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research into gnosticism Gnosisforschung {f}
research into (historical) sources Quellenforschung {f}
research into local historyHeimatforschung {f}
research issueForschungsfrage {f}
research issueForschungsthema {n}
research journey Forschungsreise {f}
research lab [coll.] Forschungslabor {n}
research lab [coll.] Untersuchungslabor {n}
research laboratory Forschungslabor {n}
research laboratoryForschungslaboratorium {n}
research landscape Forschungslandschaft {f}
research leave [of one semester] Forschungsfreisemester {n}
research librarywissenschaftliche Bibliothek {f}
research libraryStudienbibliothek {f}
research libraryForschungsbibliothek {f}
research libraryArbeitsbibliothek {f}
research literature Forschungsliteratur {f}
research locationForschungsstandort {m}
research logic Forschungslogik {f}
research managementForschungsmanagement {n}
research material Forschungsmaterial {n}
research material {sg}Forschungsmaterialien {pl}
research materials {pl}Forschungsmaterial {n}
research method Forschungsmethode {f}
research methodUntersuchungsmethode {f}
research methodologyForschungsmethodik {f}
research microscope Forschungsmikroskop {n}
research misconduct wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten {n}
research model Forschungsmodell {n}
research moniesForschungsgelder {pl}
research motivationForschungsmotivation {f}
research needs Forschungsbedürfnisse {pl}
research needs {sg}Forschungsbedarf {m}
research networkForschungsnetzwerk {n}
research noteForschungsnotiz {f}
research object Forschungsobjekt {n}
research objectUntersuchungsgegenstand {m}
research object Forschungsgegenstand {m}
research objectiveForschungsziel {n}
research octane number <RON> Researchoktanzahl {f} <ROZ>
research of racismRassismusforschung {f}
research on happinessGlücksforschung {f}
research on migrationMigrationsforschung {f}
research on schools Schulforschung {f}
research on the CeltsKeltenforschung {f}
research on vaccines Impfstoffforschung {f} [auch: Impfstoff-Forschung]
research opportunity Forschungsmöglichkeit {f}
research organisation [Br.] Forschungseinrichtung {f}
research organisation [Br.] Forschungsorganisation {f}
research organizationForschungsorganisation {f}
research organization Forschungseinrichtung {f}
research organization Forschungsunternehmen {n}
research orientation Forschungsorientierung {f}
research orientation Forschungsausrichtung {f}
research paperBelegarbeit {f}
research paper Forschungsbericht {m}
research paper Facharbeit {f}
research paper Thesenpapier {n}
research paper Forschungspapier {n}
research paperForschungsarbeit {f} [Forschungsaufsatz]
research paradigmForschungsparadigma {n}
research parkForschungspark {m}
research participantsVersuchsteilnehmer {pl}
research partnerForschungspartner {m}
research personnel Forschungspersonal {n}
research perspective Forschungsperspektive {f}
research phase Forschungsphase {f}
research planForschungsplan {m}
research policy Forschungspolitik {f}
research position [job]Forschungsposition {f} [Arbeitsstelle]
research position [research post]Forschungsstelle {f} [Job]
research practiceForschungspraxis {f}
research practicum <RP> [Am.]Forschungspraktikum {n} <FP>
research principles Forschungsprinzipien {pl}
research priorities Forschungsprioritäten {pl}
research priority Forschungsschwerpunkt {m}
research problem Forschungsproblem {n}
research process Forschungsprozess {m}
research process Forschungsverfahren {n}
research productivity Forschungsproduktivität {f}
research professor Forschungsprofessor {m}
research professor [female] Forschungsprofessorin {f}
research professorship Forschungsprofessur {f}
research profileForschungsprofil {n}
research program [Am.] Forschungsprogramm {n}
research programme [Br.] Forschungsprogramm {n}
research projectForschungsprojekt {n}
research project Forschungsvorhaben {n}
research promotion Forschungsförderung {f}
research proposalForschungsvorschlag {m}
research proposal Forschungsvorhaben {n}
research proposalForschungsantrag {m}
research purpose Forschungszweck {m}
research purposes Untersuchungszwecke {pl}
research purposesForschungszwecke {pl}
research questionForschungsfrage {f}
research question Forscherfrage {f}
research reactor Forschungsreaktor {m}
research report Forschungsbericht {m}
research reportForschungsreport {m}
« requrescrescreseresereseresereseresereserese »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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