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red cone ginger [Alpinia purpurata]Roter Ingwer {m}
red coral [Corallium rubrum] Edelkoralle {f}
red coralline algaeKalkrotalgen {pl}
red cornetfish [Fistularia petimba] Rauer Flötenfisch {m}
red corpuscles rote Blutkörperchen {pl}
red coshosh [Actaea rubra, syn.: A. arguta, A. asiatica, A. rubra ssp. rubra, A. rubra var. arguta, A. spicata var. alba, A. spicata ssp. rubra, A. spicata var. arguta]Rotes Christophskraut {n}
red cottongrass [Eriophorum chamissonis, syn.: E. russeolum]Sibirisches Wollgras {n}
red crab [coll.] [rare] [Palinurus elephas, syn.: P. vulgaris, Astacus elephas](Europäische) Languste {f}
red crab [coll.] [rare] [Palinurus elephas, syn.: P. vulgaris, Astacus elephas]Gemeine Languste {f}
red cracking bolete [Xerocomellus chrysenteron, syn.: Boletus chrysenteron, Xerocomus chrysenteron] Echter Rotfußröhrling {m}
red cracking bolete [Xerocomellus chrysenteron, syn.: Boletus chrysenteron, Xerocomus chrysenteron] Gemeiner Rotfußröhrling {m}
red cracking bolete [Xerocomellus chrysenteron, syn.: Boletus chrysenteron, Xerocomus chrysenteron] Rotfüßchen {n} [Echter Rotfußröhrling]
Red Crescent Roter Halbmond {m}
Red Cross Rotes Kreuz {n}
red cross fish [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus] Rautenflecksalmler {m}
red cross fish [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus]Schwarzbandsalmler {m}
Red Cross flag Rot-Kreuz-Fahne {f}
Red Cross flag Rotkreuzfahne {f}
Red Cross helperRote-Kreuz-Helfer {m}
Red Cross helper [female]Rote-Kreuz-Helferin {f}
Red Cross helper [female]Rotkreuzhelferin {f}
Red Cross insigniaRotkreuzzeichen {n}
Red Cross nurse Rotkreuzschwester {f}
Red Cross signRot-Kreuz-Zeichen {n}
red cross signrotes Kreuz {n} [Zeichen, Symbol]
Red Cross tulip [Tulipa pulchella] Mesopotamische Zwergtulpe {f}
Red Cross worker Rotkreuzhelfer {m}
red crossbill [Am.] [Loxia curvirostra] Fichtenkreuzschnabel {m}
red crossbill [Loxia scotica]Schottischer Kreuzschnabel {m}
red crossbill [Loxia scotica]Schottenkreuzschnabel {m}
red crossbill [Loxia scotica] Schottlandkreuzschnabel {m} [auch: Schottland-Kreuzschnabel]
red crowberry [Empetrum rubrum] Rote Krähenbeere {f}
Red Crystal [third protocol emblem of the ICRC ] Roter Kristall {m} [Zeichen des dritten Zusatzprotokolls, IKRK]
red cunt hair <rch> [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] Schamhaaresbreite {f} [vulg.] [eine unvorstellbar kleine Maßeinheit]
red currant [Ribes rubrum]Rote Johannisbeere {f}
red currant [Ribes rubrum] Rote Ribisel {f} [österr.]
red currant [Ribes rubrum] Garten-Johannisbeere {f}
red currant jamRibiselmarmelade {f} [österr.]
red currant liqueurRoter Johannisbeerlikör {m}
red cushion hypoxylon [Hypoxylon fragiforme] Rote Kohlenbeere {f}
red cushion hypoxylon [Hypoxylon fragiforme] Rötliche Buchen-Kohlenbeere {f}
red cushion hypoxylon [Hypoxylon fragiforme] Brandfladen {m}
red cushion hypoxylon [Hypoxylon fragiforme]Brandkrustenpilz {m}
red cushion sea star [Oreaster reticulatus] Genetzter Kissenstern {m}
red cushion sea star [Oreaster reticulatus] Netz-Kissenstern {m}
red cylinder snake [Cylindrophis ruffus] Rotschwanz-Walzenschlange {f}
red cylinder snake [Cylindrophis ruffus] Rote Walzenschlange {f}
red cypress [Callitris endlicheri, syn.: C. calcarata, Frenela endlicheri, F. gunnii var. mucronata] Rote Schmuckzypresse {f}
red cypress [Callitris endlicheri, syn.: C. calcarata, Frenela endlicheri, F. gunnii var. mucronata] Endlichers Schmuckzypresse {f} [auch Endlicher-Schmuckzypresse]
red cypress-pine / cypress pine [Callitris endlicheri, syn.: C. calcarata, Frenela endlicheri, F. gunnii var. mucronata] Rote Schmuckzypresse {f}
red cypress-pine / cypress pine [Callitris endlicheri, syn.: C. calcarata, Frenela endlicheri, F. gunnii var. mucronata]Endlichers Schmuckzypresse {f} [auch Endlicher-Schmuckzypresse]
red dacca (banana) [Aus.] [genus Musa] [red banana] Rote Banane {f}
red daisy [Hieracium aurantiacum, syn.: Pilosella aurantiaca] Gold-Habichtskraut / Goldhabichtskraut {n}
red daisy [Hieracium aurantiacum, syn.: Pilosella aurantiaca]Orangerotes Habichtskraut {n}
red Dane Rotes Dänisches Milchrind {n} <RDM>
Red Danish Rotes Dänisches Milchrind {n} <RDM>
red data room [also: red dataroom] roter Datenraum {m}
red date [Ziziphus zizyphus, syn.: Ziziphus jujuba] Chinesische Jujube {f}
red date [Ziziphus zizyphus, syn.: Ziziphus jujuba]Chinesische Dattel {f}
red date [Ziziphus zizyphus, syn.: Ziziphus jujuba] Rote Dattel {f}
Red Dawn [John Milius] Die rote Flut
red dead men's fingers {pl} [treated as sg.] [Alcyonium glomeratum, syn.: Alcyonidium glomeratum] Rote Meerhand {f} [Koralle]
red dead nettle [Lamium purpureum] Rote Taubnessel {f}
red deadnettle / dead nettle [Lamium purpureum, syn.: L. album var. maculatum] Acker-Taubnessel / Ackertaubnessel {f}
red dead-nettle / dead nettle / deadnettle [Lamium purpureum, syn.: Lamiopsis purpurea]Purpurrote Taubnessel {f}
red deer {pl} Rotwild {n}
red deer [Cervus elaphus] Rothirsch {m}
red deer [Cervus elaphus] Edelhirsch {m}
red deer hindRothirschkuh {f}
red deer stag hunt Rothirschjagd {f}
red dermographism [Dermographia ruber]roter Dermographismus {m}
red diamond rattlesnake [Crotalus ruber] Rote Diamant-Klapperschlange {f}
red diamond snake [Crotalus ruber]Rote Diamant-Klapperschlange {f}
red dock [Rumex aquaticus] [western dock]Wasser-Ampfer / Wasserampfer {m}
red dock [Rumex aquaticus] [western dock]Wasser-Mönchsrhabarber {m}
red dock [Rumex bucephalophorus] Stierkopf-Ampfer {m}
red dock [Rumex pulcher, syn.: R. pulcher subsp. divaricatus] [fiddle dock]Schönfruchtiger Ampfer {m}
red dock [Rumex pulcher] [fiddle dock]Schöner Ampfer {m}
red dog [Cuon alpinus] Asiatischer Wildhund {m}
red dog [Cuon alpinus]Rothund {m}
red dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Blutroter Hartriegel {m}
red dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Roter Hartriegel {m}
red dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Rotes Beinholz {n}
red dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis] Hundsbeere {f} [Roter Hartriegel]
red dogwood [Cornus sanguinea, syn.: C. australis, Swida australis, Thelycrania australis]Roter Hornstrauch {m}
red dotRotpunkt-
red dot sightLeuchtpunktvisier {n}
red dotted rot gepunktet
Red Dragon [Brett Ratner] Roter Drache
Red Dragon [Thomas Harris]Roter Drache
red dragon persicaria [Persicaria microcephala, syn.: Polygonum microcephalum] Kleinköpfiger Knöterich {m}
red dragon persicaria [Persicaria microcephala, syn.: Polygonum microcephalum] Buntblatt-Knöterich {m}
red dragonfruit / dragon fruit [Selenicereus undatus, syn.: Hylocereus undatus, Cereus tricostatus] [dragonfruit]Drachenfrucht {f} [rotfleischig]
red drum [Sciaenops ocellatus]Roter Trommler {m}
red duiker [Cephalophus natalensis] Rotducker {m}
red dung beetle [Aphodius fimetarius] Gemeiner Dungkäfer {m}
red dung beetle [Aphodius fimetarius] Mistkäfer {m}
Red Dust [Victor Fleming]Dschungel im Sturm
red duster [Br.] [coll.] britische Handelsflagge {f}
red dwarf bog-moss [Sphagnum rubellum] Rötliches Torfmoos {n}
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