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red ink rote Zahlen {pl} [fig.]
red ink Defizit {n}
red inkVerlust {m}
red ink plant [Phytolacca americana]Amerikanische Kermesbeere {f}
red inkplant / ink plant [Phytolacca octandra, syn.: P. isocandra]Achtmännige Kermesbeere {f}
red iris [Iris fulva, syn.: I. douglasiana var. major, I. douglasiana var. oregonensis, I. fulvaurea]Terracotta-Schwertlilie {f}
red iris [Iris fulva, syn.: I. douglasiana var. major, I. douglasiana var. oregonensis, I. fulvaurea]Kupfer-Schwertlilie / Kupferschwertlilie {f}
red iron oreRoteisenstein {m} [ein Sedimentgestein]
red iron oxide [E-172 (ii)]Eisenoxidrot {n}
red ivy [Hemigraphis alternata, syn.: H. colorata, Ruellia alternata] Rotblättrige Efeuranke {f} [auch: Rotblättriger Efeu]
red jackal [Ethiopian wolf] [Canis simensis]Äthiopischer Wolf {m}
red jackal [Ethiopian wolf] [Canis simensis]Äthiopischer Schakal {m}
red jackal [Lupulella mesomelas, syn.: Canis mesomelas] [black-backed jackal]Schabrackenschakal {m}
red jasmine [Jasminum beesianum] Rosa Jasmin {m}
red jungle fowl [Gallus gallus]Bankivahuhn {n}
red junglefowl [Gallus gallus]Bankivahuhn {n}
red jungle-fowl [Gallus gallus] Bankivahuhn {n}
red jungle-fowl / red jungle fowl / red junglefowl [Gallus gallus] Haushuhn {n}
red juniper [Juniperus virginiana] Virginische Rotzeder {f}
red juniper [Juniperus virginiana]Virginische Zeder {f}
red juniper [Juniperus virginiana]Bleistiftzeder {f}
red juniper [Juniperus virginiana] Virginischer Wacholder {m}
red keelback [Pseudagkistrodon rudis, syn.: Macropisthodon rudis]Rote Kielrückennatter {f}
Red Khmer Rote Khmer {pl}
red kidney bean rote Bohne {f}
red kite [Milvus milvus] Rotmilan {m}
red kite [Milvus milvus]Roter Milan {m}
red kite [Milvus milvus]Gabelweihe {f}
red kite [Milvus milvus] Königsweihe {f} [Roter Milan]
red kite [Milvus milvus] Gabelweih {m} [veraltet für: Gabelweihe]
red knobby newt [Tylototriton verrucosus, syn.: T. shanjing]Mandarin-Krokodilmolch {m}
red knobby newt [Tylototriton verrucosus, syn.: T. shanjing] Geknöpfter Birma-Krokodilmolch {m}
red kraut [red cabbage]Rotkraut {n} [südd.] [österr.]
red kuri squash [Cucurbita maxima]Roter Hokkaidokürbis {m}
red lalia [Am.] [Trichogaster lalius, syn.: Colisa lalia] [dwarf gourami](Roter) Zwergfadenfisch {m}
red land crab [Gecarcinus lateralis] Halloweenkrabbe {f}
red land crab [Gecarcinus ruricola]Halloweenkrabbe {f}
red lane [coll.] [the throat, perceived as the route by which food enters the stomach] Schlund {m}
red lark [Calendulauda burra, syn.: Ammomanes burra, A. burrus, Certhilauda burra, C. harei, Mirafra burra]Kalaharilerche {f}
red lark [Calendulauda burra, syn.: Ammomanes burra, A. burrus, Certhilauda burra, C. harei, Mirafra burra] Oranjelerche {f}
red lead Mennige {f}
red leadBleirot {n}
red lead [Lead tetroxide] Mennige {f} [Bleimennige]
red lead powder Mennig-Pulver {n} [landsch., veraltet: Mennige-Pulver]
red lead-spar [Plumbum mineralisatum rufum] rotes Bleierz {n} [Rotbleierz]
red leaf monkey [Presbytis rubicunda]Maronenlangur {m}
red leaf moss [Bryoerythrophyllum ferruginascens]Rostrotes Rotblattmoos {n}
red lechwe [Kobus leche leche] Rote Moorantilope {f}
red lechwe [Kobus leche leche] Roter Letschwe {m}
red lechwe [Kobus leche leche] Roter Litschi {m}
red lechwe waterbuck [Kobus leche leche]Rote Litschi-Antilope {f}
red lechwe waterbuck [Kobus leche leche]Roter Litschi-Wasserbock {m}
red LED off rote LED aus
red LED off / dark rote LED leuchtet nicht
red LED on rote LED leuchtet
red LED on rote LED an
red lemur [Eulemur rufus] Roter Maki {m} [Lemur]
red lentils [Lens culinaris rubi] Rote Linsen {pl}
red lightRotlicht {n}
red lightRotlicht-
red light camera Rotlichtblitzer {m} [ugs.]
red light cameras Rotlichtblitzer {pl} [ugs.]
red light district Bordellgegend {f}
red light milieu Rotlichtmilieu {n}
red light quarterRotlichtviertel {n}
red light therapyRotlichttherapie {f}
red light treatment [also: red-light treatment] Rotlichtbehandlung {f}
red lilac [RAL 4001]Rotlila {n} [RAL 4001]
red lily [Lilium philadelphicum, syn.: L. andinum]Schalen-Lilie / Schalenlilie {f}
red lily [Lilium philadelphicum, syn.: L. andinum]Wald-Lilie / Waldlilie {f}
red lily beetle [Lilioceris lilii] Lilienhähnchen {n}
Red Lion and Sun Society of IranRoter Löwe mit Roter Sonne Gesellschaft {f} Iran [Nationale Rotkreuz-Gesellschaft]
red lionfish [Pterois volitans]Rotfeuerfisch {m}
red lionfish [Pterois volitans] Pazifischer Rotfeuerfisch {m}
Red List [short for: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™] Rote Liste {f} [Verzeichnis der vom Aussterben bedrohten Tier- und Pflanzenarten]
Red List categories [IUCN]Rote-Liste-Kategorien {pl} [IUCN]
Red List of endangered biotope types [also: red list of ...] Rote Liste {f} der gefährdeten Biotoptypen
red lobster [Palinurus elephas, syn.: P. vulgaris] Gewöhnliche Languste {f}
red lobster [Palinurus elephas, syn.: P. vulgaris] Europäische Languste {f}
red lochia {sg} [Lochia rubra]roter Wochenfluss {m}
red locust [Nomadacris septemfasciata]Rote Wanderheuschrecke {f}
red longhorn beetle [Stictoleptura rubra, formerly Leptura rubra, Corymbia rubra, Aredolpona rubra]Rothalsbock {m}
red longhorn beetle [Stictoleptura rubra, formerly Leptura rubra, Corymbia rubra, Aredolpona rubra] Roter Halsbock {m}
red longhorn beetle [Stictoleptura rubra, formerly Leptura rubra, Corymbia rubra, Aredolpona rubra] Gemeiner Bockkäfer {m}
red lory [Eos bornea] Rotlori {m}
red lynx [Lynx rufus] Rotluchs {m}
red magnolia [Magnolia liliiflora, syn.: Yulania liliiflora] Purpur-Magnolie {f}
red mahonia [Mahonia haematocarpa, syn.: Berberis haematocarpa] Rotfrüchtige Mahonie {f}
red man [pej.] [Native American] roter Mann {m} [pej.] [Indianer]
red mange [demodicosis]Demodikose {f}
red mangrove [Rhizophora mangle ] Rote Mangrove {f}
red maple [Acer glabrum, syn.: A. neo-mexicanum]Zwerg-Ahorn / Zwergahorn {m}
red maple [Acer glabrum, syn.: A. neo-mexicanum]Kahler Ahorn {m}
red maple [Acer rubrum]Rotahorn {m}
red martagon of Constantinople [Lilium chalcedonicum]Rote Türkenbund-Lilie / Türkenbundlilie {f}
red martagon of Constantinople [Lilium chalcedonicum] Chalzedonische Lilie {f}
red marten brushRotmarderpinsel {m} [Künstlerpinsel]
red mason bee [Osmia rufa, syn.: Osmia bicornis] Rote Mauerbiene {f}
red mason bee [Osmia rufa, syn.: Osmia bicornis] Rostrote Mauerbiene {f}
Red Mauritius [orange-red one penny stamp]rote Mauritius {f}
« redbredcredcreddredgrediredmredpRedRredsreds »
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