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regional agency Distriktsvertretung {f}
regional airline Regionalfluggesellschaft {f}
regional airport Regionalflughafen {m}
regional airport Regionalflugplatz {m}
regional anaesthesia [Br.] Regionalanästhesie {f}
regional anaesthesia [Br.]regionale Anästhesie {f}
regional analysisRegionalanalyse {f}
regional and cultural studies {pl} Landeskunde {f}
regional and environmental planning Raum- und Umweltplanung {f}
regional anesthesia [Am.]Regionalanästhesie {f}
regional anesthesia [Am.]regionale Anästhesie {f}
regional appeal court Oberlandesgericht {n} <OLG>
regional art Heimatkunst {f}
regional association Regionalverband {m}
regional authorities {pl} Landesamt {n}
regional authority Regionalverband {m}
regional authorityRegionalbehörde {f}
regional awareness Regionalbewusstsein {n}
regional banks Regionalbanken {pl}
regional bishopLandesbischof {m}
regional bishopKreisdekan {m}
regional budgetRegionalbudget {n}
regional businesses regionales Gewerbe {n}
regional capital Regionalhauptstadt {f}
regional cartelGebietskartell {n}
regional center [Am.] Oberzentrum {n}
regional center [Am.] Regionalzentrum {n}
regional centre [Br.] Oberzentrum {n}
regional centre [Br.] Regionalzentrum {n}
regional championship Landesmeisterschaft {f}
regional chemotherapy <RC, RCT> regionäre Chemotherapie {f}
regional chemotherapy <RC, RCT> regionale Chemotherapie {f} <RC, RCT>
regional church Landeskirche {f}
regional city Regionalstadt {f}
regional climate Regionalklima {n}
regional commission Regionalkommission {f}
regional commission Bezirkskommission {f}
Regional Commissioner <RC>Regionalkommissar {m}
regional conferenceRegionalkonferenz {f}
regional constituency Regionalwahlkreis {m}
regional corporation Gebietskörperschaft {f}
regional costumeLandestracht {f} [regional]
regional council Regionalrat {m}
regional court Bezirksgericht {n}
regional court Landgericht {n} <LG>
regional court Landesgericht {n} [österr.]
regional daily regionale Tageszeitung {f}
regional dean Regionaldekan {m}
regional dean Kreisdekan {m}
regional deep hyperthermiaregionale Tiefenhyperthermie {f}
regional dental authorities [Germany] Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigungen {pl} <KZV>
regional development Raumordnung {f}
regional development Regionalentwicklung {f}
regional development <RD> regionale Entwicklung {f}
regional development planning Raumplanung {f} [Raumordnung]
regional differences regionale Unterschiede {pl}
regional distinctionsBesonderheiten {pl} der Regionen
regional distinctionsgebietsweise Unterschiede {pl}
regional distinctionsUnterschiede {pl} zwischen den Gebieten
regional economic regionalökonomisch
regional economics Regionalökonomik {f}
regional economyRegionalwirtschaft {f}
regional edition Regionalausgabe {f}
regional edition Lokalausgabe {f}
regional enteritis <RE> regionale Enteritis {f} <RE>
regional faction Landesgruppe {f} [einer Partei etc.]
regional fairProvinzmesse {f}
regional fair Regionalmesse {f}
regional forcesregionale Streitkräfte {pl}
regional geography Länderkunde {f}
regional governmentRegionalregierung {f}
regional groupRegionalgruppe {f}
regional head office Bezirksdirektion {f}
regional history Landesgeschichte {f} [regional]
regional history Heimatgeschichte {f}
regional identityRegionalidentität {f}
regional industryregionale Industrie {f}
regional initiative Regionalinitiative {f}
regional language Regionalsprache {f}
regional languages Regionalsprachen {pl}
regional league Regionalliga {f} [sport]
regional levelregionale Ebene {f}
regional level Regionalebene {f}
regional libraryLandesbibliothek {f}
regional libraryRegionalbibliothek {f}
regional literature Heimatdichtung {f}
regional management <RM> Regionalleitung {f} <RL>
regional manager Bezirksdirektor {m}
regional managerGebietsleiter {m}
regional manager <RM>Regionalleiter {m} <RL>
regional manager <RM> [female]Regionalleiterin {f} <RL>
regional map Regionalkarte {f}
regional medical insurance (company)Gebietskrankenkasse {f} <GKK> [österr.]
regional metamorphism Regionalmetamorphose {f}
regional mobility regionale Mobilität {f}
regional money Regionalgeld {n}
regional museum Regionsmuseum {n}
regional museumRegionalmuseum {n}
regional nameRegionalname {m}
regional network Regionalverbund {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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