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English-German Dictionary

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paronymous paronymisch [veraltet]
paronymouslehnübersetzt [Wort]
paronymy Paronymie {f} [veraltet]
Paroo lily [Dianella caerulea] Paroo-Lilie {f}
paroophoronParoophoron {n}
paroophoron Beieierstock {m}
paroral membraneParoralmembran {f}
parore [NZ] [Girella tricuspidata, syn.: Boops tricuspidatus] [blackfish]Schwarzer Nagebarsch {m}
parorexia Parorexie {f}
parosmia Parosmie {f}
parotia [genus Parotia]Strahlenparadiesvogel {m}
parotid parotid
parotid parotisch
parotid Ohrspeicheldrüsen-
parotid [Glandula parotidea] Ohrspeicheldrüse {f}
parotid adenomaParotisadenom {n}
parotid adenoma Adenom {n} der Ohrspeicheldrüse
parotid duct [Ductus parotideus] Parotisgang {m}
parotid gland [Glandula parotidea] Ohrspeicheldrüse {f}
parotid gland [Glandula parotidea] Parotis {f} [fachspr.]
parotid (gland) [Glandula parotidea] Ohrdrüse {f} [veraltet] [Parotis]
parotid space Parotisloge {f}
parotid tumor <PT> [Am.] Parotistumor {m} <PT>
parotid tumor <PT> [Am.]Ohrspeicheldrüsentumor {m}
parotid tumour [esp. Br.]Ohrspeicheldrüsentumor {m}
parotid tumour <PT> [Br.] Parotistumor {m} <PT>
parotidectomyParotidektomie {f}
parotitic parotitisch
parotitis Parotitis {f}
parotoid gland Ohrdrüse {f}
parotoid gland [toads, frogs, and salamanders]Paratoiddrüse {f} [selten für Parotoiddrüse] [Kröten, Frösche, Salamander]
parotoid gland [toads, frogs, and salamanders] Parotoiddrüse {f} [Kröten, Frösche, Salamander]
-parous -par
parous gebärend
parousia Parusie {f}
parousia parable (of Jesus) Parusiegleichnis {n} (Jesu)
parovarial parovarial
parovarium Parovarium {n}
parovarium Nebeneierstock {m}
paroxetine [C19H20FNO3] Paroxetin {n}
paroxysm Krampf {m}
paroxysm Anfall {m} [Lach-, Wutanfall etc.]
paroxysm of griefVerzweiflungsanfall {m}
paroxysm of joy Freudentaumel {m}
paroxysm of laughter Lachkrampf {m}
paroxysm of laughter Lachanfall {m}
paroxysm of rage Wutanfall {m}
paroxysmal paroxysmal
paroxysmal benign positional vertigo <PBPV> benigner paroxysmaler Lagerungsschwindel {m} <BPLS>
paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria <PCH> [Br.] paroxysmale Kältehämoglobinurie {f} <PCH>
paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria <PCH> [Am.] paroxysmale Kältehämoglobinurie {f} <PCH>
paroxysmal cough Stakkato-Husten {m}
paroxysmal cough Hustenparoxysmus {m}
paroxysmal dyspnea [Am.] anfallsartige Luftnot {f}
paroxysmal dyspnoea [Br.] anfallsartige Luftnot {f}
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea <PND> paroxysmale nächtliche Dyspnoe {f} <PND> [anfallsweise nächtliche Atemnot]
paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria <PNH> [Br.] paroxysmale nächtliche Hämoglobinurie {f} <PNH>
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria <PNH> [Am.] paroxysmale nächtliche Hämoglobinurie {f} <PNH>
paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia <PNKD> paroxysmale nichtkinesigene Dyskinesie {f} <PNKD>
paroxysmic paroxysmal
paroxysms of laughter Lachkrämpfe {pl}
paroxytone Paroxytonon {n}
paroxytone [with stress on the penultimate syllable]paroxytonisch
paroxytone [with stress on the penultimate syllable] paroxytonischundsoo
parp [Br.] [of a horn]Hupen {n}
parpaneBindestein {m}
parpen Bindestein {m}
parpend Bindestein {m}
parpent Bindestein {m}
parping [Br.] [of a horn]Hupen {n}
parpoint Bindestein {m}
parquet Parkett {n}
parquet circle [Am.]Parterre {n} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltend]
parquet cleanerParkettreiniger {m}
parquet floorParkettboden {m}
parquet floorParkettfußboden {m}
parquet floor Parkett {n} [ugs. auch {m}] [Parkettboden, Parkettfußboden]
parquet flooringParkettfußboden {m}
parquet flooringParkett {n}
parquet flooring Parkettboden {m}
parquet hammer Parketthammer {m}
parquet layer Parkettleger {m}
parquet reclinerParkettleger {m}
parquet sealer Parkettsiegel {m}
parquet slat Parkettstab {m}
parquet tile Parkettfliese {f}
parqueted parkettiert
parqueted floor Holzparkett {n} [Fußboden]
parqueting parkettierend
parr junger Lachs {m}
parr Junglachs {m}
parr [Salmo salar] Atlantischer Lachs {m}
parrakeets [spv.] [genus Psittacula] Edelsittiche {pl}
Parramatta grass [Sporobolus africanus] Afrikanischer Fallsame {m}
Parramatta grass [Sporobolus indicus, S. africanus, S. capensis, Agrostis africana, A. capensis] Indisches Fallsamengras {n}
Parramatta grass [Sporobolus indicus, S. africanus, S. capensis, Agrostis africana, A. capensis]Indisches Vilfagras {n}
parricide Elternmord {m}
« pariparkparkparlParmparoparrparspartpartpart »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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