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red passionflower / passion flower [Passiflora racemosa, syn.: P. princeps]Traubige Passionsblume {f}
red passionflower / passion flower [Passiflora racemosa, syn.: P. princeps] [Passiflora coccinea]Rote Passionsblume {f}
red passionvine / passion vine [Passiflora coccinea] Rote Passionsblume {f}
red passionvine / passion vine [Passiflora coccinea] Rote Granadilla {f}
red pea [Lathyrus cicera, syn.: L. cicer] Futter-Platterbse / Futterplatterbse {f}
red pea [Lathyrus cicera, syn.: L. cicer]Rote Platterbse {f}
red pea [Lathyrus cicera, syn.: L. cicer] Kleine Platterbse {f}
red peatmoss [Sphagnum rubellum] Rötliches Torfmoos {n}
red peatmoss [Sphagnum rubellum]Rotes Torfmoos {n} [Rötliches Torfmoos]
red pencilRotstift {m}
red pencil [austerity measures] Sparstift {m}
red pencil urchin [Heterocentrotus mammillatus, syn.: H. mamillatus, Echinus mammillatus] Griffelseeigel {m}
Red Penny Rote Mauritius {f}
red pepperCayennepfeffer {m}
red pepper rote Paprika {f} [Schote]
red pepper [ripe red peppercorns of Piper nigrum (black pepper plant)] roter Pfeffer {m} [Früchte des Pfefferstrauchs / Schwarzen Pfeffers]
red peppers Peperoni {pl}
red perch [Aus.] [Lutjanus argentimaculatus] [mangrove jack, mangrove red snapper]Mangrovenbarsch {m} [Mangrovenschnapper]
red perch [Sebastes marinus, syn.: Sebastes norvegicus]Rotbarsch {m}
red perch [Sebastes marinus, syn.: Sebastes norvegicus] Goldbarsch {m}
red perch [Sebastes mentella] [beaked redfish] Tiefenrotbarsch {m}
red phalarope [Am.] [Phalaropus fulicarius, syn.: Phalaropus fulicaria] Thorshühnchen {n}
red phalarope [Am.] [Phalaropus fulicarius] Thorswassertreter {m}
red phantom tetra [Hyphessobrycon sweglesi, syn.: Megalamphodus sweglesi]Roter Phantomsalmler {m}
red phantom tetra [Hyphessobrycon sweglesi, syn.: Megalamphodus sweglesi] Swegles-Salmler {m}
red phase Rotphase {f}
red phosphor <RP>roter Phosphor {m} <RP>
red phosphorus <RP>roter Phosphor {m} <RP>
red pigweed [Oxybasis rubra, syn.: Chenopodium rubrum] Roter Gänsefuß {m}
red pigweed [Oxybasis rubra, syn.: Chenopodium rubrum]Rot-Gänsefuß / Rotgänsefuß {m}
red pimpernel [Anagallis arvensis] Acker-Gauchheil {m}
red pimpernel [Anagallis arvensis] Roter Gauchheil {m}
red pimpernel [Anagallis arvensis] Nebelpflanze {f}
red pimpernel [Anagallis arvensis]Weinbergsstern {m}
red pimpernel [Anagallis arvensis] Wetterkraut {n}
red pine [Callitris endlicheri, syn.: C. calcarata, Frenela endlicheri, F. gunnii var. mucronata]Rote Schmuckzypresse {f}
red pine [Callitris endlicheri, syn.: C. calcarata, Frenela endlicheri, F. gunnii var. mucronata] Endlichers Schmuckzypresse {f} [auch Endlicher-Schmuckzypresse]
red pine [Pinus resinosa] Amerikanische Rot-Kiefer / Rotkiefer {f}
red pine [Pinus resinosa]Rot-Kiefer {f}
red pine mushroom [Lactarius deliciosus] Edelreizker {m}
red pine mushroom [Lactarius deliciosus]Echter Reizker {m}
red pine mushroom [Lactarius deliciosus] Edel-Reizker {m}
red pineapple [Ananas comosus var. bracteatus, syn.: A. bracteatus] Rote Ananas {f}
red pipe snake [Cylindrophis ruffus] Rotschwanz-Walzenschlange {f}
red pipe snake [Cylindrophis ruffus] Rote Walzenschlange {f}
red pitaya [Selenicereus undatus, syn.: Hylocereus undatus, Cereus tricostatus] [dragonfruit] Drachenfrucht {f} [rotfleischig]
Red Planet [coll.] [Mars]roter Planet {m} [ugs.] [Mars] [alt]
Red Planet [coll.] [Mars] Roter Planet {m} [ugs.] [Mars]
red plum maggot [Cydia funebrana, syn.: C. prunana, Enarmonia funebrana, Grapholita funebrana, Laspeyresia funebrana] [moth]Pflaumenmade {f} [Pflaumenwickler, Nachtfalterspezies]
red plum maggot [Grapholita funebrana, syn.: G. cerasana, Cydia funebrana, C. prunana, Enarmonia funebrana, Laspeyresia funebrana] [moth] Pflaumen-Wickler / Pflaumenwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
red polyp [Zoanthus species] Krustenanemone {f} [Zoanthid]
red pondweed [Potamogeton alpinus] Alpen-Laichkraut {n}
red pondweed [Potamogeton alpinus] Rötliches Laichkraut {n} [Alpenlaichkraut]
red poplar leaf beetle [Chrysomela populi, syn.: Melasoma populi] (Roter) Pappelblattkäfer / Pappel-Blattkäfer {m}
red poplar leaf beetle [Chrysomela populi, syn.: Melasoma populi] Roter Weidenblattkäfer {m}
red poppy Roter Mohn {m}
red poppyWilder Mohn {m}
red poppy [Papaver rhoeas] Klatschmohn {m}
red poppy [Papaver rhoeas]Klatschrose {f}
red poppy [Papaver rhoeas]Mohnblume {f}
red porgy [Pagrus pagrus] Gemeine Meerbrasse {f}
red porgy [Pagrus pagrus]Gemeiner Meerbrassen {m} [nordd.] [mitteld.]
red powder puff [genus Calliandra] Puderquastenstrauch {m}
red puccoon [Am.] [Sanguinaria canadensis]Kanadische Blutwurz {f}
red pulp of spleen [Pulpa rubra (splenica)]rote Pulpa {f}
red pygmy-goby [Trimma naudei] Naudes Zwerggrundel {f}
red quebracho [Schinopsis lorentzii, syn.: Schinopsis quebracho-colorado ]Quebrachoholzbaum {m}
Red Queen [Victoria Aveyard]Die rote Königin
Red Queen hypothesisRote-Königin-Hypothese {f}
Red Queen hypothesisRed-Queen-Hypothese {f}
Red Queen's hypothesisRed-Queen-Hypothese {f}
Red Rabbit [Tom Clancy] Red Rabbit
Red Rackham's Treasure [Hergé] Der Schatz Rackhams des Roten
red radish [Raphanus sativus var. sativus] Radies {m} [regional] [Radieschen, Radieschenknolle]
red rag (to a bull) [fig.]rotes Tuch {n} [fig.]
red rail [Aphanapteryx bonasia] [extinct]Mauritius-Ralle {f} [ausgestorben]
red rainbowfish [Glossolepis incisus] Lachsroter Regenbogenfisch {m}
red ram [Hemichromis bimaculatus]Roter Buntbarsch {m}
red rasbora [Trigonostigma heteromorpha, syn.: Rasbora heteromorpha]Keilfleckbärbling {m}
red rasbora [Trigonostigma heteromorpha, syn.: Rasbora heteromorpha] Keilfleckrasbora {f}
red rash [erythema migrans]Wanderröte {f}
red raspberry [Rubus idaeus] Himbeere {f}
red rat snake [Pantherophis guttatus, formerly Elaphe guttata] Kornnatter {f}
red rattle [Odontites verna, syn.: O. rubra, Euphrasia verna] Ackerzahntrost {m}
red rattlesnake [Crotalus lorenzoensis]Rote Diamant-Klapperschlange {f}
red rattlesnake [Crotalus ruber] Rote Diamant-Klapperschlange {f}
Red Rectangle Nebula [HD 44179]Roter Rechtecknebel {m}
red reef bream [Aus.] [Lutjanus argentimaculatus] [mangrove jack, mangrove red snapper]Mangrovenbarsch {m} [Mangrovenschnapper]
red ribbon [awareness ribbon, solidarity symbol of people living with HIV/AIDS]Rote Schleife {f} [Symbol der Solidarität mit HIV-Infizierten und AIDS-Kranken] [als Marke eingetragen]
red rice [Oryza longistaminata, syn.: O. perennis]Wilder Reis {m}
red right returning [navigational mnemonic] rot rechts heimkehrend
red ring rot [Porodaedalea pini, syn.: Phellinus pini]Kiefern-Feuerschwamm / Kiefernfeuerschwamm {m}
red ring rot [Porodaedalea pini, syn.: Phellinus pini] Kiefern-Baumschwamm / Kiefernbaumschwamm {m}
Red River [Asia] Roter Fluss {m}
Red River [Howard Hawks, Arthur Rosson] Red River / [früher:] Panik am roten Fluß
Red River Formation [North Dakota]Red-River-Formation {f}
Red River giant softshell turtle [Rafetus swinhoei] Jangtse-Riesenweichschildkröte {f}
red river gum [Eucalyptus camaldulensis]Roter Eukalyptus {m}
red river hog [Potamochoerus porcus]Pinselohrschwein {n}
red river hog [Potamochoerus porcus] Flussschwein {n}
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