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red-spotted pitviper [Protobothrops jerdonii xanthomelas, syn.: Trimeresurus jerdonii, Trimeresurus xanthomelas] [also: red spotted pitviper] Rotgepunktete Bambusotter {f}
red-spotted pitviper / pit viper [Protobothrops jerdonii xanthomelas, syn.: Trimeresurus jerdonii xanthomelas] [also: red spotted pitviper] Rotgefleckte Grubenotter {f}
red-spotted plant bug [Deraeocoris ruber] Rote Weichwanze {f}
red-spotted plant bug [Deraeocoris ruber] Dreiecks-Weichwanze {f} [auch: Dreiecksweichwanze]
red-spotted racket-tailed parrot [Prioniturus flavicans]Flaggenschwanzpapagei {m}
red-spotted racquet-tail [Prioniturus flavicans] Flaggenschwanzpapagei {m}
red-spotted racquet-tailed parrot [Prioniturus flavicans]Flaggenschwanzpapagei {m}
red-spotted royal snake [Spalerosophis arenarius, syn.: Coluber arenarius, Zamenis arenarius] Rotbraune Diademnatter {f}
red-spotted sandperch [Parapercis schauinslandii]Rotflecken-Sandbarsch {m}
red-spotted scale [Chrysomphalus aonidum, syn.: C. ficus, Aspidiotus ficorum, A. ficus] Rote Florida-Schildlaus {f}
red-spotted scale [Chrysomphalus aonidum, syn.: C. ficus, Aspidiotus ficorum, A. ficus] Schwarze Tellerschildlaus {f}
red-spotted sunfish [Lepomis miniatus]Rotgepunkteter Sonnenbarsch {m}
red-spotted tetra [Copeina guttata]Forellensalmler {m}
red-spotted toad [Anaxyrus punctatus, syn.: Bufo punctatus] Rotpunktkröte {f}
red-stained woodpecker [Veniliornis affinis]Blutflügelspecht {m}
red-staining agaricus [Agaricus silvaticus, also A. sylvaticus]Kleiner Blut-Egerling / Blutegerling {m}
red-staining inocybe [Inocybe erubescens, syn.: Inocybe patouillardii]Mai-Risspilz {m} [auch: Mairisspilz]
red-staining inocybe [Inocybe erubescens, syn.: Inocybe patouillardii]Ziegelroter Risspilz {m}
red-staining (wood) mushroom [Agaricus silvaticus, also A. sylvaticus] Kleiner Blut-Egerling / Blutegerling {m}
redstart [genus Phoenicurus] Rotschwänzchen {n}
redstartsRotschwänzchen {pl}
redstem [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel {m}
redstem [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
redstem [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Schierlings-Reiherschnabel {m}
redstem [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Gemeiner Reiherschnabel {m}
red-stem dogwood [Cornus sericea, syn.: C. alba var. coloradensis, C. occidentalis, C. stolonifera]Weißer Hartriegel {m}
red-stem dogwood [Cornus sericea, syn.: C. alba var. coloradensis, C. occidentalis, C. stolonifera] Seidiger Hartriegel {m}
red-stem dogwood [Cornus sericea, syn.: C. alba var. coloradensis, C. occidentalis, C. stolonifera] Sprossender Hartriegel {m}
red-stem dogwood [Cornus sericea, syn.: C. alba var. coloradensis, C. occidentalis, C. stolonifera]Weiden-Hartriegel / Weidenhartriegel {m}
red-stem dogwood [Cornus sericea, syn.: C. alba var. coloradensis, C. occidentalis, C. stolonifera] Seidiger Hornstrauch {m}
redstem filaree [Erodium cicutarium] Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
redstem filaree [Erodium cicutarium]Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel {m}
redstem stork's bill [Erodium cicutarium] Gemeiner Reiherschnabel {m}
red-stem stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
redstem wormwood [Artemisia scoparia, syn.: A. elegans, A. kohatica, Absinthium laxum] Besen-Beifuß {m}
(red-stem) filaree [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
(red-stem) filaree [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel {m}
(red-stem) filaree [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Schierlings-Reiherschnabel {m}
red-stemmed feather-moss [Pleurozium schreberi] (Schrebers) Rotstängelmoos {n}
red-stemmed filaree [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
red-stemmed filaree [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel {m}
red-stemmed filaree [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Gemeiner Reiherschnabel {m}
red-stemmed filaree [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Schierlings-Reiherschnabel {m}
red-stemmed tough-shank [Gymnopus erythropus, syn.: Collybia erythropus] Rotbraunstieliger Blasssporrübling {m}
red-stemmed tough-shank [Gymnopus erythropus, syn.: Collybia erythropus] Rotstieliger Rübling {m}
redstripe pipefish [Dunckerocampus baldwini]Rotstreifen-Seenadel {f}
redstripe tuskfish [Choerodon vitta] Rotstreifen-Zahnlippfisch {m}
redstriped butterflyfish [Chaetodon lunula]Mondsichel-Falterfisch {m}
red-striped flowerpecker [Dicaeum australe]Rostbauch-Mistelfresser {m}
red-striped flowerpecker [Dicaeum australe] Rotbauch-Mistelfresser {m}
red-striped garter snake [Thamnophis ordinoides] Nordwestliche Strumpfbandnatter {f}
red-striped hermit crab [Ciliopagurus strigatus] Ringelsocken-Einsiedlerkrebs {m}
red-striped hermit crab [Ciliopagurus strigatus] Gestreifter Einsiedlerkrebs {m}
red-striped smooth snake [Liophidium pattoni] Rotstreifen-Glattnatter {f}
redtail / red tail shark [Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, syn.: Labeo bicolor] Feuerschwanz-Fransenlipper {m} [auch: Feuerschwanzfransenlipper]
redtail botia [Botia modesta]Grüne Schmerle {f}
redtail botia [Yasuhikotakia modesta, syn.: Botia rubripinnis] Blaue Prachtschmerle {f}
redtail butterflyfish [Chaetodon collare]Halsband-Falterfisch {m}
redtail catfish [Phractocephalus hemioliopterus] Rotflossen-Antennenwels {m}
redtail filefish [Pervagor melanocephalus]Schwarzkopf-Feilenfisch {m}
redtail monkey [Cercopithecus ascanius] Kongo-Weißnasenmeerkatze {f}
redtail monkey [Cercopithecus ascanius] Rotschwanzmeerkatze {f}
redtail rat snake [Gonyosoma oxycephalum, syn.: Elaphe oxycephala] (Grüne) Spitzkopfnatter {f}
redtail rat snake [Gonyosoma oxycephalum, syn.: Elaphe oxycephala] Rotschwanznatter {f}
redtail sharkminnow [Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, syn.: Labeo bicolor] Feuerschwanz-Fransenlipper {m} [auch: Feuerschwanzfransenlipper]
redtail sharkminnow [Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, syn.: Labeo bicolor]Feuerschwanz {m}
redtail wrasse [Anampses chrysocephalus]Rotschwanz-Perljunker {m}
red-tailed / red tailed tinfoil [Barbonymus altus]Rotflossenbarbe {f}
redtailed / red-tailed black shark [Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, syn.: Labeo bicolor] Feuerschwanz-Fransenlipper {m} [auch: Feuerschwanzfransenlipper]
redtailed / red-tailed black shark [Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, syn.: Labeo bicolor] Feuerschwanz {m}
red-tailed amazon [Amazona brasiliensis]Rotschwanzamazone {f}
red-tailed ant thrush [Neocossyphus rufus]Rotschwanz-Fuchsdrossel {f}
red-tailed black cockatoo [Calyptorhynchus banksii] Rabenkakadu {m}
red-tailed black cockatoo [Calyptorhynchus banksii] Banks-Rabenkakadu {m}
red-tailed black cockatoo [Calyptorhynchus banksii]Rotschwanz-Rabenkakadu {m}
red-tailed (black) shark [Epalzeorhynchus bicolor]Feuerschwanz-Fransenlipper {m}
red-tailed boa [Boa constrictor constrictor]Königsboa {f}
red-tailed bulbul [Criniger calurus]Swainsonbülbül {m}
red-tailed bumblebee [Bombus lapidarius] Steinhummel {f}
red-tailed butterflyfish [Chaetodon collare] Halsband-Falterfisch {m}
red-tailed buzzard [Buteo ventralis]Magellanbussard {m}
red-tailed chat [Cercomela familiaris, syn.: Oenanthe familiaris] Rostschwanzschmätzer {m}
red-tailed chat [Cercomela familiaris]Rostschwanz {m}
red-tailed chat [Oenanthe xanthoprymna, O. chrysopygia] Rostbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}
red-tailed chat [Oenanthe xanthoprymna, O. chrysopygia]Rostbürzelschmätzer {m}
red-tailed chat [Oenanthe xanthoprymna, O. chrysopygia]Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer {m}
red-tailed chipmunk [Tamias ruficaudus, syn.: Neotamias ruficaudus] Rotschwanz-Streifenhörnchen {n}
red-tailed comet [Sappho sparganura] Schleppensylphe {f}
red-tailed comet [Sappho sparganura]Goldschwanzsylphe {f}
red-tailed fantail [Rhipidura phoenicura] Rotbürzel-Fächerschwanz {m}
red-tailed green ratsnake / rat snake [Gonyosoma oxycephalum, syn.: Elaphe oxycephala] (Grüne) Spitzkopfnatter {f}
red-tailed green ratsnake / rat snake [Gonyosoma oxycephalum, syn.: Elaphe oxycephala]Rotschwanznatter {f}
red-tailed guan [Ortalis ruficauda] Rotschwanzguan {m}
red-tailed guan [Ortalis ruficauda] Rotsteißtschatschalaka {m} [auch: Rotsteiß-Tschatschalaka]
red-tailed guenon [Cercopithecus ascanius] Rotschwanzmeerkatze {f}
red-tailed guenon [Cercopithecus ascanius] Kongo-Weißnasenmeerkatze {f}
red-tailed hawk [Buteo jamaicensis]Rotschwanzbussard {m}
red-tailed hawk [Buteo ventralis] Magellanbussard {m}
red-tailed labeo [Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, syn.: Labeo bicolor] Feuerschwanz-Fransenlipper {m} [auch: Feuerschwanzfransenlipper]
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