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reservationVorreservierung {f} [ugs.] [Reservierung]
reservation Buchung {f}
reservation [booking etc.] Reservierung {f}
reservation [booking etc.] Reservation {f} [schweiz.] [Reservierung]
reservation [of the consecrated Eucharistic bread] Aufbewahrung {f}
reservation [of tickets, a table in a restaurant, etc.] Vorbestellung {f}
reservation [reservations, proviso] Vorbehalt {m}
reservation [reserve, preserve, Indian reservation]Reservat {n}
reservation and ticketing clerk [jd., der Fahrkarten verkauft od. Reservierungen vornimmt]
reservation card Platzkarte {f}
reservation clause Vorbehaltsklausel {f}
reservation desk Reservierungsschalter {m}
reservation fee Vorbestellungsgebühr {f}
reservation feeReservierungsgebühr {f}
reservation (form) [hotel booking] Zimmerbestellung {f} [Formular]
reservation of authorisation [Br.]Erlaubnisvorbehalt {m}
reservation of ownershipEigentumsvorbehalt {m}
reservation of permissionGenehmigungsvorbehalt {m}
reservation of proprietary rights Eigentumsvorbehalt {m}
reservation of statutory powers Gesetzesvorbehalt {m}
reservation of the right to rescindRücktrittsvorbehalt {m}
reservation of title Eigentumsvorbehalt {m}
reservation office Buchungsbüro {n}
reservation period Buchungszeitraum {m}
reservation priceReservationspreis {m}
reservation provisionVorbehaltsklausel {f}
Reservation Road [Terry George] Ein einziger Augenblick
reservation systemReservierungssystem {n}
reservation systemBuchungssystem {n}
reservation terminal Buchungsstation {f}
reservation ticket Platzkarte {f}
reservation wage Schwellenlohn {m}
reservation wageReservationslohn {m}
reservation wageAnspruchslohn {m}
reservation wages Anspruchslöhne {pl}
reservationist Reservierungsagent {m}
reservationsReservate {pl}
reservations Reservierungen {pl}
reservations Buchungen {pl}
reservations Vorbestellungen {pl}
reservations Vorbehalte {pl}
reservations {pl} [collectively]Vorbehalt {m}
reservations [qualifications of opinion] Bedenken {pl} [Vorbehalte]
reservations departmentReservierungsabteilung {f}
reservations office [Am.] Vorverkaufskasse {f}
reservations office [Am.] Vorverkaufsstelle {f}
reservations regarding sth. Vorbehalte {pl} gegen etw.
reserve Reserve {f}
reserveRückhalt {m}
reserve Rücklage {f}
reserve Währungsreserve {f}
reserve Schutzgebiet {n}
reserve Reservat {n}
reserve Berührungsangst {f} [fig.]
reserve [condition, caveat] Vorbehalt {m}
reserve [conduct] Förmlichkeit {f}
reserve [football] Amateurspieler {m} [Spieler bei den Amateuren]
reserve [football] Reservist {m}
reserve [reservedness] Reserviertheit {f}
reserve [reticence, caution]Zurückhaltung {f}
reserve [shyness] Scheu {f} [Zurückhaltung]
reserve accountRücklagenkonto {n}
reserve accountRückstellungskonto {n}
reserve airReserveluft {f}
reserve antibiotic (agent) Reserveantibiotikum {n}
reserve antibiotic agentsReserveantibiotika {pl}
reserve antibioticsReserveantibiotika {pl}
reserve armyErsatzheer {n}
reserve army [also fig.] Reservearmee {f} [auch fig.]
reserve asset Reservebestand {m}
reserve assets Reserven {pl}
reserve assets Rücklagen {pl}
reserve balance Reserveguthaben {n}
reserve bank [Am.]Landeszentralbank {f} <LZB>
reserve bank [Aus.] [NZ] [Ind.] [S.Afr.]Zentralbank {f}
reserve battalion Reservebataillon {n}
reserve battery [spare battery]Reservebatterie {f}
reserve buoyancyReserveauftrieb {m}
reserve busbarHilfssammelschiene {f} [IEC, VDE]
reserve capacityLeistungsreserve {f}
reserve capacity Reservekapazität {f}
reserve capacityReserveleistung {f}
reserve capitalKapitalreserve {f}
reserve chancellorReservekanzler {m}
reserve component Rücklageanteil {m}
reserve conduitLeerrohr {n}
reserve cooling capacityKühlreserve {f}
reserve currency Reservewährung {f}
reserve currencyLeitwährung {f}
reserve cushionReservepolster {n}
reserve data processing center [Am.] Ausfallrechenzentrum {n} <ARZ>
reserve data processing centre [Br.]Ausfallrechenzentrum {n} <ARZ>
reserve duty training exercise Wehrübung {f}
reserve factor <RF> Reservefaktor {m} <RF>
reserve fat Reservefett {n}
reserve for accidentsRückstellung {f} für eventuelle Unfälle
reserve for bad debt <RBD> [also SAP term]Wertberichtigung {f} [auch SAP-Begriff, Abk.: RBD]
reserve for bad debts Rücklagen {pl} für Dubiose
reserve for contingenciesSicherheitsrücklage {f}
reserve for depletionRücklage {f} für Substanzverlust
« rescresereseresereseresereseresereseresiresi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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