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parenting time [also: parenting-time] [court-adjudged time period after divorce] Elternzeit {f} [gerichtlich zugesprochener Zeitraum nach der Scheidung]
parentless elternlos
parentsEltern {pl}
parents Elterntiere {pl}
parents {pl} [parental couple] Elternpaar {n}
Parents are too permissive with their children. Eltern erlauben ihren Kindern zu viel.
parents' association [also: parents association] [parents of school children] Elternverein {m}
parents' bedroom Elternschlafzimmer {n}
parents by adoption Adoptiveltern {pl}
parents' committee Elternpflegschaft {f}
parents' consent Einwilligung {f} der Eltern
parents' council Elternbeirat {m}
parents' eveningElternabend {m}
parents' fateElternschicksal {n}
parents' grave Elterngrab {n}
parents' home Elternhaus {n}
parents' houseElternhaus {n}
parents' initiative Elterninitiative {f}
parents' meeting Elterntreffen {n}
parents of multiples Mehrlingseltern {pl}
parents of the bride Brauteltern {pl}
parents of twins Zwillingseltern {pl}
parents' organizationElternorganisation {f}
parents' representative Elternsprecher {m}
parents' taxiElterntaxi {n} [für Freizeitaktivitäten]
[parents, family, relatives] Leut {pl} [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [Eltern, Familie, Angehörige]
[parents who refuse to send their children to school]Schulverweigerer {pl} [Eltern]
[parents]Ältern {pl} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Eltern]
parentship Elternschaft {f}
parents-in-law Schwiegereltern {pl}
parents-to-be werdende Eltern {pl}
parents-to-beangehende Eltern {pl}
Parent-Subsidiary Directive <PSD> Mutter-Tochter-Richtlinie {f} <MTRL>
parent-teacher associationLehrer- und Elternverband {m}
parent-teacher association <PTA> Lehrer-Eltern-Ausschuss {m}
parent-teacher conference Elternabend {m}
parent-teacher conferenceElterngespräch {n}
parent-teen relationship [coll.]Eltern-Teenager-Beziehung {f}
pareoPareo {m}
parer Schälmesser {n}
parerSchäler {m} [Schälpflug]
parer Schälpflug {m}
parer Stoppelschäler {m} [Schälpflug]
parergon Parergon {n}
paresis Parese {f} [unvollständige Lähmung, motorische Schwäche]
paresthesia [Am.]Parästhesie {f}
paresthesia [Am.]Missempfindung {f}
paresthesia [Am.] Missempfindungen {pl}
paresthesias [Am.]Parästhesien {pl}
Pareto analysisPareto-Analyse {f}
Pareto analysisParetoanalyse {f}
Pareto chart Paretodiagramm {n}
Pareto chartPareto-Diagramm {n}
Pareto criterion Pareto-Kriterium {n}
Pareto diagram Pareto-Diagramm {n}
Pareto diagram Paretodiagramm {n}
Pareto distributionPareto-Verteilung {f}
Pareto efficiency Pareto-Effizienz {f}
Pareto efficiency Pareto-Menge {f}
Pareto front Pareto-Front {f}
Pareto frontier Pareto-Front {f}
Pareto improvementPareto-Verbesserung {f}
Pareto optimalityPareto-Optimum {n}
Pareto optimalityPareto-Optimalität {f}
Pareto principleParetoprinzip {n}
Pareto principle [80/20 rule] 80/20-Regel {f} [Pareto-Regel]
Pareto principle [also: Pareto's principle]Pareto-Prinzip {n}
Pareto set Pareto-Front {f}
Pareto setPareto-Menge {f}
Pareto-efficient pareto-effizient [auch Pareto-effizient]
Pareto's principle [80-20 rule]Paretoprinzip {n} [auch: Pareto-Prinzip]
ParetteParett {n}
Parev ice cream [Br.] milchfreies Speiseeis {n}
parevine [Am.]milchfreies Speiseeis {n}
parevine [Am.] koscheres Speiseeis {n}
parfait Parfait {n} [halbgefrorene Süßspeise]
parfait spoonParfait-Löffel {m}
parfit [obs.]perfekt
parfleche [hide]Rohhaut {f}
parfocal lengthAbgleichlänge {f} [parfokaler Abstand]
parforce runHusarenritt {m} [fig.]
pargasite [NaCa2(Mg,Fe2+)4Al(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2] Pargasit {m} [ein Klinoamphibol]
pargeting {sg} [Am.] Stuckarbeiten {pl}
pargetting {sg} Stuckarbeiten {pl}
parheliaParhelia {pl}
parhelia Nebensonnen {pl}
parhelic circle parhelischer Ring {m}
parhelionNebensonne {f}
parhelionParhelion {n}
pari passugleichrangig
pari passu agreementgleichrangige Absprache {f}
pari passu bond gleichrangige Obligation {f}
pari passu clauseGleichrangigkeitsklausel {f}
Paria redstart [Myioborus pariae]Goldaugen-Waldsänger {m}
Paria whitestart [Myioborus pariae] Goldaugen-Waldsänger {m}
pariah Ausgestoßener {m}
pariahParia {m}
pariahSchmuddelkind {n} [fig.]
« paraparcparcpareparepareparipariPariParkpark »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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