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Red Sea seabream [Diplodus noct]Rotmeer-Brasse {f}
red sea squirt / sea-squirt [Halocynthia papillosa]Rote Seescheide {f}
red sea squirt / sea-squirt [Halocynthia papillosa] Rote Kännchenseescheide {f}
red sea star [Echinaster sepositus] Purpur-Seestern / Purpurseestern {m}
red sea star [Echinaster sepositus]Blutstern {m} [Seesternart]
red sea star [Echinaster sepositus]Rotvioletter Seestern {m}
red sea star [Fromia milleporella] Tausendpunkt-Seestern {m}
Red Sea warbler [Sylvia leucomelaena]Akaziengrasmücke {f}
Red Sea warbler [Sylvia leucomelaena] Blanford-Grasmücke {f}
red (sea) bass [Lutjanus bohar] [two-spot red snapper]Zweifleckenschnapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
(Red Sea) Eritrean butterflyfish [Chaetodon paucifasciatus]Rotfleck-Falterfisch {m}
red seabream [Pagellus bogaraveo, syn.: Sparus bogaraveo, Pagellus centrodontus] Seekarpfen {m}
red seabream [Pagellus bogaraveo, syn.: Sparus bogaraveo, Pagellus centrodontus] Graubarsch {m}
red sea-feather [Pennatula rubra] Rote Seefeder {f} [Korallenart]
red sea-pen [Pennatula rubra]Rote Seefeder {f} [Korallenart]
red sensitivityRotempfindlichkeit {f}
red serow [Capricornis rubidus] Roter Serau {m}
red shade Rotton {m}
red shadesRottöne {pl}
red shank [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]Rispen-Fuchsschwanz / Rispenfuchsschwanz {m}
red shank [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth] Rispiger Fuchsschwanz {m}
red shank [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]Färber-Fuchsschwanz / Färberfuchsschwanz {m}
red shank [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]Purpurroter Fuchsschwanz {m}
red shank [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth] Roter Dom {m} [Rispen-Fuchsschwanz]
red shift [less frequent than: redshift] Rotverschiebung {f}
red shining parrot [Prosopeia tabuensis] Pompadoursittich {m}
Red Shock TroopRoter Stoßtrupp {m}
red short-tailed python [Python brongersmai, syn.: Python curtus brongersmai]Blutpython {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
red short-tailed python [Python brongersmai, syn.: Python curtus brongersmai] Kurzschwanzpython {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
red shoulder wrasse [Stethojulis bandanensis] Banda-Junker {m}
red shoveler [Anas platalea] Fuchslöffelente {f}
red shoveler [Anas platalea] Südamerikanische Löffelente {f}
red silk rotseiden
red silky oak [Grevillea banksii ssp. forsteri] Rote Seideneiche {f}
red (silver) fir [Abies amabilis]Purpur-Tanne {f}
red siskin [Carduelis cucullata]Kapuzenzeisig {m}
red sky [in the morning] Morgenrot {n}
red sky [in the morning] Morgenröte {f}
Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning.Abendrot, Schönwetterbot - Morgenrot, schlecht Wetter droht.
red slate roter Schiefer {m}
red slender loris [Loris tardigradus] Roter Schlanklori {m}
red slipper spurge [Euphorbia tithymaloides, syn.: Pedilanthus tithymaloides]Teufelsrückgrat {n} [Pantoffelstrauch]
red slug [Arion rufus]Rote Wegschnecke {f}
red small toad [Ingerophrynus parvus, syn.: Bufo parvus] Rote Zwergkröte {f}
red smear Rotschmiere {f}
red smear cheeseRotschmierkäse {m}
red smear cheese Rotschmierekäse {m}
red snake [Erythrolamprus ocellatus] Tobago-Korallennatter {f}
red snake-bark / snakebark maple [Acer capillipes]Rotstieliger Schlangenahorn {m}
red snakebark maple [Acer capillipes] Roter Schlangenhaut-Ahorn {m}
red snakebark maple [Acer capillipes] Rotstieliger Schlangenhaut-Ahorn {m}
red snakefish [Cepola macrophthalma, syn.: Cepola rubescens] [red bandfish, ribbonfish]Roter (Gemeiner) Bandfisch {m}
red snapper [Am.] [Lutjanus gibbus] [humpback red snapper] Buckel-Schnapper {m} [auch: Buckelschnapper]
red snapper [Lutjanus bohar] [two-spot red snapper] Zweifleckenschnapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
red snapper [Lutjanus bohar] [two-spot red snapper] Roter Schnapper {m} [Doppel-Schnapper, Doppelfleckschnapper]
red snapper [Lutjanus campechanus] Red Snapper {m}
red snapper [Lutjanus campechanus]Roter Schnapper {m}
red snapper [Lutjanus campechanus] Nördlicher Schnapper {m}
red snapper [Lutjanus campechanus] [northern red snapper] Schnapper / Snapper {m} [Nördlicher Schnapper]
red snapper [Lutjanus malabaricus] [Malabar blood snapper] Red Snapper {m} [Roter Schnapper]
red soil Roterdeboden {m}
red soilTerra rossa {f}
red soilsRotböden {pl}
Red Sorghum [Zhang Yimou] Rotes Kornfeld
red sorrel [Hibiscus sabdariffa, syn.: Sabdariffa rubra] Rosella / Roselle {f}
red sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Kleiner Sauerampfer {m}
red sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Zwerg-Sauerampfer {m}
red sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris]Kleiner Ampfer {m}
red sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Schafsampfer {m} [Kleiner Sauerampfer]
red spider [Panonychus ulmi, syn.: Metatetranychus pilosus, Metatetranychus ulmi, Oligonychus ulmi, Paratetranychus pilosus, Tetranychus pilosus, T. ulmi] [European red mite] Rote Spinne {f} [Obstbaumspinnmilbe]
red spider [Panonychus ulmi, syn.: Metatetranychus pilosus, Metatetranychus ulmi, Oligonychus ulmi, Paratetranychus pilosus, Tetranychus pilosus, T. ulmi] [European red mite] Obstbaumspinnmilbe / Obstbaum-Spinnmilbe {f}
red spider lily [Lycoris radiata] Rosarote Spinnenlilie {f}
red spider mite [Tetranychus cinnabarinus, syn.: Eutetranychus cinnabarinus]Karminspinnmilbe / Karmin-Spinnmilbe {f}
Red Spider Nebula [NGC 6537] Red-Spider-Nebel {m}
red spike-tailed paradise fish / paradisefish [also: red spiketailed paradisefish] [Pseudosphromenus dayi, syn.: Macropodus (cupanus) dayi, Polyacanthus (cupanus) dayi] Roter Spitzschwanzmakropode {m}
red spindle snake [Atractus torquatus]Rostfarbige Spindelnatter {f}
red spine star [Protoreaster linckii] Lincks Walzenseestern {m}
red spine star [Protoreaster linckii] Rotgrauer Walzen-Seestern {m}
red spine star [Protoreaster linckii]Lincks Walzen-Seestern {m}
red spiny rat [Maxomys surifer] Rote Rajah-Ratte {f}
red spitting cobra [Naja pallida, syn.: N. nigricollis pallida, Afronaja pallida] Rote Mosambik-Speikobra {f}
red spitting cobra [Naja pallida] Rote Speikobra {f}
red sponge [Haliclona oculata, syn.: Axinella oculata, Chalina cervicornis, C. oculata, Halichondria cervicornis, H. oculata, Isodictya grantii, I. pygmaea, Spongia cespitosa, Veluspa gracilis] Geweihschwamm {m}
red spots rote Tupfen {pl}
red spruce [Picea rubens]Amerikanische Rot-Fichte {f}
red spurfowl [Galloperdix spadicea] Rotes Spornhuhn {n}
Red Square Roter Platz {m}
Red Square [Martin Cruz Smith] Das Labyrinth
red squill [Drimia maritima, syn.: Urginea maritima, Urginea pancration, Urginea scilla, Scilla maritima, Charybdis maritima]Weiße Meerzwiebel {f}
red squill [Drimia maritima, syn.: Urginea maritima, Urginea pancration, Urginea scilla, Scilla maritima, Charybdis maritima] Gemeine Meerzwiebel {f}
red squirrel [Sciurus vulgaris]Rotes Eichhörnchen {n}
red squirrels [tribe Tamiasciurini] Rothörnchen {pl}
red star / redstar [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia] Scharlachrote Trichterwinde {f}
red star / redstar [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia] Scharlachrote Sternwinde {f}
Red Star Winter Orbit [William Gibson, Bruce Sterling] Roter Stern, Winterorbit
red starfish [Echinaster sepositus]Purpur-Seestern / Purpurseestern {m}
red starfish [Echinaster sepositus]Blutstern {m} [Seesternart]
red starfish [Echinaster sepositus]Rotvioletter Seestern {m}
red starthistle [Centaurea calcitrapa]Stern-Flockenblume {f}
red starthistle [Centaurea calcitrapa] Fußangel-Flockenblume {f}
« RedFredhredmredpredrRedSredsredtred)red-red- »
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