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puncture-proof tire [Am.] Pannenschutzreifen {m}
puncture-proof tyre [Br.]Pannenschutzreifen {m}
puncture-resistant einstichfest
punctures durchsticht
puncturing durchstechend
puncturing devicePunktionsvorrichtung {f}
punditFachgelehrter {m}
punditGelehrter {m}
pundit Experte {m}
pundit Koryphäe {f}
pundit [female] Gelehrte {f}
pundit [female] Expertin {f}
punditocracy [eine Gruppe einflussreicher politischer Kommentatoren in den Massenmedien]
punditry Gelehrsamkeit {f}
punditryExpertenmeinung {f}
Pune Pune {n}
pungenceSchärfe {f}
pungenciesSchärfen {pl}
pungency Beißendes {n}
pungency Schärfe {f}
pungentscharf [Geruch, Geschmack]
pungentstechend [Geruch]
pungent stark [Geschmack]
pungent kräftig [Geschmack]
pungent penetrant [Gestank, Geschmack]
pungent [smell]ätzend [Geruch]
pungent [smell]streng [Geruch]
pungent odor [Am.] stechender Geruch {m}
pungent odour [Br.] stechender Geruch {m}
pungent sarcasmbeißender Sarkasmus {m}
pungent smellbeißender Geruch {m}
pungura [Banksia littoralis] Sumpf-Banksie {f} [auch: Sumpf-Banksia]
Pungwe flat lizard [Platysaurus pungweensis]Pungwe-Plattgürtelechse {f}
Punic punisch
Punic [fig.] verräterisch
Punic [language of ancient Carthage] Punisch {n} [Sprache des antiken Karthago]
Punic WarsPunische Kriege {pl}
punicalagin [C48H28O30] Punicalagin {n}
punicalagins Punicalagine {pl}
punicalin [C34H22O22] Punicalin {n}
punier kleiner
puniest kleinste
puniness Kleinheit {f}
puniness Schwächlichkeit {f}
punishability Strafbarkeit {f}
punishable actStraftat {f}
punishable offence strafbare Handlung {f}
punishable offence [Br.]strafbares Verhalten {n}
punishable offense [Am.] strafbares Verhalten {n}
punished bestraft
punished gestraft
punishing bestrafend
punishing strafend
punishing anstrengend
punishing hart
punishingAhndung {f}
punishmentBestrafung {f}
punishment Strafe {f}
punishment Lohn {m} [im negativen Sinn, Bestrafung]
punishment Ahndung {f}
punishment Abstrafung {f}
punishment [act of punishing] Strafen {n}
punishment [implementation]Strafvollzug {m}
punishment battalion Strafbataillon {n}
punishment camp Straflager {n}
punishment for one's sins Sündenstrafe {f}
punishment for sth.Strafe {f} wegen etw.
Punishment is inevitable.Die Strafe wird nicht ausbleiben.
punishment of the sack [Poena Cullei]Säcken {n}
punishment strategyBestrafungsstrategie {f}
punishment system Bestrafungssystem {n}
punishment unit [of the Wehrmacht]Strafbataillon {n}
[punishment in German universities and schools in which students were detained in 'Karzer' (on-site prison cells)] Karzerstrafe {f}
punishments Strafen {pl}
punitive Straf-
punitive punitiv
punitive actionStrafaktion {f}
punitive damagesBußzahlungen {pl}
punitive damages Strafschadensersatz {m}
punitive damages verschärfter Schadensersatz {m}
punitive damagesStrafgeld {n}
punitive damages tatsächlicher Schadensersatz {m} zuzüglich einer Zivilstrafe
punitive damagesSchadenersatzverpflichtung {f}
punitive damagespönale Geldbuße {f}
punitive damagesEntschädigung {f} mit Strafcharakter
punitive duty Strafzoll {m}
punitive expedition Strafexpedition {f}
punitive fine Geldstrafe {f}
punitive measures Strafmaßnahmen {pl}
punitive sanctionStrafsanktion {f}
punitive sanctions Strafsanktionen {pl}
punitive sentenceStrafurteil {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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