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red-footed crayfish [Astacus astacus, syn.: A. fluviatilis] Rotscherling {m} [Deutscher Flusskrebs]
red-footed falcon [Falco vespertinus]Rotfußfalke {m}
red-footed Madagascar coucal [Coua reynaudii]Rotstirncoua {m}
red-footed plumeleteer [Chalybura urochrysia] Bronzeschwanz-Buffonkolibri {m}
red-footed shag [Phalacrocorax gaimardi] Buntscharbe {f}
red-footed tortoise [Chelonoidis carbonarius, syn.: Geochelone carbonaria] Köhlerschildkröte {f}
red-footed tree squirrel [Funisciurus pyrrhopus]Rotschenkelhörnchen {n}
red-fronted antpecker [Parmoptila jamesoni] Jameson-Ameisenpicker {m}
red-fronted antpecker [Parmoptila jamesoni] Kongoameisenpicker {m}
red-fronted antpecker [Parmoptila rubrifrons] Rotstirn-Ameisenpicker {m}
red-fronted barbet [Tricholaema diademata] Diadembartvogel {m}
red-fronted (brown) lemur [Eulemur rufifrons]Rotstirnmaki {m} [Lemur]
red-fronted conure [Psittacara wagleri, syn.: Aratinga wagleri] Columbiasittich {m}
red-fronted conure [Psittacara wagleri, syn.: Aratinga wagleri] Kolumbiasittich {m}
red-fronted coot [Fulica rufifrons]Rotstirn-Blässhuhn {n}
red-fronted coua [Coua reynaudii] Rotstirn-Seidenkuckuck {m}
red-fronted flowerpecker weaver finch [Parmoptila jamesoni]Jameson-Ameisenpicker {m}
red-fronted flowerpecker weaver finch [Parmoptila jamesoni] Kongoameisenpicker {m}
red-fronted flowerpecker weaver finch [Parmoptila rubrifrons] Rotstirn-Ameisenpicker {m}
red-fronted flowerpecker weaverfinch [Parmoptila rubrifrons]Rotstirn-Ameisenpicker {m}
red-fronted flycatching warbler [Cardellina rubrifrons] Dreifarben-Waldsänger {m}
red-fronted gazelle [Eudorcas rufifrons, formerly: Gazella rufifrons] Rotstirngazelle {f}
red-fronted kakariki [Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae]Ziegensittich {m}
red-fronted laughing thrush [Garrulax rufifrons] Rotstirnhäherling {m}
red-fronted laughingthrush / laughing-thrush [Garrulax rufifrons]Rotstirnhäherling {m} [auch: Rotstirn-Häherling]
red-fronted lorikeet [Charmosyna rubronotata] Rotstirnlori {m}
red-fronted macaw [Ara rubrogenys]Rotohrara {m}
red-fronted parakeet [Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae] Ziegensittich {m}
red-fronted parrot [Poicephalus gulielmi] Kongopapagei {m}
red-fronted parrot [Poicephalus gulielmi] Grüner Kongopapagei {m}
red-fronted parrot [Poicephalus gulielmi]Jardines Kongopapagei {m}
red-fronted parrot [Poicephalus gulielmi] Gulielmis Rotstirnpapagei {m}
red-fronted parrot [Poicephalus gulielmi] Rotstirnpapagei {m}
red-fronted parrotlet [Touit costaricensis]Rotstirnpapagei {m}
red-fronted rosefinch [Carpodacus puniceus, syn.: Pyrrhospiza punicea] Bergkarmingimpel {m}
red-fronted rosefinch [Carpodacus puniceus]Felsengimpel {m}
red-fronted serin [Serinus pusillus] Rotstirngirlitz {m}
red-fronted tinker barbet [Pogoniulus pusillus]Feuerstirn-Bartvogel {m}
red-fronted tinkerbird [Pogoniulus pusillus]Feuerstirn-Bartvogel {m}
red-fronted tree babbler [Stachyris rufifrons]Rotstirntimalie {f}
red-fronted warbler [Urorhipis rufifrons] Rotstirnprinie {f}
red-fronted woodpecker [Melanerpes cruentatus]Gelbbrauenspecht {m}
red-fronted woodpecker [Melanerpes cruentatus]Goldschopfspecht {m}
red-fruit / red-fruited passionflower / passion flower [Passiflora foetida]Rotfrüchtige Passionsblume {f}
red-fruited bryony [Bryonia cretica, syn.: B. cretica subsp. cretica] Kreta-Zaunrübe {f}
red-fruited eggplant [Solanum macrocarpon] Afrikanische Eierpflanze {f}
red-fruited eggplant [Solanum macrocarpon] Afrikanische Aubergine {f}
red-gartered coot [Fulica armillata] Gelbschnabel-Blässhuhn {n}
red-gilled cortinarius / cort [Cortinarius semisanguineus, syn.: Dermocybe semisanguinea] Blutblättriger Hautkopf {m}
red-gilled nudibranch [Flabellina pellucida, syn.: Coryphella pellucida]Milchige Fadenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
red-gilled nudibranch [Flabellina verrucosa, syn.: Coryphella verrucosa, Aeolidia verrucosa]Rotrückige Fadenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
redgillite [Cu6(OH)10(SO4)·H2O]Redgillit {m}
red-gold / redgold pussy willow [Salix gracilistyla, syn.: S. thunbergiana subsp. melanostachys] Ostasiatische Weide {f}
red-gold / redgold pussy willow [Salix gracilistyla, syn.: S. thunbergiana subsp. melanostachys] Schlankgrifflige Kätzchenweide {f}
red-grained black truffle [Tuber aestivum, syn.: T. blotii]Sommer-Trüffel / Sommertrüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
red-grained black truffle [Tuber aestivum, syn.: T. blotii] Burgunder-Trüffel / Burgundertrüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
red-green alliancerot-grüne Koalition {f}
red-green alliance [Germany; alliance of the SPD and The Green Party] Rot-Grün [auch: Rotgrün] [kurz] [rot-grüne Koalition, d. h. Koalition von SPD und Grünen]
red-green blindness Rotgrünblindheit {f}
red-green carpet [Chloroclysta siterata] [moth] Olivgrüner Blattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
red-green carpet (moth) [Chloroclysta siterata] Olivgrüner Bindenspanner {m}
red-green carpet (moth) [Chloroclysta siterata] Olivgrüner Lindenblattspanner {m}
red-green majorityrot-grüne Mehrheit {f}
redgum [Liquidambar styraciflua] Amerikanischer Amberbaum {m}
redgum [Liquidambar styraciflua]Storaxbaum {m}
redgum [Liquidambar styraciflua] Seesternbaum {m}
red-gum [Liquidambar styraciflua] Amerikanischer Amberbaum {m}
red-hairedmit rotem Haar [nachgestellt]
red-haired rothaarig
red-haired man Mann {m} mit rotem Haar
red-haired manrothaariger Mann {m}
red-hand letter [literal translation, do not use; cf. Dear Doctor letter] Rote-Hand-Brief {m} <RHB>
redhanded [Am.] [coll.] [spv.]in flagranti [geh.]
red-handed [fig.]in flagranti [geh.]
red-handed howler [Alouatta belzebul] Rothandbrüllaffe {m}
red-handed howler / howling monkey [Alouatta belzebul]Rothändiger Brüllaffe {m}
red-handed howler / howling monkey [Alouatta belzebul]Gelbfüßiger Brüllaffe {m}
red-handed howling monkey [Alouatta belzebul]Rothandbrüllaffe {m}
red-handed tamarin [Saguinus midas]Rothandtamarin {m}
redheadRothaariger {m}
redhead Rotkopf {m}
redheadFuchs {m} [ugs.] [rothaarige Person]
redheadRotschopf {m}
redhead [female] Rothaarige {f}
redhead [person] Pumuckl {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [oft pej.] [Rotschopf]
redhead [Resinomycena saccharifera] Ölzystiden-Helmling {m}
Redhead by the Side of the Road [Anne Tyler] Der Sinn des Ganzen
redhead (duck) [Aythya americana]Rotkopfente {f}
redhead goby [Elacatinus puncticulatus]Rotkopfgrundel {f} [auch {m}]
red-head pochard [Aythya americana] Rotkopfente {f}
red-head pondweed [Potamogeton richardsonii, syn.: P. perfoliatus var. richardsonii]Richardsons Laichkraut {n}
red-head worm [Lumbricus rubellus] Roter Waldregenwurm {m}
red-head worm [Lumbricus rubellus] Rotwurm {m}
red-head worm [Lumbricus rubellus]Roter Laubfresser {m}
red-head worm [Lumbricus rubellus] Blaukopfwurm {m}
redheaded rothaarig
red-headed rothaarig
red-headed antpecker [Parmoptila woodhousei] Ameisenpicker {m}
red-headed antpecker [Parmoptila woodhousei] Woodhouse-Ameisenpicker {m}
« red-reddrederedered-red-red-rediredlred-redo »
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