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religiose [pej.] bigott [pej.]
religiosity Frömmelei {f} [pej.]
religiosity Frömmlertum {n} [pej.]
religiosity Religiosität {f}
religiosityFrömmigkeit {f}
religiosity [devotion to one's faith] Gläubigsein {n} [Erfülltsein vom Glauben]
religiot [coll.] [pej.]Religiot {m} [pej.] [religöser Eiferer]
religio-theoretical religionstheoretisch
religious gewissenhaft
religiousOrdensmitglied {n} [eines Klosterordens]
religious geistlich [Schrift, Musik, Führer]
religious frommherzig [veraltet]
religious {pl}Ordensmitglieder {pl} [eines Klosterordens]
religious {pl}Ordensleute {pl} [Mitglieder eines Klosterordens]
religious [pertaining to religion] Glaubens-
religious [female member of a religious order]Religiose {f} [veraltet] [Ordensfrau]
religious [member of a religious order]Religioser {m} [veraltet] [Ordensmann]
religious [without belonging to a church etc.] gottgläubig [veraltet] [bes. Nazi-Ausdruck]
religious <rel.> religiös <rel.>
religious affairsReligionsangelegenheiten {pl}
religious affiliationReligionszugehörigkeit {f}
religious affiliation Religionsangehörigkeit {f}
religious affiliation Konfessionszugehörigkeit {f}
religious affiliationGlaubensbekenntnis {n} [Religionszugehörigkeit]
religious architecture Sakralarchitektur {f}
religious artSakralkunst {f}
religious assimilationreligiöse Assimilation {f}
religious associationReligionsgemeinschaft {f}
religious aurareligiöse Atmosphäre {f}
religious authority [agency] Religionsbehörde {f}
religious battle Glaubenskampf {m}
religious belief Glaubensüberzeugung {f}
religious beliefs {pl} Religiosität {f}
religious bigotreligiöser Eiferer {m}
religious body [recognized by law]Religionsgemeinschaft {f}
religious bond religiöse Bindung {f}
religious book Religionsbuch {n}
religious boundaries Religionsgrenzen {pl}
religious center [Am.] Religionszentrum {n}
religious ceremony [wedding, funeral etc] Amtshandlung {f}
religious change Religionswandel {m}
religious comedy Religionskomödie {f}
religious communityKultusgemeinde {f}
religious communityReligionsgemeinschaft {f}
religious communityGlaubensgemeinschaft {f}
religious community Glaubensgemeinde {f}
religious compatriotsReligionsverwandte {pl}
religious compulsion Religionszwang {m}
religious concession [capitalized as a proper noun] Religionskonzession {f}
religious confessionReligionszugehörigkeit {f}
religious confessionReligionsbekenntnis {n}
religious constitution Religionsverfassung {f}
religious contention religiöses Streitgespräch {n}
religious controversyreligiöser Meinungsstreit {m}
religious controversy Glaubensstreit {m}
religious conversion [from one religion to another] Religionsveränderung {f}
religious crank religiöser Spinner {m}
religious criticism [criticism of religion] Religionskritik {f}
religious culture Religionskultur {f}
religious development religiöse Entwicklung {f}
religious dialog [Am.] Religionsdialog {m}
religious disputeGlaubensstreit {m}
religious dispute Religionsstreit {m}
religious disputes Glaubensstreitigkeiten {pl}
religious divide Religionsgraben {m} [schweiz.] [religiöse Kluft]
religious divisionreligiöse Spaltung {f}
religious doubtsGlaubenszweifel {pl}
religious duty religiöse Pflicht {f}
religious edict Religionsedikt {n} [Preußen 1788]
religious education Religionsunterricht {m}
religious education [as a discipline] Religionspädagogik {f}
religious education [Catholic] katholische Religionslehre {f} [Religionsunterricht]
religious education [Protestant] evangelische Religionslehre {f} [Religionsunterricht]
religious education teacherReligionslehrer {m}
religious emotion religiöse Ergriffenheit {f}
religious endowment [Islam: waqf] fromme Stiftung {f}
religious enemy [enemy by virtue of having an opposing religious view] Religionsfeind {m} [veraltet] [Gegner der eigenen Religion]
religious enthusiasmReligionsenthusiasmus {m} [Schiller] [religiöser Enthusiasmus]
religious exerciseAndachtsübung {f}
religious exercises Exerzitien {pl}
religious extremistreligiöser Extremist {m}
religious faith Gläubigkeit {f}
religious faithGlaube {m}
religious faith (proper) Religionsglauben {m}
religious fanaticism Religionsfanatismus {m} [meist: religiöser Fanatismus]
religious fanaticism religiöser Fanatismus {m}
religious fervor [Am.] religiöser Eifer {m}
religious fervour [Br.] religiöser Eifer {m}
religious festivalreligiöses Fest {n}
religious folk artreligiöse Volkskunst {f}
religious freedomGlaubensfreiheit {f}
religious freedom Religionsfreiheit {f}
religious freedom Bekenntnisfreiheit {f}
religious fund [Josephinism] Religionsfonds {m} [Josephinismus]
religious group Religionsgemeinschaft {f}
« relerelerelirelirelirelirelirelirelorelurema »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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