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reason for not handing overBegründung {f} für Nichtübergabe
reason for paymentZahlungszweck {m} [auch Verwendungszweck]
reason for rejection Absagegrund {m}
reason for rejection Ablehnungsgrund {m}
reason for returning goods Grund {m} der Rücksendung
reason for terminationKündigungsgrund {m}
reason for the indebtedness Schuldgrund {m}
reason for the warKriegsgrund {m}
reason of EmpireReichsräson {f} [Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation, Kaiserreich]
reason of history [Hegel] Vernunft {f} der Geschichte [Hegel]
reason of state Staatsräson {f}
reason of state Staatsraison {f}
Reason tells sb. (that) ... Die Vernunft sagt jdm., (dass) ...
reason to buy Kaufargument {n}
reason to buy Kaufgrund {m}
reason to complainAnlass {m} zur Beschwerde
reason to hope Grund {m} zur Hoffnung
reason to talk Gesprächsanlass {m}
reason whyGrund {m} weshalb
reasonability Vernünftigkeit {f}
reasonability Angemessenheit {f}
reasonable räsonabel [geh.] [selten]
reasonable vernünftig
reasonablebegründet [vernünftig]
reasonable verständlich
reasonablesinnhaltig [geh.]
reasonable [fair]passabel
reasonable [plausible] einleuchtend
reasonable [within limits] realistisch
reasonable [acceptable] akzeptabel
reasonable [acceptable]annehmbar
reasonable [adequate, fair] zumutbar [Arbeit]
reasonable [chance]reell
reasonable [claim] berechtigt [Anspruch, Forderung]
reasonable [comprehensible]nachvollziehbar
reasonable [grounds]zureichend [Gründe]
reasonable [justifiable, tenable] vertretbar
reasonable [moderate] mäßig [maßvoll, moderat]
reasonable [not too long]überschaubar [Zeitraum]
reasonable [plausible]plausibel
reasonable [price] günstig [Preis]
reasonable [price] billig
reasonable [proportionate]verhältnismäßig [angemessen]
reasonable [quite good]ordentlich [ganz gut]
reasonable [rational] vernunftgemäß
reasonable [sensible] verständig
reasonable [sensible] sinnvoll [vernünftig]
reasonable [tolerable]ziemlich
reasonable [within reason] angemessen
reasonable accommodation angemessene Bedarfsanpassung {f}
reasonable adjustments angemessene Anpassungen {pl}
reasonable assurance [e.g. compliance management]hinreichende Sicherheit {f} [z. B. Compliance-Management]
reasonable chance angemessene Aussicht {f}
reasonable commercial conduct kaufmännisch vernünftige Handlungsweise {f}
reasonable commission angemessene Provision {f}
reasonable compensation angemessene Entschädigung {f}
reasonable compensation angemessener Ausgleich {m}
reasonable compromise vernünftiger Kompromiss {m}
reasonable compromiseakzeptabler Kompromiss {m}
reasonable demandangemessene Nachfrage {f}
reasonable diligence angemessene Sorgfalt {f}
reasonable discretion billiges Ermessen {n}
reasonable distance zumutbare Entfernung {f}
reasonable doubt begründeter Zweifel {m}
reasonable doubt berechtigte Zweifel {pl}
reasonable doubt berechtigter Zweifel {m}
reasonable endeavor [Am.] angemessene Anstrengungen {pl}
reasonable endeavour [Br.]angemessene Anstrengungen {pl}
reasonable excuse ausreichende Entschuldigung {f}
reasonable expenditure vertretbarer Aufwand {m}
reasonable expense vertretbarer Aufwand {m}
reasonable expenses notwendige Auslagen {pl}
reasonable final dateangemessener Endtermin {m}
reasonable grounds hinreichende Gründe {pl}
reasonable hotelpassables Hotel {n}
reasonable latitude [leeway] angemessener Spielraum {m}
reasonable level of remuneration Angemessenheit {f} des Vergütungssystems
reasonable maintenance angemessener Lebensunterhalt {m}
reasonable notice [notification]Benachrichtigung {f} in angemessener Weise
reasonable offer akzeptables Angebot {n}
reasonable offer vernünftiges Angebot {n}
reasonable offerangemessenes Angebot {n}
reasonable partner verständiger Partner {m}
reasonable period of notice angemessene Kündigungsfrist {f}
reasonable period of time angemessene Frist {f}
reasonable person einsichtige Person {f}
reasonable person vernünftige Person {f}
reasonable personvernünftiger Mensch {m}
reasonable priceangemessener Preis {m}
reasonable price annehmbarer Preis {m}
reasonable pricesmäßige Preise {pl}
reasonable prices angemessene Preise {pl}
reasonable rate angemessener Preis {m}
reasonable rate of return angemessene Rendite {f}
reasonable remuneration angemessene Vergütung {f}
reasonable retirement plan angemessener Ruhestandsplan {m}
reasonable search ordentliche Suche {f}
reasonable subsistence angemessener Lebensunterhalt {m}
reasonable suspicion Anfangsverdacht {m}
reasonable suspicion [of having committed a crime] begründeter Tatverdacht {m}
« realreamrearrearrearreasreasreasrebareborebu »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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