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red-rumped waxbill [Estrilda charmosyna] Feenastrild {m}
red-rumped wheatear [Oenanthe moesta]Fahlbürzelschmätzer {m}
red-rumped wheatear [Oenanthe moesta] Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}
red-rumped wheatear [Oenanthe xanthoprymna, O. chrysopygia]Rostbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}
red-rumped wheatear [Oenanthe xanthoprymna, O. chrysopygia]Rostbürzelschmätzer {m}
red-rumped wheatear [Oenanthe xanthoprymna, O. chrysopygia] Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer {m}
red-rumped woodpecker [Veniliornis kirkii] Blutbürzelspecht {m}
redrunner / red runner [Blatta lateralis, syn.: Shelfordella lateralis, S. tartara]Persische Schabe {f}
redrying Rücktrocknung {f}
re-dryingRücktrocknung {f}
reds [coll.] [pej.] [laborites, communists]Rote {pl} [ugs.] [Sozialdemokraten, Kommunisten]
reds [shades of red] Rots {pl}
redseed plantain [Plantago rhodosperma] Rotsamiger Wegerich {m}
red-seeded sword bean [Canavalia gladiata, syn.: C. incurva, Canavaia gladiata, Dolichos gladiata / gladiatus, Malocchia gladiata](Windende) Schwertbohne {f}
redsepal evening primrose [Oenothera glazioviana, syn.: Oenothera erythrosepala, Oenothera lamarckiana] Rotkelchige Nachtkerze {f}
red-shafted flicker [Colaptes auratus]Goldspecht {m}
red-shafted flicker [Colaptes auratus]Kupferspecht {m}
red-shafted woodpecker [Colaptes auratus] Goldspecht {m}
red-shafted woodpecker [Colaptes auratus]Kupferspecht {m}
redshank [Ceratodon purpureus] Purpurstieliges Hornzahnmoos {n}
redshank [Ceratodon purpureus]Purpurmoos {n}
redshank [Ceratodon purpureus]Purpurstielzchen {n} [Purpurstieliges Hornzahnmoos]
redshank [Ceratodon purpureus] Purpur-Hornzahnmoos {n}
redshank [Persicaria maculosa, syn.: P. maculata, P. vulgaris, Polygonum persicaria] Glatter Knöterich {m} [veraltet]
redshank [Persicaria maculosa, syn.: P. maculata, P. vulgaris, Polygonum persicaria] Rötsch {m} [veraltet]
redshank [Persicaria maculosa, syn.: Polygonum persicaria, Persicaria maculata]Floh-Knöterich {m}
redshank [Persicaria maculosa, syn.: Polygonum persicaria, Persicaria maculata] Pfirsichblättriger Knöterich {m}
red-shanked bumblebee [Bombus ruderarius] Grashummel {f}
red-shanked carder bee / carder-bee [Bombus ruderarius]Grashummel {f}
red-shanked douc [Pygathrix nemaeus] Rotschenkliger Kleideraffe {m}
red-shanked douc langur [Pygathrix nemaeus]Rotschenkliger Kleideraffe {m}
redshift Rotverschiebung {f}
red-shifted [also: redshifted]rotverschoben
redshirtRedshirt {m}
red-shouldered buzzard [Buteo lineatus]Rotschulterbussard {m}
red-shouldered cuckoo shrike [Campephaga phoenicea]Rotschulter-Raupenfresser {m}
red-shouldered cuckoo shrike [Campephaga phoenicea] Rotschulter-Kuckuckswürger {m}
red-shouldered glossy starling [Lamprotornis nitens] Rotschulter-Glanzstar {m}
red-shouldered hawk [Buteo lineatus] Rotschulterbussard {m}
red-shouldered macaw [Diopsittaca nobilis] Zwergara {m}
red-shouldered macaw [Diopsittaca nobilis]Blaustirn-Zwergara {m}
red-shouldered spinetail [Gyalophylax hellmayri] Rotschulterschlüpfer {m}
red-shouldered sportive lemur [Lepilemur aeeclis] Rotschulter-Wieselmaki {m}
red-shouldered tanager [Tachyphonus phoenicius] Rotschultertangare {f}
red-shouldered teal [Callonetta leucophrys, syn.: Anas leucophrys]Rotschulterente {f}
red-shouldered vanga [Calicalicus rufocarpalis] Rotschultervanga {m}
(red-shouldered) ham beetle [Necrobia ruficollis] Rothalsiger Schinkenkäfer {m}
(red-shouldered) ham beetle [Necrobia ruficollis]Zweifarbiger Kolbenkäfer {m}
red-side barb [Puntius bimaculatus]Zweifleckbarbe {f}
red-sided curly-tailed lizard [Leiocephalus schreibersii]Schreibers Glattkopfleguan {m}
red-sided curly-tailed lizard [Leiocephalus schreibersii]Haiti-Glattkopfleguan {m}
red-sided garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis]Rotseitige Strumpfbandnatter {f}
red-sided mountain-finch / mountain finch [Oreostruthus fuliginosus]Bergamadine {f} [auch: Berg-Amadine]
red-sided sector spider [Zygiella atrica]Rötliche Sektorspinne {f}
red-sided skink [Trachylepis homalocephala, syn.: Mabuya homalocephala] Rotseitenskink {m}
red-sided skink [Trachylepis homalocephala, syn.: Mabuya homalocephala] Glattkopfskink {m}
red-sided streaked honeyeater [Ptiloprora erythropleura] Rotflanken-Honigfresser {m}
redsides (trout) [esp. Can.] [Oncorhynchus mykiss] [rainbow trout]Regenbogenforelle {f}
redskin [offensive] [Native American] Indianer {m} [heute von manchen als diskriminierend empfunden]
redskin [politically incorrect] Rothaut {f} [pej.] [nordamerik. Indianer]
redskinfish [Ablabys binotatus]Indischer Stirnflosser {m}
red-skinned potatorotschalige Kartoffel {f}
redsmithKupferschmied {m}
red-spectacled amazon [Amazona pretrei] Prachtamazone {f}
red-spectacled finch [Callacanthis burtoni] Burtongimpel {m}
red-spectacled finch [Callacanthis burtoni] Stieglitzgimpel {m}
red-spot honeyeater [Myzomela eques] Dolchstich-Honigfresser {m}
red-spot sea star [Leiaster coriaceus]Picasso-Seestern {m}
red-spot sea star [Leiaster coriaceus] Rotflecken-Seestern / Rotfleckenseestern {m}
red-spotted alpine pitviper / pit viper [Gloydius rubromaculatus] Rotfleckige Mamushi {f}
red-spotted beaked snake [Rhamphiophis rubropunctatus] Rotrücken-Schnabelnasennatter {f}
red-spotted bluethroat [Luscinia svecica svecica] Rotsterniges Blaukehlchen {n}
red-spotted catshark [Schroederichthys chilensis] Rotgefleckter Katzenhai {m}
red-spotted coral goby [Gobiodon rivulatus]Rotstreifen-Grundel {f}
red-spotted diadem snake [Spalerosophis arenarius, syn.: Coluber arenarius, Zamenis arenarius]Rotbraune Diademnatter {f}
red-spotted dwarfgoby [Trimma rubromaculatum]Rotflecken-Zwerggrundel {f}
red-spotted garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus] Rotfleckige Strumpfbandnatter {f}
red-spotted horseshoe [Protula tubularia, syn.: P. (Protula) tubularia, P. borealis, P. capensis, P. elegans, P. tuburalia, Psygmobranchus pratensis, P. tubularis, Serpula tubularia] Weißer Kalkröhrenwurm {m}
red-spotted horseshoe [Protula tubularia, syn.: P. (Protula) tubularia, P. borealis, P. capensis, P. elegans, P. tuburalia, Psygmobranchus pratensis, P. tubularis, Serpula tubularia] Glatter Kalkröhrenwurm {m}
red-spotted horseshoe [Protula tubularia]Glattwandiger Kalkröhrenwurm {m}
red-spotted lorikeet [Charmosyna rubronotata] Rotstirnlori {m}
red-spotted mamushi [Gloydius rubromaculatus]Rotfleckige Mamushi {f}
red-spotted newt [Notophthalmus viridescens] Grünlicher Wassermolch {m}
red-spotted pitviper [Protobothrops jerdonii xanthomelas, syn.: Trimeresurus jerdonii, Trimeresurus xanthomelas] [also: red spotted pitviper] Rotgepunktete Bambusotter {f}
red-spotted pitviper / pit viper [Protobothrops jerdonii xanthomelas, syn.: Trimeresurus jerdonii xanthomelas] [also: red spotted pitviper]Rotgefleckte Grubenotter {f}
red-spotted plant bug [Deraeocoris ruber] Rote Weichwanze {f}
red-spotted plant bug [Deraeocoris ruber] Dreiecks-Weichwanze {f} [auch: Dreiecksweichwanze]
red-spotted plant bug [Deraeocoris ruber] Dreiecks-Weichwanze {f} [auch: Dreiecksweichwanze]dummy
red-spotted racket-tailed parrot [Prioniturus flavicans]Flaggenschwanzpapagei {m}
red-spotted racquet-tail [Prioniturus flavicans] Flaggenschwanzpapagei {m}
red-spotted racquet-tailed parrot [Prioniturus flavicans] Flaggenschwanzpapagei {m}
red-spotted royal snake [Spalerosophis arenarius, syn.: Coluber arenarius, Zamenis arenarius] Rotbraune Diademnatter {f}
red-spotted sandperch [Parapercis schauinslandii] Rotflecken-Sandbarsch {m}
red-spotted scale [Chrysomphalus aonidum, syn.: C. ficus, Aspidiotus ficorum, A. ficus] Rote Florida-Schildlaus {f}
red-spotted scale [Chrysomphalus aonidum, syn.: C. ficus, Aspidiotus ficorum, A. ficus]Schwarze Tellerschildlaus {f}
red-spotted sunfish [Lepomis miniatus] Rotgepunkteter Sonnenbarsch {m}
red-spotted tetra [Copeina guttata] Forellensalmler {m}
red-spotted toad [Anaxyrus punctatus, syn.: Bufo punctatus]Rotpunktkröte {f}
red-stained woodpecker [Veniliornis affinis] Blutflügelspecht {m}
« red-redired-red-redored-red-red-redureduredu »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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