) phocaena, D. phocaena, D. ventricosus] [common porpoise]Kleiner Tümmler {m}
puffing pig [Phocoena phocoena, syn.: P. americana, P. brachycium, P. communis, P. lineata, P. vomerina, P. rondeletti, Delphinus (Phocaena) phocaena, D. phocaena, D. ventricosus] [common porpoise](Kleines) Meerschwein {n} [Schweinswal]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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