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paring plow [Am.] Streichblechschälpflug {m}
paring plow [Am.]Streichblech-Schälpflug {m}
parings Schalen {pl}
paripinnate paarig gefiedert
paripinnately paripinnat
Paris Paris {n}
Paris Paris {m}
Paris [attr.] Pariser [indekl.]
Paris [genus of the order Liliales]Einbeere {f} [Gattung]
Paris BasinPariser Becken {n}
Paris bluePariser Blau {n}
Paris blue Pariserblau {n}
Paris Blues [Martin Ritt] Paris Blues
Paris Book Fair Pariser Buchmesse {f}
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport <CDG, LFPG>Flughafen {m} Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle <CDG, LFPG>
Paris CommunePariser Kommune {f}
Paris Consilium [1348] Pariser Gutachten {n}
Paris ConventionPariser Übereinkommen {n} [Kernenergie]
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property Pariser Verbandsübereinkunft {f} zum Schutz des gewerblichen Eigentums <PVÜ>
Paris green Patent-Grün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat]
Paris green Schweinfurter Grün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat; auch: Uraniagrün, Papageigrün, Kaisergrün, Neugrün, Originalgrün, Deckpapiergrün]
Paris greenMoosgrün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat]
Paris green [copper(II) acetoarsenite, copper(II) acetate triarsenite]Pariser Grün {n} [Kupfer(II)-arsenitacetat]
Paris International Exposition Pariser Weltausstellung {f}
Paris is well worth a Mass. [attributed to Henry IV King of France]Paris ist eine Messe wert. [Heinrich IV., König von Frankreich, zugeschrieben]
Paris Nomina Anatomica <PNA> Pariser Nomenklatur {f} <PNA> [Pariser Nomina Anatomica]
Paris Opera [official name: Opéra national de Paris] Pariser Oper {f}
Paris Peace Conference [1919]Pariser Friedenskonferenz {f}
Paris Peace Treaties Pariser Vorortsverträge {pl}
Paris scheme Pariser Schema {n}
Paris Street; Rainy Day [also: Paris: A Rainy Day] [Gustave Caillebotte] Straße in Paris an einem regnerischen Tag [auch: Paris, an einem Regentag]
Paris Suburbs Peace TreatiesPariser Vororteverträge {pl}
Paris syndrome Paris-Syndrom {n}
(Paris) baller cutterPariser Messer {n} [Kugelausstecher]
Paris-based in Paris ansässig
Paris-based [person]in Paris lebend
Paris-born in Paris geboren
Paris-bredin Paris aufgewachsen
parish Gemeinde {f}
parishKirchenkreis {m}
parish Kirchgemeinde {f}
parishPfarrgemeinde {f}
parish Kirchspiel {n}
parishPfarre {f} [südd.] [österr.]
parish Kirchengemeinde {f}
parishPfarrbezirk {m}
parish Pfarrei {f}
parish Pfarr-
parish Pfarrsprengel {m} [Pfarrgemeinde]
parish [Am.] Landkreis {m} [nur im US-Bundesstaat Louisiana]
parish [attr.]Gemeinde-
parish [subdivision of a diocese] Parochie {f} [Amtsbezirk eines Pfarrers]
parish administrator Pfarrverweser {m}
parish assembly Gemeindeversammlung {f} [Kirchengemeinde]
parish bellPfarrglocke {f}
parish borderPfarreigrenze {f}
parish bulletinPfarrbrief {m}
parish chronicle Pfarrchronik {f}
parish church Pfarrkirche {f} <PfK>
parish church Parochialkirche {f}
parish church Gemeindekirche {f}
parish church [of a bigger town]Stadtpfarrkirche {f}
parish church [of a town] Stadtkirche {f} [Stadtpfarrkirche]
parish church council Gemeindekirchenrat {n}
parish clergyPfarrgeistlichkeit {f}
parish clergy [usually treated as pl.] Pfarrklerus {m}
parish clerk Küster {m}
parish commonGemeindeanger {m}
parish community centre [Br.] Pfarrheim {n}
parish community centre [Br.]Gemeindehaus {n} [Gemeindezentrum]
parish council Gemeindevorstand {m}
parish council Kirchenvorstand {m}
parish councilPfarrgemeinderat {m}
parish council Ältestenrat {m}
parish council Kirchengemeinderat {m}
parish council [Am.] [Louisiana only] [town or city council]Stadtgemeinderat {m}
parish council [Br.] [in a town or city]Stadtgemeinderat {m}
parish duties Pfarrerspflichten {pl} [veraltet oder regional] [Aufgaben als Pfarrer]
parish fair Kirmes {f}
parish fair Kirchweih {f}
parish flea marketPfarrflohmarkt {m} [österr.]
parish flea market Gemeindeflohmarkt {m}
parish hall Gemeindehaus {n}
parish hallGemeindehalle {f}
parish hall Pfarrhalle {f}
parish hallKirchgemeindehaus {n} [schweiz.]
parish historyPfarreigeschichte {f}
parish house [esp. a Catholic priest's residence]Pfarrhaus {n}
parish land Feldmark {f} [Land im Gemeindegebiet]
parish levelPfarrebene {f}
parish libraryPfarrbibliothek {f}
parish magazine Kirchenblatt {n}
parish minister Gemeindepfarrer {m}
parish newsletterGemeindeblatt {n}
parish newsletter Pfarrblatt {n}
parish newsletter Gemeindebrief {m}
parish of a hundred souls Gemeinde {f} mit 100 Einwohnern
parish office Pfarrbüro {n}
parish office Pfarramt {n}
« parcpardpareparePareparipariparkparkparkparl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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