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puppy Welpe {m}
puppy junger Hund {m}
puppy [dated] [pej.] [cheeky or arrogant boy or young man] Schnösel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
puppy [sl.] [a thing or part of a thing]Teil {n} [ugs.] [Ding, Sache, oder ein Teil davon]
puppy [young dog]Hundewelpe {m}
puppy [young dog]Hundebaby {n} [ugs.] [Welpe]
puppy dogHundchen {n}
puppy dogHündchen {n}
puppy dog Hunderl {n} [südd.] [österr.]
puppy dogSchnüffelnase {f} [ugs.] [Kosename für Hündchen]
puppy dogsHunderl {pl} [südd.] [österr.]
puppy farmMassenzuchtbetrieb {m} [für Hunde]
puppy fat [Br.] [coll.] Babyspeck {m}
puppy fat [Br.] [fat on the body of a child which disappears around adolescence]Teenagerspeck {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Babyspeck]
puppy license [Am.] [also fig.]Welpenschutz {m} [Mechanismus, Verhaltensregel] [auch fig.]
puppy love Jugendliebe {f}
puppy love Schwärmerei {f}
puppy millMassenzuchtbetrieb {m} [für Hunde]
puppy milling [usually pej.]Massenhundezucht {f} [das Züchten von Hunden in solchen Stationen]
puppy school Welpenschule {f}
puppy training Welpentraining {n}
puppy-eyed [coll.] mit treuem Hundeblick [nachgestellt]
puppytooth checkfeines Hahnentrittmuster {n}
puppytooth pattern feines Hahnentrittmuster {n}
pups [young dogs] junge Hunde {pl}
pupu [Am.]Pupu {n}
Puquina Puquina {n} [auch : Pukina]
puquiosPuquios {pl}
PUR coatingPU-Verhautung {f} [PUR-Coating]
PUR heat insulation PUR-Wärmedämmung {f}
PUR hosePUR-Schlauch {m}
PUR padsPUR-Polster {pl}
PuranasPuranas {pl}
Purbeck marble Purbeck-Marmor {m} [auch: Purbeckmarmor]
purblind halb blind
purblind [archaic] [myopic]kurzsichtig
purblind [fig.] blind [fig.]
purblindnessKurzsichtigkeit {f} [fig.]
Purcell effectPurcell-Effekt {m}
Purcell factor Purcell-Faktor {m}
Purcell's ghost frog [Heleophryne purcelli] Gespenstfrosch {m}
purchasabilityKäuflichkeit {f}
purchasablekäuflich [zu kaufen]
purchase Anschaffung {f}
purchase Einkauf {m}
purchase Erwerb {m} [Kauf]
purchaseKauf {m} [Ware]
purchase Ankauf {m}
purchaseBeschaffung {f}
purchaseErwerbung {f}
purchase Bezug {m} [Kauf]
purchase Flaschenzug {m}
purchaseTalje {f}
purchase [esp. of a certain number of items] Abnahme {f} [Kauf]
purchase [grip, footing] Halt {m} [fester Stand, Griff]
purchase [influence]Einfluss {m}
purchase accountWareneingangskonto {n}
purchase addiction Kaufsucht {f}
purchase advice Kaufberatung {f}
purchase agreement Kaufvereinbarung {f}
purchase agreementKaufvertrag {m}
purchase amountKaufbetrag {m}
purchase and sale agreementKauf- und Verkaufsvertrag {m}
purchase and sale statement Abschlusskontoauszug {m}
purchase at best price-performance ratio Bestkauf {m}
purchase at lowest price Bestkauf {m}
purchase at the lowest price Kauf {m} zum niedrigsten Preis
purchase book Einkaufsbuch {n}
purchase book Wareneingangsbuch {n}
purchase by non-residents Erwerb {m} durch Fremde
purchase by personnelPersonalkauf {m} [Käufe, die vom Personal getätigt werden]
purchase conditions Einkaufskonditionen {pl}
purchase contractKaufvertrag {m}
purchase costs Anschaffungskosten {pl}
purchase date Kaufdatum {n}
purchase decisionKaufentscheidung {f}
purchase decision Kaufentscheid {m} [bes. schweiz.]
purchase discount Einkaufsrabatt {m}
purchase experience Kauferlebnis {n}
purchase for cash Barkauf {m}
purchase for future deliveryTerminkauf {m}
purchase historyKaufhistorie {f}
purchase in bulk Kauf {m} von Bulkware
purchase intention Kaufabsicht {f}
purchase interestKaufinteresse {n}
purchase invoiceEingangsrechnung {f}
purchase journal Wareneingangsbuch {n}
purchase ledger Einkaufsjournal {n}
purchase ledger Einkaufsbuch {n}
purchase limit Einkaufsrahmen {m}
purchase list Einkaufsliste {f}
purchase methodErwerbsmethode {f}
purchase moneyKaufgeld {n}
purchase money Kaufsumme {f}
purchase money Ankaufsumme {f}
purchase obligation Kaufpflicht {f}
purchase of a property Eigentumserwerb {m}
« puncpuncpunipunkpupipupppurcpurcpurepurepurg »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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