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English-German Dictionary

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recruit instructor [Br.] Rekrutenausbilder {m}
recruit training Rekrutenausbildung {f}
recruited geworben
recruited eingestellt [Personal]
recruiter Personalreferent {m}
recruiter Personalvermittler {m}
recruiterAnwerber {m}
recruiter Rekrutierer {m}
recruiter [female] Anwerberin {f}
recruiter [female] Rekrutiererin {f}
recruiter [female]Personalreferentin {f}
recruiting Personalbeschaffung {f}
recruiting rekrutierend
recruitingAnwerbung {f}
recruiting Neueinstellung {f}
recruiting Rekrutierung {f}
recruitingAnwerben {n}
recruitingMitarbeitersuche {f}
recruitingRecruiting {n}
recruiting [of staff]Einstellung {f} [von Personal]
recruiting costs Rekrutierungskosten {pl}
recruiting district Aushebungsbezirk {m}
recruiting district headquarters {pl}Wehrbezirkskommando {n}
recruiting driveRekrutierungskampagne {f}
recruiting institution Rekrutierungseinrichtung {f}
recruiting marketing manager <RMM>Recruiting Marketing Manager {m} <RMM>
recruiting office Rekrutierungsbüro {n}
recruiting officer Musterungsoffizier {m}
recruiting practiceAnwerbungsmethode {f}
recruiting processRekrutierungsprozess {m}
recruitment Rekrutierung {f}
recruitment Verstärkung {f}
recruitment Werbung {f}
recruitment Anwerbung {f}
recruitment Aushebung {f}
recruitment Beschaffung {f} von neuen Mitarbeitern
recruitment Werbung {f} von neuen Mitarbeitern
recruitmentNachwuchs {m}
recruitment Anwerben {n}
recruitment Personalbeschaffung {f}
recruitment Recruitment {n} [auch: Rekruitment]
recruitment Lautheitsausgleich {m} [Rekruitment]
recruitment [abnormal increase in loudness occurring in certain types of hearing loss] Rekruitment {n} [anormale Lautstärkezunahme, die bei bestimmten Arten des Hörverlustes auftritt]
recruitment [of new followers to a cause] Nachwuchsgewinnung {f}
recruitment [of workers]Einstellung {f} [von Arbeitskräften]
recruitment [pathological increase of loudness] pathologischer Lautheitsanstieg {m} [Recruitment, auch: Rekrutierung]
recruitment agencyPersonalagentur {f}
recruitment agency Personalvermittlung {f}
recruitment agency Personalberatungsfirma {f}
recruitment agreement Anwerbevereinbarung {f}
recruitment algorithm Rekrutierungsalgorithmus {m}
recruitment banAnwerbestopp {m}
recruitment competition Einstellungsverfahren {n} [Rekrutierung / Einstellung von Personal]
recruitment consultantPersonalberater {m}
recruitment consultant [female] Personalberaterin {f}
recruitment country Anwerbeland {n}
recruitment decision Einstellungsentscheidung {f}
recruitment domain Rekrutierungsdomäne {f}
recruitment driveRekrutierungskampagne {f}
recruitment driveEinstellungskampagne {f}
recruitment fee Anwerbegebühr {f}
recruitment figuresEinstellungszahlen {pl}
recruitment freezeEinstellungsstopp {m}
recruitment incentive Einstellungsanreiz {m}
recruitment marketing Personalmarketing {n}
recruitment measurement Rekruitmentmessung {f}
recruitment (of employees)Neuanstellung {f}
recruitment of mercenaries Truppenwerbung {f}
recruitment of personnelPersonalrekrutierung {f}
recruitment policyEinstellungspolitik {f}
recruitment practice Einstellungspraxis {f}
recruitment problem [with organisations, the military]Nachwuchsproblem {n} [bei Mitgliederorganisationen, Militär]
recruitment process Rekrutierungsprozess {m}
recruitment processEinstellungsverfahren {n}
recruitment process Rekrutierungsverfahren {n}
recruitment processEinstellungsprozess {m}
recruitment rate Einstellungsrate {f}
recruitment rate Zugangsrate {f}
recruitment subsidies Einstellungsprämien {pl}
recruitment subsidies Einstellungszuschüsse {pl}
recruitment testEinstellungstest {m}
recruitment trailRekrutierungsspur {f}
[recruitment agreements between Germany and Turkey and other South European countries during the Wirtschaftswunder (in force from 1955 to 1973)]Anwerbeabkommen {n}
recruitsRekruten {pl}
recruits Rekrute {pl} [schweiz.]
recrystallisation [Br.] Umkristallisierung {f}
recrystallisation [Br.] Rekristallisation {f}
recrystallisation [Br.] Rekristallisierung {f}
recrystallization Rekristallisierung {f}
recrystallizationUmkristallisierung {f}
recrystallization Umkristallisation {f}
recrystallization Rekristallisation {f}
recrystallization process Umkristallisationsverfahren {n}
rect / rectangle function Rectangle-Funktion {f}
rect function [rectangular function]rect-Funktion {f} [Rechteckfunktion]
recta document Rektapapier {n} [Namenspapier]
rectal [das Rektum betreffend]
« recorecorecoRecorecrrecrrectrectrectrecurecy »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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