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pulsed fluoroscopy <PF>gepulste Durchleuchtung {f}
pulsed inductive thruster <PIT> induktives Flachspulentriebwerk {n}
pulsed laser <PL> Pulslaser {m}
pulsed laser <PL>gepulster Laser {m}
pulsed laser <PL> pulsierender Laser {m}
pulsed laser <PL>Laser {m} im Impulsbetrieb
pulsed laser deposition <PLD> Laserstrahlverdampfen {n}
pulsed laser deposition <PLD> Laserverdampfung {f}
pulsed laser deposition <PLD> Laserverdampfen {n} [seltener]
pulsed laser welding Impulslaserschweißung {f}
pulsed mode Pulsbetrieb {m}
pulsed operationPulsbetrieb {m}
pulsed output [tube] gepulste Leistung {f} [Röhre]
pulsed powerPulsleistung {f}
pulsed radiation gepulste Strahlung {f}
pulsed voltage gepulste Spannung {f}
pulsed voltage [IEC 60050] Chopper-Spannung {f} [IEC 60050]
pulsed wave <pw, PW> gepulste Welle {f} <pw, PW>
(pulsed) laser deposition <PLD> Laserdeposition {f}
pulse-density modulation <PDM> [also: pulse density modulation] Pulsdichtemodulation {f} <PDM>
pulse-density modulation <PDM> [also: pulse density modulation] Impulsdichtemodulation {f}
pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance <PFG-NMR>Feldgradienten-NMR {f}
pulsed-mode operation Pulsbetrieb {m}
pulsed-wave Doppler <PWD> Pulsed Wave Doppler {m} <PW-Doppler> [Sonographie]
pulsed-wave Doppler <PWD> gepulster Doppler {m} <PW-Doppler> [Sonographie]
pulse-forming networkLaufzeitkette {f}
pulse-frequency modulation <PFM> [also: pulse frequency modulation]Impulsfrequenzmodulation {f}
pulse-frequency modulation <PFM> [also: pulse frequency modulation] Pulsfrequenzmodulation {f} <PFM>
pulsejetPulsstrahltriebwerk {n}
pulsejetVerpuffungsstrahltriebwerk {n}
pulse-length modulation <PLM> [also: pulse length modulation] Pulslängenmodulation {f} <PLM>
pulseless ohne Puls [nachgestellt]
pulseless pulslos
pulseless electrical activity <PEA> pulslose elektrische Aktivität {f} <PEA>
pulse-modulated impulsmoduliert
pulse-position modulation Pulsphasenmodulation {f}
pulser Impulsgeber {m}
pulser coilImpulsgeber {m} [beim Motor]
pulse-respiratory quotientPuls-Atem-Quotient {m}
pulses Hülsenfrüchte {pl}
pulse-stretching element Verlängerungsglied {n} [Zeit]
pulse-width modulation <PWM>Unterschwingungsverfahren {n} [Pulsweitenmodulation]
pulsidge [poet.] Pulsschlag {m}
pulsimeter Pulsometer {n}
pulsingPulsen {n}
pulsing [e.g. ECG] Pulsung {f} [z. B. EKG]
pulsing deviceImpulsgeber {m}
pulsion diverticulum Pulsionsdivertikel {n}
pulsometer Pulsometer {n}
pultaceous faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.] breiartiger Stuhl {m}
pultrusion Pultrusion {f}
pultrusion Strangziehen {n}
pultrusion processPultrusionsprozess {m}
pulverable pulverisierbar
pulverisable [Br.] pulverisierbar
pulverisable [Br.]zermahlbar
pulverisation [Br.] Pulverisierung {f}
pulverised [Br.]pulverisiert
pulveriser [Br.] Pulverisiergerät {n}
pulveriser [Br.]Pulverisator {m}
pulveriser [Br.] Feinmühle {f}
pulveriser plough [Br.] Krümelpflug {m}
pulverising [Br.] zerreibend
pulverising [Br.] pulverisierend
pulverizable pulverisierbar
pulverization Pulverisierung {f}
pulverization Pulvern {n}
pulverized pulverisiert
pulverized vermahlen
pulverized coal Kohlenstaub {m}
pulverized coal <PC> [injection coal] Einblaskohle {f}
pulverized coal firing <PC firing> Kohlenstaubfeuerung {f}
pulverized coal injection <PCI>Einblasung {f} von Kohlestaub [PCI-Verfahren]
pulverized coal injection coal <PCI coal> Einblaskohle {f} [Hochöfen, PCI-Verfahren]
pulverized coal injection coal <PCI coal> PCI-Kohle {f} [Hochöfen, PCI-Verfahren]
pulverized lignite power plant Braunkohlestaubkraftwerk {n}
pulverizer Pulverisator {m}
pulverizer Pulverisiergerät {n}
pulverizer Feinmühle {f}
pulverulent pulverförmig
pulvillusPulvillus {m}
pulvinate dry rock moss [Grimmia pulvinata] Polster-Kissenmoos {n}
pulvinic acid [C18H12O5] Pulvinsäure {f}
pulvinone [C17H12O3] Pulvinon {n}
pulvinusPulvinus {m}
pulvinus Blattgelenk {n}
pulviplumePuderfeder {f}
puma [esp. Br.] [Puma concolor] Puma {m}
puma [esp. Br.] [Puma concolor]Berglöwe {m}
puma [esp. Br.] [Puma concolor] Silberlöwe {m}
pumello [spv.] [Citrus grandis, syn.: Citrus maxima] [pomelo]Pampelmuse {f}
pumelo [spv.] [rare] [Citrus grandis, syn.: Citrus maxima] [pomelo]Pampelmuse {f}
pumice Bimsstein {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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