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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 21 for words starting with R in the English-German dictionarynext page »
radio operator [female] Funkerin {f}
radio orchestra Rundfunkorchester {n}
radio orchestra Rundfunkklangkörper {m} [fig. für: Rundfunkorchester]
radio orientation Funkortung {f}
radio path Funkstrecke {f}
radio patrol car Funkstreifenwagen {m}
radio photograph Funkbild {n}
radio playHörspiel {n}
radio playRadiohörspiel {n}
radio playRundfunkhörspiel {n}
radio pliers {pl} [one pair] [snipe-nose cutting pliers]Radiozange {f} [Flachrundzange mit Schneide]
radio preacher Rundfunkprediger {m}
radio presenter Radiomoderator {m}
radio procedure Funkbetriebsverfahren {n}
radio production Radioproduktion {f}
radio program [Am.]Rundfunkprogramm {n}
radio program [Am.] Rundfunksendung {f}
radio program [Am.]Radiosendung {f}
radio program [Am.] Radioprogramm {n}
radio program director [Am.] Radio-Programmdirektor {m}
radio program guide [Am.] Rundfunkprogramm {n} [gedrucktes]
radio program guide [Am.] Rundfunkzeitschrift {f}
radio programme [Br.]Radioübertragung {f}
radio programme [Br.] Radioprogramm {n}
radio programme [Br.] Rundfunkprogramm {n}
radio programme [Br.] Rundfunksendung {f}
radio programme [Br.] Hörfunksendung {f}
radio programme [Br.] Radiosendung {f}
radio programme director [Br.]Radio-Programmdirektor {m}
radio programme guide [Br.]Rundfunkprogramm {n} [gedrucktes]
radio programme guide [Br.] Rundfunkzeitschrift {f}
radio prospectingFunkmutung {f}
radio prospectionFunkmutung {f}
radio range Radiobereich {m}
radio range [in astronomy] Radiofrequenzbereich {m}
radio receiverEmpfänger {m}
radio receiverFunkempfänger {m}
radio reception Empfang {m}
radio reception Funkempfang {m}
radio receptionRundfunkempfang {m}
radio reception Radioempfang {m}
radio reconnaissanceFunkaufklärung {f}
radio recordingRundfunkaufnahme {f}
radio relay Richtverbindung {f}
radio relay systemRichtfunknetz {n}
radio remote control Funkfernsteuerung {f}
radio remote controlFunkfernbedienung {f}
radio reportRundfunkbericht {m}
radio reportHörfunkbeitrag {m}
radio report Radiobeitrag {m} [Bericht]
radio report Funkmeldung {f}
radio reporter Rundfunkreporter {m}
radio reporter Radioreporter {m}
radio reporter [female] Radioreporterin {f}
radio retreatsRadioexerzitien {pl}
radio ripple controlFunkrundsteuerung {f}
radio room Funkraum {m}
radio sensor Funksensor {m}
radio sermon Rundfunkpredigt {f}
radio service Funkdienst {m}
radio setFunkgerät {n}
radio set Radiogerät {n}
radio set Rundfunkempfänger {m}
radio setRundfunkgerät {n}
radio (set)Radioapparat {m}
radio (set) Rundfunkapparat {m} [veraltet]
radio setsRadiogeräte {pl}
radio shadow Funkschatten {m}
radio shop Radiogeschäft {n}
radio show Funkausstellung {f}
radio show Radioprogramm {n}
radio showHörfunksendung {f}
radio signal Funksignal {n}
radio silence Funkstille {f}
radio slot Radioschacht {m}
radio source Radioquelle {f}
radio spectrum Frequenzspektrum {n}
radio spectrum policy Funkfrequenzpolitik {f}
radio spotWerbedurchsage {f}
radio spotHörfunkspot {m}
radio spot Funkspot {m}
radio spot Radiospot {m}
radio stationFunkstation {f}
radio station Radiosender {m} [Rundfunkanstalt]
radio station Rundfunkstation {f}
radio station Radiostation {f}
radio station Rundfunksender {m} [Sendeanstalt]
radio station Hörfunksender {m}
radio stationFunkstelle {f} [Funkstation] <FuSt>
radio studio Radiostudio {n}
radio studio Hörfunkstudio {n}
radio suppression seal Funkschutzzeichen {n}
radio symphony orchestra Radio-Sinfonieorchester {n} <RSO>
radio symphony orchestra Radiosymphonieorchester {n}
radio system Funksystem {n}
radio tagFunketikett {n}
radio talkshow Radiotalkshow {f}
radio talkshow Radio-Talkshow {f}
radio taxiFunktaxi {n}
radio taxi control centerFunktaxizentrale {f}
« radiradiradiradiradiradiradiradiradiradiradi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers