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English-German Dictionary

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Purgatory PeakPurgatory Peak {m}
purge Entschlackung {f} [des Darmes]
purge Säuberungsaktion {f}
purge[starkes] Abführmittel {n}
purge Säuberung {f} [fig.]
Purge [Sofi Oksanen]Fegefeuer
purge buttonLuftduschenknopf {m} [Taucherausrüstung]
purge gasSpülgas {n} [zum Reinigen]
purge valve Spülluftventil {n}
purge valve Absaugventil {n}
purgeable freisetzbar
purgeeGesäuberte {m} {f}
purges Säuberungsaktionen {pl}
purging abführend
purging Entschlackung {f} [des Darmes]
purging Löschen {n}
purging Spülen {n}
purging Spülung {f}
purging löschend
purging Säuberung {f} [fig.]
purging Abführen {n} [Laxieren]
purging broom [Cytisus purgans, syn.: Genista purgans, Sarothanmus purgans] Purgiergeißklee {m}
purging broom [Cytisus purgans, syn.: Genista purgans, Sarothanmus purgans]Abführender Geißklee {m}
purging broom [Cytisus purgans, syn.: Genista purgans, Sarothanmus purgans]Purgierginster {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica, syn.: Rhamnus catharticus] Echter Wegedorn {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica, syn.: Rhamnus catharticus] Wegedorn {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica, syn.: Rhamnus catharticus]Echter Kreuzdorn {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica, syn.: Rhamnus catharticus]Kreuzdorn {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica, syn.: Rhamnus catharticus] Kreuzbeerstrauch {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica, syn.: Rhamnus catharticus]Purgierstrauch {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica, syn.: Rhamnus catharticus]Purgierdorn {m}
purging buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica] Purgier-Kreuzdorn {m}
purging cassia [Cassia fistula] Indischer Goldregen {m} [Röhren-Kassie]
purging fistula [Cassia fistula] Indischer Goldregen {m} [Röhren-Kassie]
purging flax [Linum catharticum] Wiesen-Lein / Wiesenlein {m}
purging flax [Linum catharticum] Purgier-Lein / Purgierlein {m}
purging nut [Jatropha curcas]Purgiernuss {f}
purging nut [Jatropha curcas] [physic nut] Jatropha {f}
purging nut [Jatropha podagrica] [gout plant] Rhabarber {m} von Guatemala
purging nut [Jatropha podagrica] [gout plant] Pagodenpflanze {f}
purging nut [Jatropha podagrica] [gout plant] Flaschenpflanze {f}
purging trefoil [Anagyris foetida] (Gemeiner) Stinkstrauch {m}
purging trefoil [Anagyris foetida] Stink-Goldregen / Stinkgoldregen {m}
purificationEntschlackung {f}
purification Klärung {f} [Reinigung]
purificationReinigung {f}
purification Aufreinigung {f}
purification Katharsis {f}
purification Läuterung {f}
purificationNachreinigung {f}
purificationVeredelung {f} [Reinigung]
purification basin for rainwaterRegenklärbecken {n}
purification ceremony Reinigungszeremonie {f}
purification mechanism Reinigungsmechanismus {m}
purification method Reinigungsverfahren {n}
purification methodReinigungsmethode {f}
purification of sewage water Abwasserreinigung {f}
purification offering Reinigungsopfer {n}
purification plant Kläranlage {f}
purification plant Reinigungsanlage {f}
purification procedure Reinigungsverfahren {n}
purification procedure Reinigungsprozedur {f}
purification process Reinigungsprozess {m}
purification processReinigungsverfahren {n}
purification process Reinigungsprozeß {m} [alt]
purification processReinigungsvorgang {m}
purification protocolReinigungsprotokoll {n}
purification rite Reinigungsritus {m}
purification ritualReinigungsritual {n}
purification scheme Reinigungsschema {n} [Konzept, Programm]
purification stepReinigungsschritt {m}
purification stepReinigungsstufe {f}
purification stepAufreinigungsschritt {m}
purification strategy Reinigungsstrategie {f}
purification strategy Aufreinigungsstrategie {f}
purification technologyReinigungstechnologie {f}
purification technology Reinigungstechnik {f}
purification treatment Reinigungsbehandlung {f}
purificator [cloth used to wipe off the chalice] Purifikatorium {n}
purificator [cloth used to wipe off the chalice] Kelchtuch {n}
purificator [cloth used to wipe off the chalice]Kelchtüchlein {n}
purificatory reinigend
purified gereinigt
purified cotton gereinigte Baumwolle {f}
purified cottonVerbandwatte {f}
purified oilReinöl {n}
purified protein derivative <PPD> gereinigtes Proteinderivat {n} <PPD>
purified protein derivative test <PPD test> PPD-Test {m}
purified vasopressin gereinigtes Vasopressin {n}
purified waterEdelwasser {n}
purified water [Aqua purificata] gereinigtes Wasser {n}
purified water [Aqua purificata] demineralisiertes Wasser {n}
purified water [Aqua purificata] vollentsalztes Wasser {n} <VE-Wasser>
purifier Gerät {n} zur Reinigung
purifier [e.g. air purifier, water purifier] Reiniger {m} [z. B. Luftreiniger, Wasserreiniger]
puriform puriform
« pupppurcpurcpurepurePurgpuripurppurppurppurp »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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