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English-German Dictionary

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reprehensibility Verwerflichkeit {f}
reprehensible tadelnswert
reprehensible verwerflich
reprehensible rügenswert
reprehensible sträflich [tadelnswert]
reprehensibly tadelnswert
reprehension Tadel {m}
reprehensive tadelnd
reprehensive zurechtweisend
representable darstellbar
representamen [semiotics] Representamen {n}
representamen [semiotics]Repräsentamen {n} [Rsv.]
representationRepräsentation {f}
representation Vertretung {f} [von Interessen, Produkten, Richtungen, Geschäftsvertretung etc.]
re-presentationnochmalige Vorlage {f}
representation Repräsentierung {f}
representationSchreibweise {f}
representation Angabe {f}
representation Erklärung {f}
representation Symbolisierung {f}
representation Vorstellung {f}
representationRepräsentanz {f}
representation [account, exposition] [also theat.]Darstellung {f} [auch theat.]
representation [badge, insignia]Abzeichen {n}
representation [performance]Darbietung {f}
representation [presentation] Präsentation {f}
representation [rendering in visible form] Abbildung {f}
representation [reproduction, rendering]Wiedergabe {f}
representation [statement] Stellungnahme {f}
representation [symbolizing]Symbolisierung {f}
representation allowance Aufwandsentschädigung {f}
representation model Repräsentationsmodell {n}
representation of a goalZielvorstellung {f}
representation of interests Interessenvertretung {f}
representation of the peopleVolksvertretung {f}
representation of the worldWeltdarstellung {f}
representation of violenceGewaltdarstellung {f}
representation primitiveDarstellungsprimitive {f}
representation relationships Vertretungsverhältnisse {pl}
representation space Darstellungsraum {m}
representation theoryAbbildtheorie {f}
representation theoryDarstellungstheorie {f}
representation theory of finite groups Darstellungstheorie {f} endlicher Gruppen
representational figürlich [bildlich, gegenständlich]
representational data darstellende Daten {pl}
representational function Abbildungsfunktion {f}
representational party democracy repräsentative Parteiendemokratie {f}
representational system Repräsentativsystem {n}
representationalismRepräsentationalismus {m}
representationalismGegenständlichkeit {f}
representationality Abbildlichkeit {f}
representationally figurativ [gegenständlich]
representationsVertretungen {pl}
representationsDarstellungen {pl}
representations [remonstrations] Vorhaltungen {pl}
Representations of the States (Länder) in the FederationVertretungen {pl} der Länder beim Bund
representative bezeichnend
representative Abgeordneter {m}
representative Obmann {m}
representative stellvertretend
representativeStellvertreter {m}
representative Vertreter {m}
representative darstellend
representative Handelsvertreter {m}
representative Vertrauensmann {m}
representative Vertrauensperson {f}
representative Beauftragter {m}
representative Bevollmächtigter {m}
representative kennzeichnend
RepresentativeMitglied {n} des Repräsentantenhauses [USA]
representative [also math.]Repräsentant {m} [auch math.]
representative [female] Stellvertreterin {f}
representative [female] Abgeordnete {f}
representative [female]Obmännin {f}
representative [female] Vertreterin {f}
representative [female]Repräsentantin {f}
representative [promoter]Träger {m} [Förderer]
representative abroad Auslandsvertreter {m}
representative action [Br.] Repräsentativklage {f}
representative assembly <RA> Repräsentativversammlung {f} <RV>
representative body Vertretungsorgan {n}
representative body for executive staff Sprecherausschuss {m} der leitenden Angestellten
representative building [used for representative purposes] Repräsentationsgebäude {n}
representative cross section repräsentativer Querschnitt {m}
representative democracy Repräsentativdemokratie {f}
representative democracyrepräsentative Demokratie {f}
representative of a bank Vertreter {m} einer Bank
representative of a companyFirmenvertreter {m}
representative of a professional association Standesvertreter {m}
representative of the people Volksvertreter {m}
representative of the people Mandatar {m} [österr.]
representative (of) typisch (für)
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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