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pulse intensity Impulsintensität {f}
pulse intensity Impulsstärke {f}
pulse inverterPulsumrichter {m}
pulse laserPulslaser {m}
pulse length Impulsdauer {f}
pulse length Pulslänge {f}
pulse lengthImpulslänge {f}
pulse length modulationImpulslängenmodulation {f}
pulse meter Impulsmesser {m}
pulse modulation Impulsmodulation {f}
pulse modulator Impulsmodulator {m}
pulse oximeterPulsoximeter {n}
pulse oximetry Pulsoximetrie {f}
pulse oxymeter [spv.] [pulse oximeter]Pulsoxymeter {n} [Rsv.] [Pulsoximeter]
pulse oxymetry [spv.] [pulse oximetry] Pulsoxymetrie {f} [Rsv.] [Pulsoximetrie]
pulse path Impulsweg {m}
pulse patternPulsmuster {n}
pulse periodPulsperiode {f}
pulse position modulationPulsphasenmodulation {f}
pulse power Pulsleistung {f}
pulse pressure Pulsdruck {m}
pulse pressure <PP> Pulsamplitude {f} <PA>
pulse pressure amplitude <PPA>Pulsdruckamplitude {f}
pulse pressure variation <PPV>Pulsdruckvariation {f} <PDV>
pulse pressure variation <PPV>Pulsdruck-Variation {f} <PDV>
pulse program Pulsprogramm {n}
pulse propagation Pulsausbreitung {f}
pulse propagation Impulsausbreitung {f}
pulse radar Pulsradar {n}
pulse ratePuls {m}
pulse rate Pulsschlag {m}
pulse rate Pulsfrequenz {f}
pulse rate Pulszahl {f}
pulse rateImpulsrate {f}
pulse rate Impulsdichte {f}
pulse rate Schlagfrequenz {f} [Herz]
pulse repetition Impulsfolge {f}
pulse repetition frequency <PRF>Pulswiederholungsfrequenz {f}
pulse repetition frequency <PRF> Impulsfolgefrequenz {f}
pulse repetition frequency <PRF> Pulswiederholfrequenz {f} [Impulsfolgefrequenz]
pulse repetition time <PRT> Impulswiederholzeit {f}
pulse repetition time <PRT> Pulswiederholzeit {f} [Impulswiederholzeit]
pulse responseImpulsantwort {f}
pulse rise time Impulsanstiegszeit {f}
pulse scalerImpulsuntersetzer {m}
pulse scheme Pulsschema {n}
pulse sequence Pulssequenz {f}
pulse sequenceImpulsfolge {f}
pulse sequence <PS> Impulssequenz {f}
pulse sequence <PS> Pulsfolge {f}
pulse shape Impulsform {f}
pulse shaper Impulsformer {m}
pulse shaping Pulsformung {f}
pulse sourcePulsquelle {f}
pulse spacingImpulsabstand {m}
pulse tachometerImpulsgeber {m} [in Messgerät, mit Rotor]
pulse tilt [decay, fall] Impulsabfall {m}
pulse topImpulsdach {n}
pulse top Pulsdach {n} [seltener für: Impulsdach]
pulse train [e.g. echo of a pulse train]Pulszug {m} [z. B. Echo eines Pulszuges]
pulse train [IEC 60050]Impulsfolge {f} [IEC 60050]
pulse transformer Impulstransformator {m}
pulse triggering Pulstriggerung {f}
pulse tube refrigerator <PTR> Pulsröhrenkühler {m} <PRK>
pulse tube refrigerator <PTR> Pulsrohrkühler {m} <PRK>
pulse tube refrigerator <PTR> [also: pulse-tube refrigerator] Pulse-Tube-Kühler {m}
pulse voltageImpulsspannung {f}
pulse voltage Pulsspannung {f}
pulse wave Pulswelle {f}
pulse wave analysis <PWA> Pulswellenanalyse {f} <PWA>
pulse wave propagationPulswellenausbreitung {f}
pulse wave transit time <PWTT>Pulswellenlaufzeit {f}
pulse wave transmission time <PWTT> Pulswellenlaufzeit {f}
pulse wave velocityPulswellengeschwindigkeit {f}
pulse wave velocity <PWV> Pulswellenstärke {f}
pulse weevil [Callosobruchus analis, syn.: C. jekelii, Bruchus analis, B. jekelii]Gramerbsenkäfer {m}
pulse weight Impulswertigkeit {f}
pulse welding Impulsschweißung {f}
pulse widening Impulsverbreiterung {m}
pulse width <PW>Impulslänge {f}
pulse width <PW> Pulslänge {f}
pulse width <PW>Pulsdauer {f}
pulse width <PW>Pulsbreite {f}
pulse width <PW> Impulsbreite {f} <IB>
pulse width <PW>Pulsweite {f}
pulse width modulated inverterPulswechselrichter {m}
pulse width modulation <PWM>Pulsweitenmodulation {f} <PWM>
pulse-amplitude modulation <PAM>Pulsamplitudenmodulation {f} <PAM>
pulse-average intensity Pulsmittelwert {m} der Intensität
pulse-beat [also: pulsebeat ] Pulsschlag {m}
pulse-code modulationPuls-Code-Modulation {f}
pulse-contracting element Verkürzungsglied {n} [Zeit]
pulsed arc welding Impulslichtbogenschweißen {n}
pulsed current <PC>Impulsstrom {m}
pulsed current <PC>Pulsstrom {m} <PS>
pulsed field gepulstes Feld {n}
pulsed field gel electrophoresis <PFGE> Pulsed-Field-Gelelektrophorese {f} <PFGE>
pulsed field gel electrophoresis <PFGE> Puls-Feld-Gelelektrophorese {f}
pulsed field gradient <PFG> gepulster Feldgradient {m}
« pullpullpulmpulmpulppulspulspumipumpPunapunc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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