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quay wallKaimauer {f}
quay-like kaiartig
quaysUferstraßen {pl}
quaysKaie {pl}
quaysKais {pl}
quaysideKaianlage {f}
quayside bar Hafenkneipe {f} [ugs.]
quayside or river bank [Br.] [road sign]Kai oder Flussufer [Verkehrsschild]
quayside pub [Br.] Hafenkneipe {f}
quay-type kaiartig
quazepam Quazepam {n}
Quba MosqueMoschee {f} von Qubā
qubitQubit {n}
Que Será Será [House season 3]Que Será, Será
quean [archaic] [prostitute] Hure {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Prostituierte]
queasily empfindlich
queasily heikel
queasiness Übelkeit {f}
queasiness [frailty] Empfindlichkeit {f}
queasiness [irritability] Überempfindlichkeit {f}
queasy heikel
queasymulmig [ugs.] [übel]
queasyübel [Magen]
queasy [stomach]gereizt
queasy [also fig.] [e.g. queasy feeling] schlecht [auch fig.] [z. B. schlechtes Gefühl]
queasy stomach flauer Magen {m}
Quebec [attr.] Quebecer ...
Quebec <QC> [also: Québec]Quebec {n} [auch: Québec]
Quebec berry [Amelanchier spicata, syn.: A. stolonifera] Besen-Felsenbirne / Besenfelsenbirne {f}
Quebec berry [Amelanchier spicata, syn.: A. stolonifera]Ährige Felsenbirne {f}
Quebec berry [Amelanchier spicata, syn.: A. stolonifera] Ausläufertreibende Felsenbirne {f}
Quebec CityQuebec {n} [Stadt]
Québec City [spv.]Québec {n} [Rsv.] [Stadt]
Quebec FrenchQuebecer Französisch {n}
QuebecerQuebecer {m}
Quebecer [female]Quebecerin {f}
QuebeckerQuebecer {m}
QuebeckersQuebecer {pl}
Québécois Quebecer {m}
Québécoisaus Québec [nachgestellt]
Québécois (French)Quebecer Französisch {n}
QuébécoiseQuebecerin {f}
quebracho blanco [Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco] Quebrachobaum {m}
quebracho colorado [Schinopsis lorentzii, syn.: Loxopterygium lorentzii, Quebrachia lorentzii]Quebrachoholzbaum {m}
quebracho crested tinamou [Eudromia formosa] Schmucksteißhuhn {n}
quebracho flajo [Jodina rhombifolia] Quebracho {m} [Quebracho flajo]
quebracho tree [Jodina rhombifolia] Quebracho {m} [Quebracho flajo]
QuechuaQuechua {n}
Quechua Ketschua {n}
Quechua [also: Kechua or Quichua]Quechua {m} [auch Ketschua]
Quechua peopleQuechua-Indianer {pl}
Queckenstedt's maneuver [Am.] [also: Queckenstedt maneuver] [Queckenstedt test]Queckenstedt-Versuch {m}
Queckenstedt's manoeuvre [Br.] [also: Queckenstedt manoeuvre] [Queckenstedt test] Queckenstedt-Versuch {m}
Queckenstedt's testQueckenstedt-Versuch {m}
quecto- <q> [10 ^ -30] Quecto- <q>
quede [obs.]übel [böse]
quede [obs.] [evil deed] Missetat {f} [geh.] [veraltend]
quede [obs.] [evil deed] Übeltat {f} [geh.]
quede [obs.] [evil] Übel {n} [geh.] [das Böse]
Quedlinburg Abbey Stift {n} Quedlinburg
queef [sl.] [vulg.] Fotzenfurz {m} [ugs.] [vulg.]
queef [sl.] [vulg.]Futschas {m} [österr.] [vulg.]
queen Königin {f}
queen Ober {m} [deutsches Blatt, z. B. für Schafkopf]
queen [chess, card games] Dame {f}
queen [chess]Tante {f} [sl.] [Dame beim Schach]
queen [coll.] [flamboyantly effeminate male homosexual] Tunte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
queen [female cat] Kätzin {f}
queen [female cat] Katze {f} [Kätzin]
queen [female cat]Käterin {f} [österr.] [selten]
queen [insects] Königin {f}
queen [most outstanding woman in a group or sphere] Queen {f} [ugs.] [im Mittelpunkt stehende weibliche Person oder führend auf einem bestimmten Gebiet]
queen [sl.] [male homosexual] Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
Queen Alexandra parakeet [Polytelis alexandrae] Blaukappensittich {m}
Queen Alexandra parakeet [Polytelis alexandrae] Blaukappe {f}
Queen Alexandra parakeet [Polytelis alexandrae] Princess-of-Wales-Sittich {m}
Queen Alexandra parakeet [Polytelis alexandrae] Alexandrasittich {m}
Queen Alexandra parrot [Polytelis alexandrae]Alexandrasittich {m}
Queen Alexandra parrot [Polytelis alexandrae] Blaukappensittich {m}
Queen Alexandra parrot [Polytelis alexandrae] Blaukappe {f}
Queen Alexandra parrot [Polytelis alexandrae] Princess-of-Wales-Sittich {m}
Queen Alexandra RangeKönigin-Alexandra-Kette {f}
Queen Alexandra's birdwing [Ornithoptera alexandrae]Königin-Alexandra-Vogelfalter {m}
queen angel [Holacanthus ciliaris]Königin-Engelfisch {m}
queen angel [Holacanthus ciliaris]Königin-Kaiserfisch {m}
queen angelfish [Holacanthus ciliaris] Königin-Engelfisch {m}
queen angelfish [Holacanthus ciliaris] Königin-Kaiserfisch {m}
Queen Anne is dead! So ein Bart!
Queen Anne style furniture {sg}Möbel {pl} im Queen-Anne-Stil
Queen Anne's lace [Ammi majus] [large bullwort] (Große) Knorpelmöhre {f}
Queen Anne's lace [Ammi majus] [large bullwort]Bischofskraut {n}
queen Anne's lace [Anthriscus sylvestris, syn.: Chaerophyllum sylvestre] Wild-Kälberkropf {m}
queen Anne's lace [Anthriscus sylvestris] Wiesenkerbel {m}
Queen Anne's lace [Daucus carota, syn.: D. abyssinicus, D. aegyptiacus, D. azoricus, D. carota ssp. sativus, D. gigidium, D. glaberrimus, D. hispanicus, D. rupestris]Karotte {f}
Queen Anne's lace [Daucus carota]Wilde Möhre {f}
Queen Anne's sign [Hertoghe's sign] Queen-Anne-Zeichen {n} [selten für: Hertoghe-Zeichen]
Queen Anne's thistle [Cirsium canum] Graue Kratzdistel {f}
« quarquarquarquarquasquayqueequeequeequerques »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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