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Ragay Gulf Golf {m} von Ragay
ragbag Lumpensack {m}
ragbag coalition zusammengewürfelte Koalition {f}
rag-bag (of sth.)(bunte) Ansammlung {f} (von etw.)
ragbag (of things) Sammelsurium {n}
ragchew [coll.] [an extended, informal conversation (amateur radio contact)] Plauder-QSO {n} [ugs.] [Amateurfunk]
rag-containing [esp. of rag paper] hadernhaltig
Ragdoll [cat breed] Ragdoll {f} [Katzenrasse]
rage Rage {f}
rageRasen {n}
rageWeißglut {f}
rage Rummel {m} [ugs.] [Begeisterung]
rageKoller {m} [ugs.]
rage Raserei {f} [Wut]
rage [anger] Wut {f}
rage [anger]Brass {m} [ugs.] [selten]
rage [bout of anger, fury]Wutanfall {m}
rage [enthusiasm] Begeisterung {f}
rage [frenzy, madness]Wahnsinn {m}
rage [fury] Zorn {m}
rage [fury] Rausch {m} [Raserei, Wutrausch]
Rage [Jonathan Kellerman] Bluttat
rage [of battle etc.] Getöse {n} [eines Kampfes]
Rage [Richard Bachman] Amok
rage [violent and uncontrolled anger]Furor {m}
rage [vogue, trend]große Mode {f}
Rage [Wilbur Smith]Tara
rage aboutRummel {m} um [ugs.]
rage for building Bauleidenschaft {f}
rage for buying things Kaufmanie {f}
rage for cleaningPutzfimmel {m}
rage for collecting things Sammelwut {f}
rage for sth.Leidenschaft {f} für etw.
rage for throwing things away Wegwerfwut {f}
rage for travellingReisemanie {f}
rage of destruction Vernichtungswut {f}
rage of enthusiasmFeuer {n} der Begeisterung
rage of enthusiasmRausch {m} der Begeisterung
rage of fireFeuersturm {m}
rage of firetobendes Feuer {n}
rage of fury rasender Zorn {m}
rage of loveLiebesraserei {f}
rage of turbulence wahnsinniger Tumult {m}
rage of violence tobende Gewalt {f}
rage reaction Wutreaktion {f}
rage roomWutraum {m}
raged gerast
raged gewütet
raged [sea, storm etc.] getost
rage-filled [e.g. eyes]zornfunkelnd [z. B. Augen]
rag-engine [also: rag engine] Holländer {m}
rageous [regional] [archaic]wütend
ragequit <rq> [also: rage quit] [Am.] [coll.]Ragequit {m} <RQ> [auch: Rage Quit] [abruptes Verlassen eines Onlinespiels]
Ragga Ragga {m}
ragged [clothes; child]zerlumpt [Kleidung; Kind]
ragged [clothes] zerfetzt [Kleidung]
ragged [coastline, rock face, etc.]zerklüftet [Küste, Felswand etc.]
ragged [coll.] [teased]aufgezogen [ugs.] [gehänselt]
ragged [faulty, not perfect]dilettantisch [fehlerhaft]
ragged [imperfect and faulty, e.g. piece of work] stümperhaft [pej.] [z. B. Arbeit]
ragged [jagged, e.g. rock, cliff] zackig [zerklüftet, gezackt, z. B. Felsen, Klippe]
ragged [shaggy, e.g. coat, beard, horse] struppig [z. B. Fell, Bart, Pferd]
ragged [shaggy, e.g. coat, beard] zottig [z. B. Fell, Bart]
ragged [unkempt, e.g. garden] ungepflegt [z. B. Garten]
ragged [wild and neglected, e.g. garden] vernachlässigt [z. B. Garten]
ragged [wild and neglected, e.g. garden] verwildert [z. B. Garten]
ragged alignment Flattersatz {m}
ragged beard lichen [Usnea diplotypus] Verschiedenförmige Bartflechte {f}
ragged clothes {pl} abgerissene Kleidung {f}
ragged coastline zerklüftete Küste {f}
ragged left alignment [= flush right aligned] rechtsbündiger Flattersatz {m}
ragged piece of work fehlerhaftes Arbeitsstück {n}
ragged pink [Dianthus seguieri, syn.: D. gautieri, D. neglectus, D. segueri ssp. italicus] Busch-Nelke / Buschnelke {f}
ragged red fiber <RRF> zottige rote Faser {f}
ragged right alignment [= flush left aligned] linksbündiger Flattersatz {m}
ragged robbin [Lychnis flos-cuculi, syn.: Silene flos-cuculi] Kuckucksblume {f} [Kuckucks-Lichtnelke]
ragged robbin [Lychnis flos-cuculi, syn.: Silene flos-cuculi] Kuckucksnelke {f}
ragged robin [Lychnis flos-cuculi] Kuckuckslichtnelke {f}
ragged robin [Lychnis flos-cuculi] Kuckucks-Lichtnelke {f}
ragged rocksschartige Felsen {pl}
ragged school [Br.] [obs.] Lumpenschule {f} [veraltet]
ragged seahare / sea hare [Bursatella leachii]Fädriger Seehase {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
ragged tooth sharks [family Odontaspididae] Sandhaie {pl}
raggedly zottig
raggedly [unevenly]unregelmäßig
raggedly [unevenly] stotternd [unregelmäßig]
raggedness Zerlumptheit {f}
ragged-red fibers [Am.] Ragged-Red-Fasern {pl}
ragged-red fibres [Br.]Ragged-Red-Fasern {pl}
raggedy [coll.] schäbig [zerlumpt, zerrissen]
ragger [Br.]Radaumacher {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
raggeryKriegsbemalung {f}
Raggiana bird of paradise [Paradisaea raggiana]Raggiparadiesvogel {m}
Raggiana bird of paradise [Paradisaea raggiana] Raggis Großer Paradiesvogel {m}
ragging Unfug treibend
raggle-taggle ungepflegt [Person]
raggle-taggle [irregular form of ragtag] (bunt) zusammengewürfelt
raggy zerlumpt
« radiradiradiRadkraftRagaraggRaicrailrailrail »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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