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residual soundRestschall {m}
residual state residualer Status {m}
residual stenosis Reststenose {f}
residual stressEigenspannung {f} [mechanische Spannung]
residual stress residuale Spannung {f}
residual structure Reststruktur {f}
residual sugarRestzucker {m}
residual sugarRestsüße {f}
residual sugar contentRestzuckergehalt {m}
residual sum of squaresSumme {f} der quadrierten Residuen
residual sweetnessRestsüße {f}
residual symptom Residualsymptom {n}
residual term Restlaufzeit {f}
residual timber {sg}Resthölzer {pl}
residual time to maturity Restlaufzeit {f} bis zur Fälligkeit
residual torque Restmoment {n}
residual tumor [Am.] Tumorrest {m}
residual unemploymentSockelarbeitslosigkeit {f}
residual urine Resturin {m}
residual urine Restharn {m}
residual value Restwert {m}
residual value Restvaluta {f}
residual voltage Restspannung {f}
residual voltageRemanenzspannung {f}
residual voltage [for protection] Verlagerungsspannung {f} [für Selektivschutz] [IEC, VDE]
residual volumeRestvolumen {n}
residual volume <RV> Residualvolumen {n} <RV>
residual waste Altlast {f}
residual waste Restmüll {m}
residual waste {sg}Restabfälle {pl}
residual water Abwasser {n}
residual water Restwasser {n}
residual waterWasserrückstand {m}
residual water purificationKlären {n} von Restwasserbeständen
residually übrig bleibend
residuallyübrigbleibend [alt]
residually übrig
residualsReste {pl}
residualsRückstände {pl}
residuals Tantiemen {pl}
residuals Wiederholungshonorar {n}
residualsWiederholungshonorare {pl}
residuary restlich
residuated residuiert
residuated latticeresiduierter Verband {m}
residueRest {m}
residueRestbetrag {m}
residueÜberrest {m}
residueNachlass {m} [nach Begleichung von Schulden etc.]
residueAbfallprodukt {n}
residueAblagerung {f}
residue Residuum {n}
residue [remnant] Überbleibsel {n} [ugs.] [Rest, Überrest]
residue [substance] Rückstand {m}
residue analysis Rückstandsuntersuchung {f} [Rückstandsanalyse]
residue analysis Rückstandsanalyse {f}
residue arithmetic Residuumarithmetik {f}
residue beer [in chip cask] Abseihbier {n}
residue classRestklasse {f}
residue class group Restklassengruppe {f}
residue class ring Restklassenring {m}
residue fieldRestklassenkörper {m}
residue mapRestabbildung {f}
residue of combustion Verbrennungsrückstand {m}
residue on a / the filterFilterrückstand {m}
residue on ignition <ROI>Glührückstand {m} [Trockenrückstand]
residue recyclingReststoffverwertung {f}
residue study Rückstandsuntersuchung {f}
residue theoremResiduensatz {m}
residuent Rückstand {m}
residuesRestbeträge {pl}
residuesReste {pl}
residuesRückstände {pl}
residues Residuen {pl}
residues of pesticidesPflanzenschutzmittelrückstände {pl}
residuum Bodensatz {m}
residuumResiduum {n}
residuumRückstand {m}
resignation Rücktritt {m}
resignation Abdankung {f}
resignation Ausscheiden {n} aus dem Amt
resignation Entlassung {f} [Rücktritt]
resignationKündigung {f} durch den Arbeitnehmer
resignation Verzicht {m}
resignation Ergebung {f}
resignation Abschied {m}
resignationAbtritt {m} [Rücktritt]
resignation Amtsverzicht {m}
resignation [being resigned] Resignation {f}
resignation [from a post, job]Kündigung {f} [Rücktritt]
resignation [from party, firm, association etc.]Austritt {m}
Resignation [House season 3] Kündigung
resignation [letter] Abschiedsgesuch {n}
resignation [of a government etc.]Demissionierung {f} [Rücktritt]
resignation announcementRücktrittsankündigung {f}
resignation dateRücktrittstermin {m}
resignation documentRücktrittsurkunde {f}
resignation from officeNiederlegung {f} des / eines Amtes
resignation (from) Niederlegung {f} (von) [Amt, Dienst, Mandat]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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