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parent cellElternzelle {f}
parent cellMutterzelle {f}
parent company Muttergesellschaft {f}
parent company Dachgesellschaft {f}
parent companyStammhaus {n}
parent companyOrganträger {m}
parent companyKonzernmutter {f}
parent company Mutterkonzern {m}
parent companyMutterfirma {f}
parent companyObergesellschaft {f}
parent company Mutterunternehmen {n}
parent company Mutterhaus {n} [Stammhaus einer Firma]
parent compound Ausgangsverbindung {f}
parent conference day Elternsprechtag {m}
parent corporationMuttergesellschaft {f}
parent country Mutterland {n}
parent directory übergeordnetes Verzeichnis {n}
parent directoryÜberverzeichnis {n}
parent education Elternbildung {f}
parent factory Stammwerk {n}
parent firm Stammhaus {n}
parent formStammform {f} [Urform]
parent galaxy Muttergalaxie {f}
parent generationElterngeneration {f}
parent houseStammhaus {n}
parent instituteMutterinstitut {n}
parent ionMutterion {n}
parent ion Ausgangsion {n}
parent ions Parent-Ionen {pl} [Mutterionen, Ausgangsionen]
parent item Elternelement {n}
parent lacquer Stammlack {m}
parent latticeHauptgitter {n}
parent materialGrundmaterial {n}
parent material Grundwerkstoff {m}
parent materialAusgangsmaterial {n}
parent meeting Elternversammlung {f}
parent moleculeAusgangsmolekül {n}
parent nodeElternknoten {m}
parent node Elterknoten {m}
parent nodeElter {m} des Knotens [Elterknoten]
parent nodeVater {m} des Knotens [Elterknoten]
parent nodeVaterknoten {m}
parent nucleus Mutterkern {m}
parent organisation [Br.] Mutterorganisation {f}
parent organization Dachorganisation {f}
parent organizationDachverband {m}
parent organization Mutterorganisation {f}
parent part Ausgangsteil {n}
parent planet Mutterplanet {m}
parent plant Stammwerk {n}
parent plantElternpflanze {f}
parent plant [manufacturing] Mutterwerk {n} [Produktion]
parent population Grundgesamtheit {f}
parent record Stammdatensatz {m}
parent representation [at a school]Elternvertretung {f} [an einer Schule]
parent rockMuttergestein {n}
parent rockAusgangsgestein {n}
parent shipMutterschiff {n} [einer Flotte / eines Schiffsverbandes]
parent solution Stammlösung {f}
parent star Mutterstern {m}
parent substanceMuttersubstanz {f}
parent substance Ausgangsstoff {m}
parent unit [baby phone] Eltern-Einheit {f} [Babyfon] [auch: Elterneinheit]
parent unit [main force of a subordinate element] Stammtruppenteil {m}
parentageAbstammung {f}
parentage Herkunft {f}
parentage Abkunft {f}
parentage Elternschaft {f}
parentage verificationAbstammungsüberprüfung {f}
parental elterlich
parental parental
parental [e.g. allowance, couple, duties, home, love]Eltern- [z. B. Geld, Paar, Pflichten, Haus, Liebe]
parental alienationElternentfremdung {f}
parental alienation Eltern-Kind-Entfremdung {f}
parental alienation syndrome <PAS>Eltern-Kind-Entfremdung {f} <EKE>
parental alienation syndrome <PAS> elterliches Entfremdungssyndrom {n} <PAS, PAS-Syndrom>
parental allowance <PA>Elterngeld {n} <EG>
parental authority elterliche Gewalt {f} [veraltet] [elterliche Sorge]
parental behavior [Am.] Brutpflege {f}
parental behaviour [Br.] Brutpflege {f}
parental care elterliche Sorge {f}
parental care Brutpflege {f}
parental careelterliche Fürsorge {f}
parental cell Parentalzelle {f}
parental celldingsdaParentalzelle {f}
parental cell Elternzelle {f}
parental characteristics Elternmerkmale {pl} [Eigenschaften der Eltern]
parental child abduction (elterliche) Kindesentziehung {f}
parental consent Zustimmung {f} der Eltern
parental controlelterliche Aufsicht {f}
parental control elterliche Kontrolle {f}
parental couple Elternpaar {n}
parental custody elterliche Sorge {f}
parental dutyElternpflicht {f}
parental education Elternbildung {f}
parental figure Elternfigur {f}
parental fitness Erziehungseignung {f}
parental generationElterngeneration {f}
parental generation Parentalgeneration {f}
parental guidance <PG> elterliche Begleitung {f}
« paraparaparaparcpardparepareparepariparipari »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers