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red-billed hanging parrot [Loriculus exilis]Däumlingspapageichen {n}
red-billed helmetshrike [Prionops caniceps]Rostbauchwürger {m}
red-billed helmetshrike [Prionops caniceps] Rostbauch-Brillenwürger {m}
red-billed hill-partridge / hill partridge [Arborophila rubrirostris, syn.: Peloperdix rubrirostris] Rotschnabelwaldrebhuhn {n}
red-billed hill-partridge / hill partridge [Arborophila rubrirostris, syn.: Peloperdix rubrirostris] Rotschnabel-Buschwachtel {f} [auch: Rotschnabelbuschwachtel]
red-billed hoopoe [Phoeniculus purpureus, syn.: P. erythrorhynchus]Baumhopf {m}
red-billed hornbill [Tockus erythrorhynchus] Rotschnabeltoko {m}
red-billed leiothrix [Leiothrix lutea, syn.: Leiothrix luteus] Chinanachtigall {f}
red-billed leiothrix [Leiothrix lutea] Sonnenvogel {m}
red-billed magpie [Urocissa erythrorhyncha] Rotschnabelkitta {f}
red-billed malkoha [Phaenicophaeus javanicus] Kastanienbauchkuckuck {m}
red-billed mesia [Leiothrix lutea, syn.: Leiothrix luteus] Sonnenvogel {m}
red-billed mesia [Leiothrix lutea, syn.: Leiothrix luteus] Chinanachtigall {f}
red-billed oxpecker [Buphagus erythrorhynchus] Rotschnabel-Madenhacker {m}
red-billed parrot [Pionus sordidus] Dunenkopfpapagei {m}
red-billed partridge [Arborophila rubrirostris, syn.: Peloperdix rubrirostris] Rotschnabelwaldrebhuhn {n}
red-billed pied tanager [Lamprospiza melanoleuca] Rotschnabeltangare {f}
red-billed pigeon [Patagioenas flavirostris, syn.: Columba flavirostris]Rotschnabeltaube {f}
red-billed pionus [Pionus sordidus] Dunenkopfpapagei {m}
red-billed quailfinch [Ortygospiza gabonensis]Schwarzkinn-Wachtelastrild {m}
red-billed quelea [Quelea quelea]Blutschnabelweber {m}
red-billed scimitar babbler [Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps]Rotschnabelsäbler {m}
red-billed scimitar-babbler [Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps]Rotschnabelsäbler {m}
red-billed scoter [Melanitta perspicillata, syn.: Oidemia perspicillata]Brillenente {f}
red-billed scrub-turkey [Talegalla cuvieri]Rotschnabeltalegalla {n} [auch: Rotschnabel-Talegalla]
red-billed scythebill [Campylorhamphus trochilirostris] Rotsensenschnabel {m}
red-billed shelduck [Tadorna tadorna]Brandgans {f}
red-billed shelduck [Tadorna tadorna]Brandente {f}
red-billed shrike [Prionops caniceps] Rostbauchwürger {m}
red-billed spurfowl [Francolinus adspersus, syn.: Pternistis adspersus] Rotschnabelfrankolin {m}
red-billed starling [Spodiopsar sericeus, syn.: Sturnus sericeus, Poliopsar sericeus] Seidenstar {m}
red-billed streamertail [Trochilus polytmus]Jamaika-Kolibri {m}
red-billed streamertail [Trochilus polytmus]Rotschnabel-Jamaikasylphe {f}
red-billed talegalla [Talegalla cuvieri] Rotschnabeltalegalla {n} [auch: Rotschnabel-Talegalla]
red-billed tanager [Lamprospiza melanoleuca] Rotschnabeltangare {f} [auch: Rotschnabel-Tangare]
red-billed teal [Anas erythrorhyncha] Rotschnabelente {f}
red-billed thrush [Turdus chrysolaus] Rotkopfdrossel {f}
red-billed thrush [Turdus chrysolaus]Japandrossel {f}
red-billed toucan [Ramphastos tucanus tucanus]Rotschnabeltukan {m}
red-billed toucan [Ramphastos tucanus] Weißbrusttukan {m} [auch: Weißbrust-Tukan]
red-billed (tree) babbler [Stachyris pyrrhops] Schwarzkinntimalie {f}
red-billed (tree) partridge [Arborophila rubrirostris]Rotschnabel-Buschwachtel {f}
red-billed tree-duck / tree duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Herbstpfeifgans {f}
red-billed tree-duck / tree duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis]Herbstente {f}
red-billed tree-duck / tree duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Graubrust-Pfeifgans {f}
red-billed tree-duck / tree duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Rotschnabel-Pfeifgans {f} [auch: Rotschnabelpfeifgans]
red-billed tree-partridge [Arborophila rubrirostris, syn.: Peloperdix rubrirostris] Rotschnabel-Buschwachtel {f} [auch: Rotschnabelbuschwachtel]
red-billed tree-partridge / tree partridge [Arborophila rubrirostris, syn.: Peloperdix rubrirostris] Rotschnabelwaldrebhuhn {n}
red-billed tropic bird [Phaethon aethereus] Rotschnabel-Tropikvogel {m}
red-billed tropicbird [Phaethon aethereus]Rotschnabel-Tropikvogel {m}
red-billed tyrannulet [Zimmerius cinereicapillus / Zimmerius cinereicapilla] Rotschnabel-Fliegenstecher {m}
red-billed waxbill [Estrilda astrild] Wellenastrild {m} [auch: Wellen-Astrild]
red-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta senegala, syn.: Estrilda senegala]Senegalamarant {m} [auch: Senegal-Amarant]
red-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta senegala, syn.: Estrilda senegala]Amarant {m}
red-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta senegala, syn.: Estrilda senegala] Amarant {m} <strike>easter egg</strike>
red-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta senegala, syn.: Estrilda senegala] Kleiner Amarant {m}
red-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta senegala, syn.: Estrilda senegala]Roter Amarant {m}
red-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta senegala, syn.: Estrilda senegala] Roter Astrild {m}
red-billed waxbill [Lagonosticta senegala, syn.: Estrilda senegala]Zwergblutfink {m}
red-billed whistling duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Herbstpfeifgans {f}
red-billed whistling duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Rotschnabelpfeifgans {f}
red-billed whistling-duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis]Herbstpfeifgans {f}
red-billed whistling-duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis]Rotschnabel-Pfeifgans {f} [auch: Rotschnabelpfeifgans]
red-billed whistling-duck / whistling duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Herbstente {f}
red-billed whistling-duck / whistling duck [Dendrocygna autumnalis]Graubrust-Pfeifgans {f}
red-billed woodcreeper [Hylexetastes perrotii]Rotschnabel-Baumsteiger {m}
red-billed woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe / wood hoopoe [Phoeniculus purpureus, syn.: P. erythrorhynchus] Baumhopf {m}
red-billed woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe / wood hoopoe [Phoeniculus purpureus, syn.: P. erythrorhynchus]Kakelaar {m}
(red-billed) chough [Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax]Steindohle {f} [Alpenkrähe]
(red-billed) chough [Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax] Alpenkrähe {f}
(red-billed) streamertail [Trochilus polytmus]Wimpelschwanz {m}
redbird [Piranga rubra] Sommertangare {f} [auch: Sommer-Tangare]
red-bird / redbird cactus [Euphorbia tithymaloides]Teufelsrückgrat {n} [Pantoffelstrauch]
red-bird / redbird cactus [Euphorbia tithymaloides] Pantoffelstrauch {m}
red-bird / redbird flower [Euphorbia tithymaloides]Pantoffelstrauch {m}
red-bird flower [Euphorbia tithymaloides] Teufelsrückgrat {n} [Pantoffelstrauch]
red-black grosbeak [Periporphyrus erythromelas, syn.: Caryothraustes erythromelas] Schwarzkopfkardinal {m} [auch: Schwarzkopf-Kardinal]
red-black ground snake [Atractus erythromelas]Rot-Schwarze Spindelnatter {f}
red-black spindle snake [Atractus erythromelas] Rot-Schwarze Spindelnatter {f}
red-black striped snake [Bothrophthalmus lineatus] Rotschwarze Streifennatter {f}
red-black striped snake [Bothrophthalmus lineatus] Schwarzrote Augengrubennatter {f}
red-black striped snake [Bothrophthalmus lineatus] Gestreifte Augengrubennatter {f}
red-blooded heißblütig
red-blooded [coll.] [lewd] scharf [ugs.] [lüstern]
red-blotched pygmy-goby [Trimma rubromaculatum]Rotflecken-Zwerggrundel {f}
redbone [Am.] [esp. Louisiana] [person of mixed race] [pej.]Redbone {m}
redbreast [esp. Br.] [coll.] [robin] Rotkehlchen {n}
redbreast sunfish [Lepomis auritus] Rotbrust-Sonnenbarsch {m}
red-breasted bee-eater [Nyctyornis amictus, syn.: N. amicta] Rotbartspint {m}
red-breasted blackbird [Sturnella defilippii, syn.: S. defillippi, Leistes defilippii, Pezites defilippii, P. defillippi] Schwarzschenkelstärling {m} [auch: Schwarzschenkel-Stärling]
red-breasted blackbird [Sturnella defilippii, syn.: S. defillippi, Leistes defilippii, Pezites defilippii, P. defillippi] Pampa-Lerchenstärling {m}
red-breasted blackbird [Sturnella militaris] Rotbruststärling {m}
red-breasted blackbird [Sturnella militaris] Soldatenstärling {m}
red-breasted blue flycatcher [Ficedula hyperythra] Rotbrust-Grundschnäpper {m}
red-breasted carrion beetle [Oiceoptoma thoracicum]Rothalsige Silphe {f}
red-breasted carrion beetle [Oiceoptoma thoracicum]Rothalssilphe {f}
red-breasted chat [Granatellus venustus] Weißkehlgranatellus {m}
red-breasted chat [Oenanthe bottae] Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer {m}
red-breasted chat [Oenanthe bottae] Braunbrustschmätzer {m}
red-breasted coua [Coua serriana]Rotbrust-Seidenkuckuck {m}
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