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red-veined maple [Acer rufinerve] Rosthaariger Streifenahorn {m}
red-veined pie plant [Rheum australe, syn.: R. emodi] Himalaya-Rhabarber {m}
red-veined pie plant [Rheum australe, syn.: R. emodi] Emodi-Rhabarber / Emodirhabarber {m}
red-vented barbet [Megalaima lagrandieri] Rotsteiß-Bartvogel {m}
red-vented bluebonnet [Northiella haematogaster haematorrhous]Rotsteißsittich {m}
red-vented bulbul [Pycnonotus cafer] Rußbülbül {m}
red-vented cockatoo [Cacatua haematuropygia] Rotsteißkakadu {m}
red-vented malimbe [Malimbus scutatus]Schildweber {m}
red-vented woodpecker [Melanerpes pygmaeus, syn.: Centurus pygmaeus] [Yucatán woodpecker] Yucatanspecht {m}
red-vented woodpecker [Melanerpes rubricapillus] [red-crowned woodpecker] Rotkappenspecht / Rotkappen-Specht {m}
redwater fever [babesiosis] Babesiose {f}
red-wattled lapwing [Vanellus indicus]Rotlappenkiebitz {m}
redweed [Phytolacca americana] Amerikanische Kermesbeere {f}
red-whiskered bulbul [Pycnonotus jocosus] Rotohrbülbül {m}
red-white rotweiß
red-white antpitta [Grallaria erythroleuca] Weißflecken-Ameisenpitta {f}
red-white antpitta [Grallaria erythroleuca] Kastanien-Ameisenpitta / Kastanienameisenpitta {f}
red-white antpitta [Grallaria erythroleuca]Inkaameisenpitta {f}
redwing [Francolinus levaillantii, syn.: Scleroptila levaillantii]Rotflügelfrankolin {m}
red-wing [Turdus iliacus, syn.: T. musicus, Arceuthornis musicus]Rotdrossel {f}
redwing [Turdus iliacus]Weindrossel {f} [Rotdrossel]
redwing [Turdus iliacus] [thrush]Rotdrossel {f}
redwing francolin [Francolinus levaillantii, syn.: Scleroptila levaillantii] Rotflügelfrankolin {m}
redwing partridge [Francolinus levaillantii, syn.: Scleroptila levaillantii] Rotflügelfrankolin {m}
red-winged blackbird [Agelaius phoeniceus]Rotflügel-Schwarzstärling {m}
red-winged blackbird [Agelaius phoeniceus]Rotflügelstärling {m}
red-winged bush lark [Mirafra hypermetra] Riesenlerche {f}
red-winged crested cuckoo [Clamator coromandus]Koromandelkuckuck {m}
red-winged fairy wren [Malurus elegans]Silberkopf-Staffelschwanz {m}
red-winged fairywren [Malurus elegans] Silberkopf-Staffelschwanz {m}
red-winged francolin [Scleroptila levaillantii]Rotflügelfrankolin {m}
red-winged grasshopper [Oedipoda germanica]Rotflügelige Ödlandschrecke {f}
red-winged grasshopper [Oedipoda germanica]Rotflüglige Ödlandschrecke {f}
red-winged grasswren [Amytornis dorotheae]Carpentariagrasschlüpfer {m}
red-winged gray warbler [Drymocichla incana] [Am.] Rotschwingensänger {m}
red-winged grey warbler [Drymocichla incana] [Br.]Rotschwingensänger {m}
red-winged lark [Mirafra hypermetra]Riesenlerche {f}
red-winged laughingthrush / laughing-thrush / laughing thrush [Garrulax formosus, syn.: Trochalopteron formosum] Prachthäherling {m} [auch: Pracht-Häherling]
red-winged parrot [Aprosmictus erythropterus]Rotflügelsittich {m}
red-winged parrotlet [Touit dilectissima] Kronenpapagei {m}
red-winged pine beetle [Dendroctonus rufipennis, syn.: D. borealis, D. engelmanni, D. obesus, D. piceaperda, D. similis, Hylurgus rufipennis] Sitkafichtenriesenbastkäfer | Sitkafichten-Riesenbastkäfer {m}
red-winged pratincole [Glareola pratincola] Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe {f}
red-winged prinia [Prinia erythroptera / Heliolais erythropterus]Sonnenprinie {f}
red-winged pytilia [Pytilia phoenicoptera]Auroraastrild {m}
red-winged shrike babbler [Pteruthius flaviscapis]Weißbrauen-Würgertimalie {f}
red-winged singing bushlark [Mirafra erythroptera] Rotflügellerche {f}
red-winged starling [Onychognathus nabouroup, syn.: O. caffra] Fahlflügelstar {m}
red-winged starling [Onychognathus nabouroup, syn.: O. caffra] Bergstar {m}
red-winged thrush [Turdus iliacus, syn.: T. musicus, Arceuthornis musicus]Rotdrossel {f}
red-winged thrush [Turdus iliacus]Weindrossel {f} [Rotdrossel]
red-winged tinamou [Rhynchotus rufescens]Rotflügel-Pampahuhn {n}
red-winged tinamou [Rhynchotus rufescens] Pampashuhn {n} [Rotflügel-Pampahuhn]
red-winged tinamou [Rhynchotus rufescens]Pampahuhn {n} [Rotflügel-Pampahuhn]
red-winged warbler [Prinia erythroptera / Heliolais erythropterus]Sonnenprinie {f}
red-winged wood rail [Aramides calopterus]Rotflügelralle {f}
red-winged wren [Malurus elegans]Silberkopf-Staffelschwanz {m}
redwoodRotholz {n}
redwood Redwood {m}
redwood {sg} [Sequoioideae]Mammutbäume {pl} [Unterfamilie]
redwood burl [veneer] Vavona-Maser {f} [Furnier]
redwood chipmunk [Tamias ochrogenys, syn.: Neotamias ochrogenys] Gelbwangen-Streifenhörnchen {n}
redwood lily [Lilium rubescens] Siskiyou-Lilie {f}
Redwood National and State Parks <RNSP> Redwood-Nationalpark {m}
redwood rooter [Caulorhiza umbonata]Mammutbaum-Rübling {m}
redwoodsRothölzer {pl}
redwoods Rotholzbäume {pl} [ugs. für Sequoia sempervirens, Küsten-Sequoie]
redwoods flycatcher [Empidonax difficilis] Ufertyrann {m}
redwoods flycatcher [Empidonax difficilis] Feuchtwald-Schnäppertyrann {m}
redworm [Eisenia fetida, syn.: Eisenia foetida] [earthworm species] Mistwurm {m}
redworm [Eisenia fetida]Kompostwurm {m}
redworm [Eisenia fetida] Stinkwurm {m}
redworm [Eisenia fetida] Dungwurm {m}
redwreath / red-wreath acacia [Acacia cyclops, syn.: A. cyclopis, A. eglandulosa, A. mirbeli, A. mirbelli, Racosperma eglandulosum] [coastal wattle]Weiden-Akazie / Weidenakazie {f} [Küsten-Akazie]
redwreath / red-wreath acacia [Acacia cyclops, syn.: A. cyclopis, A. eglandulosa, A. mirbeli, A. mirbelli, Racosperma eglandulosum] [coastal wattle]Zyklop-Akazie / Zyklopakazie {f} [Küsten-Akazie]
redwreath acacia [Acacia cyclops, syn.: A. cyclopis, A. eglandulosa, A. mirbeli, A. mirbelli, Racosperma eglandulosum] [coastal wattle] (Westliche) Küsten-Akazie / Küstenakazie {f}
red-yellow barbet [Trachyphonus erythrocephalus] Flammenkopf-Bartvogel {m}
red-yellow foxtail (grass) [Alopecurus aequalis, syn.: A. aristulatus, A. fulvus] Rotgelbes / Gelbrotes Fuchsschwanzgras {n}
red-yellow-green scaleRot-Gelb-Grün-Skala {n}
Ree groupRee-Gruppe {f}
Reeb foliation Reeb-Blätterung {f}
Reeb graphReeb-Graph {m}
re-echoed widerhallend
re-echoing widerhallend
reechy [archaic] schmutzig
reed Ried {n}
reed Schilf {n}
reedSchilfrohr {n}
reed Rippung {f} [Profil aus mehreren parallelen Holzstäben]
reed Rohr {n}
reed Teichrohr {n}
reedLäusch {n} [regional] [veraltet] [Schilf, Liesch]
reed [in a woodwind instrument]Rohrblatt {n} [in einem Holzblasinstrument]
reed [in a woodwind instrument] Blatt {n} [in einem Holzblasinstrument]
reed [in an instrument or organ pipe] Zunge {f} [in einem Musikinstrument oder einer Orgelpfeife]
reed / vibrating-reed frequency meterZungenfrequenzmesser {m}
reed and straw thatcherStrohdachdecker {m}
reed basket Korb {m} aus Schilfrohr
reed bedRöhricht {n}
reed bedSchilfröhricht {n}
reed beltSchilfgürtel {m}
« red-reduredureduredured-reedreedreefre-ere-e »
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