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religious organism Religionsorganismus {m}
religious orientation Glaubensrichtung {f}
religious parade Prozession {f}
religious partyReligionspartei {f}
Religious Peace of Augsburg Augsburger Religionsfrieden {m}
religious persecutionGlaubensverfolgung {f}
religious philosophy <RP> religiöse Philosophie {f}
religious policeReligionspolizei {f}
religious policyReligionspolitik {f}
religious policy [of the state] Kirchenpolitik {f} [des Staates]
religious politics [treated as sg. or pl.]Religionspolitik {f}
religious practice Religionspraxis {f}
religious practice religiöse Praxis {f}
religious preference Religionszugehörigkeit {f}
religious priest Ordensgeistlicher {m}
religious priest [priest who belongs to a religious order]Ordenspriester {m}
religious propaganda Religionswerbung {f}
religious prostitutionTempelprostitution {f}
religious prostitution kultische Prostitution {f}
religious question [issue] Religionsfrage {f}
religious questions [issues] Religionsfragen {pl}
religious radicalization religiöse Radikalisierung {f}
religious reformerGlaubensverbesserer {m}
religious refugeeGlaubensflüchtling {m}
religious refugee [esp. Protestant] Exulant {m} [bes. protestantischer Glaubensflüchtling]
religious refugees Glaubensflüchtlinge {pl}
religious researchReligionsforschung {f}
religious right religiöse Rechte {f}
religious scholarsReligionsgelehrte {pl}
religious school Religionsschule {f}
religious school [denominational school] Konfessionsschule {f}
religious sects adviser Sektenbeauftragter {m}
religious sects adviser [female] Sektenbeauftragte {f}
religious sentiment religiöses Empfinden {n}
religious serviceGottesdienst {m}
religious slur[Beleidigung, Beschimpfung auf Grund der religiösen Zugehörigkeit]
religious societyReligionsgesellschaft {f}
Religious Society of Friends [Quakers] Religiöse Gesellschaft {f} der Freunde [Quäker]
religious sociologyReligionssoziologie {f}
religious streakreligiöse Ader {f}
religious structure Sakralbauwerk {n}
religious studies {pl} [discipline; often treated as sg.] Religionswissenschaft {f}
religious studies scholar Religionswissenschaftler {m}
religious system Religionssystem {n}
religious teaching Religionsunterricht {m}
religious teachingReligionslehre {f}
religious thought [religious thinking]religiöses Denken {n}
religious tolerancereligiöse Toleranz {f}
religious tolerance Religionsduldung {f} [veraltet]
religious tolerance [esp. of Christian groups]Glaubenstoleranz {f}
religious traditions Religionstraditionen {pl}
religious truthGlaubenswahrheit {f}
religious unityGlaubenseinheit {f}
religious values religiöse Werte {pl}
religious views Religionsansichten {pl}
religious views religiöse Ansichten {pl}
religious war Glaubenskrieg {m}
religious warReligionskrieg {m}
religious war Glaubenskampf {m}
religious warriorGlaubenskrieger {m}
religious welfare Seelsorge {f}
religious woman Religiöse {f} [Nonne]
religious worldGlaubenswelt {f}
religious writer religiöser Schriftsteller {m}
religious zealGlaubenseifer {m}
religious zeal Religionseifer {m} [Glaubenseifer]
(religious) affiliationGlaubenszugehörigkeit {f}
(religious) congregation of women Frauenkongregation {f}
(religious) conviction Glaube {m} [Überzeugung]
(religious) disputationReligionsgespräch {n}
(religious) exclusivism Exklusivismus {m}
(religious) inclusivismInklusivismus {m}
(religious) observance Heilighaltung {f}
(Religious) Peace of Nürnberg / Nuremberg [1532] Nürnberger Anstand {m} [Nürnberger Religionsfrieden]
(religious) persecutionReligionsverfolgung {f}
(religious) persuasion [sect, denomination]Glaubensrichtung {f}
(religious) reformation [freshening of religious beliefs and practices] Religionserneuerung {f} [selten]
(religious) schism Glaubensspaltung {f}
(religious) sect (religiöse) Gemeinschaft {f} [sektenartig]
(religious) superior [of an order] Ordensoberer {m}
religiously [conscientiously]gewissenhaft
religiously [conscientiously] peinlich genau [saubermachen, verbessern]
religiously [reverently] ehrfürchtig [verehren, niederknien]
religiously [in religious terms] in religiöser Hinsicht
religiously [reverently]inbrünstig [geh.] [beten]
religiously motivated crime Verbrechen {n} aus religiösen Motiven
religiously motivated crime Verbrechen {n} mit religiösem Hintergrund
religiously motivated criminalÜberzeugungstäter {m} [religiös]
religiously motivated murder Mord {m} aus religiösen Motiven
religiously motivated murder Mord {m} mit religiösem Hintergrund
religiously motivated terrorism religiös motivierter Terrorismus {m}
religiously unaffiliated konfessionell ungebunden
religiousness Religiosität {f}
religiousness Frömmigkeit {f}
religious-tinged [fig.] religiös gefärbt [fig.]
reliningUnterfütterung {f}
relining [recoating, e.g. brakes]Neubeschichtung {f}
relining [recoating] Neubeschichten {n}
relinquished aufgegeben
« relerelirelirelirelirelirelireloremaremareme »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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