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English-German Dictionary

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rabies transmission Tollwutübertragung {f}
rabies vaccination Tollwutimpfung {f}
rabies vaccineTollwutvakzine {f}
rabies vaccine Tollwutimpfstoff {m}
rabies vaccinesTollwutimpfstoffe {pl}
rabies virus Tollwutvirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
rabies virusLyssa-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
rabies-free tollwutfrei
rabies-free countries tollwutfreie Länder {pl}
rabona [football / soccer] Rabona {f} [Schusstechnik im Fußball]
rabona [football / soccer] Adlerauge {n} [ugs.] [Rabona]
Rabor's wren-babbler / wren babbler [Napothera rabori, syn.: Robsonius rabori]Rabor-Timalie {f}
Rabor's wren-babbler / wren babbler [Napothera rabori, syn.: Robsonius rabori]Rostgesichttimalie {f}
rabulisticrabulistisch [geh.]
Racah parameter Racah-Parameter {m}
raccoon Schupp {m} [veraltet] [Waschbär]
raccoon [Procyon lotor] Waschbär {m}
raccoon butterfly [Chaetodon fasciatus] Tabak-Falterfisch {m}
raccoon butterflyfish [Chaetodon lunula]Mondsichel-Falterfisch {m}
raccoon (coralfish) [Chaetodon lunula]Mondsichel-Falterfisch {m}
raccoon dog [Nyctereutes procyonoides] Marderhund {m}
raccoon dog [Nyctereutes procyonoides]Enok {m}
raccoon dog [Nyctereutes procyonoides]Obstfuchs {m} [seltener] [Marderhund]
raccoon dog [Nyctereutes procyonoides]Waschbärhund {m} [Marderhund]
raccoon eyes {pl} Brillenhämatom {n}
raccoon fur Waschbärfell {n}
raccoon roundworm [Baylisascaris procyonis] Waschbärspulwurm {m}
raccoon scatWaschbärlosung {f}
raccoon scatWaschbärkot {m}
raccoons [genus Procyon]Waschbären {pl}
race Laufring {m}
raceRennen {n}
race [also fig.]Wettlauf {m} [auch fig.]
race [characteristic taste] Aroma {n}
race [ethnic group, species] Rasse {f}
race [fig.] [e. g. members of a profession, a nation etc.]Menschenschlag {m}
race [human race]Geschlecht {n} [Menschengeschlecht / Menschheit]
race [mill race]Gerinne {n}
race [NZ] [Aus.] [Br.] [cattle] Treibgang {m} [Vieh]
race [obs.] [fig.] [course of life]Lebensbahn {f} [geh.] [Lebensverlauf, Lebensweg]
race [of sun, moon] Lauf {m} [geh.] [Gestirne]
race [on foot]Wettrennen {n}
race [on foot] [also fig.] Jagd {f} [Wettlauf] [auch fig.]
race [sailing] Wettfahrt {f}
race [swift current] Strömung {f} [rasch]
race [urgent need, effort] Dringlichkeit {f}
Race and Settlement Main Office [department of the SS] Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt {n} <RuSHA> [eines der Hauptämter der SS]
race awareness Rassenbewusstsein {n}
race baitingrassenhetzerisch
race baiting volksverhetzend [gegen bestimmte Rassen]
race bike [coll.]Rennrad {n}
race car [Am.]Rennwagen {m}
race car track [Am.]Autorennbahn {f}
race circuitRennstrecke {f} [Rundkurs]
race, class, gender Race, Class, Gender
race, class, genderRasse, Klasse, Geschlecht
race condition Gleichzeitigkeitsbedingung {f}
race condition Racebedingung {f}
race condition <RC>kritischer Wettlauf {m} [Race Condition]
race condition <RC> Race Condition {f} <RC>
race condition <RC> Wettlaufsituation {f}
race controlRennleitung {f} [Personen]
race coursePferderennbahn {f}
race course Rennbahn {f}
race courseRennstrecke {f}
race course Rennpiste {f}
race dayRenntag {m}
race defilement Rassenschande {f} [Nazibegriff]
race defiler [Nazi term] Rasseschänder {m} [Nazibegriff]
race defiler [Nazi term]Rassenschänder {m} [Nazi-Terminus]
race discriminationRassendiskriminierung {f}
race doctorRennarzt {m}
race dog Hund {m} für Hunderennen
race driver Rennfahrer {m}
race duration [elapsed time]Renndauer {f}
race experienceRennerfahrung {f}
race hazard [race condition] Wettlaufsituation {f}
race horse Rennpferd {n}
race horse breeder Rennpferdezüchter {m}
race hygiene [Nazi term] Rassenhygiene {f} [Nazibegriff]
race issueRassenfrage {f}
race jury Rennjury {f}
race knife Reißhaken {m}
race leader [cycling] Gesamtführender {m}
race marshalStreckenposten {m}
race number beltStartnummernband {n}
race office Wettkampfbüro {n}
race organization Rennleitung {f}
race organizer Rennleiter {m} [Veranstalter]
race organizers {pl}Rennleitung {f} [Personen]
race organizers {pl}Rennorganisation {f}
race pace Renngeschwindigkeit {f}
race pace Renntempo {n}
race purity [Nazi term]Rassenreinheit {f} [Nazibegriff]
race questionRassenfrage {f}
race realism Rassenrealismus {m}
race relationsRassenbeziehungen {pl}
race relations ethnische Beziehungen {pl}
race researchRassenforschung {f}
race ringTurmdrehkranz {m} [Panzer]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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