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respiratory tissue respiratorisches Gewebe {n}
respiratory toiletBronchialtoilette {f}
respiratory tract Atemtrakt {m}
respiratory tractRespirationstrakt {m}
respiratory tract {sg} Atmungswege {pl}
respiratory tract {sg}Luftwege {pl}
respiratory tract {sg}Atemwege {pl}
respiratory tract infection <RTI> Atemwegsinfektion {f} <AWI>
respiratory tract infection <RTI>Respirationstraktinfektion {f} [auch: Respirationstrakt-Infektion]
respiratory tract irritation <RTI> Reizung {f} der Atemwege
respiratory tract irritation <RTI> Atemwegsreizung {f} <AWR>
respiratory triggering Atemtriggerung {f}
respiratory volumeAtemvolumen {n}
respiratory volume per secondAtemsekundenvolumen {n}
respiratory zone Respirationszone {f}
(respiratory) mycoplasmosis of rats [caused by Mycoplasma pulmonis]Mykoplasmose {f} der Ratte
respiring atmend
respirologist [Can.]Pneumologe {m}
respirometry Respirometrie {f}
respirometry Atmungsmessung {f}
respite Stundung {f}
respite Zahlungsaufschub {m}
respiteZahlungsfrist {f}
respite Erholung {f}
respite [interval of relief] Atempause {f}
respite [period of time]Frist {f}
respite [reprieve]Aufschub {m} [bes. einer Hinrichtung]
respite [rest, interval] Pause {f}
respite [rest]Ruhepause {f}
respite [time to consider]Bedenkzeit {f}
respite careVerhinderungspflege {f}
respite (care)Kurzzeitpflege {f}
respited freight gestundete Fracht {f}
respites Bedenkzeiten {pl}
respitesFristen {pl}
resplendence Glanz {m}
resplendenceStrahlen {n}
resplendence [of clothes] Pracht {f}
resplendent glänzend
resplendent strahlend
resplendent prangend
resplendent (dwarf) angel [Centropyge resplendens]Saphir-Zwergkaiserfisch {m}
resplendent (dwarf) angel [Centropyge resplendens] Ascension-Herzogfisch {m}
resplendent ground snake [Atractus resplendens] Glanz-Spindelnatter {f}
resplendent pygmy angelfish [Centropyge resplendens]Ascension-Zwergkaiserfisch {m}
resplendent quetzal [Pharomachrus mocinno] Quetzal {m}
resplendent trogon [Pharomachrus mocinno]Quetzal {m}
resplendently glänzend
responaut [Br.] [dated] Beatmungspatient {m}
respond Kehrvers {m} [Responsum]
Respond [Br.] Responsorium {n}
responded geantwortet
responded [to a medicine] angesprochen
responded [to a question] erwidert
respondence Antwort {f}
respondent befragte Person {f}
respondentRechtsmittelbeklagter {m}
respondent Beklagter {m}
respondent Auskunftsperson {f}
respondent Antragsgegner {m}
respondent Befragter {m}
respondent [Br.] [in an appeal] Berufungsbeklagter {m}
respondent [female]Beklagte {f}
respondent [female]Antragsgegnerin {f}
respondent conditioning [classical conditioning] klassische Konditionierung {f} [Pawlow'sche / Pavlov'sche Konditionierung]
respondents beklagte Personen {pl}
respondents Antwortende {pl}
respondents Befragte {pl}
responderAntwortsender {m}
responder Responder {m}
responder Beantworter {m}
responder rate [among patients] Ansprechrate {f} [unter den Patienten]
responding reagierend
responding [e.g. fire engine]ausrückend [z. B. Löschfahrzeug]
responding currentAnsprechstrom {m}
responding qualities {pl} Ansprechverhalten {n}
responsa Responsen {pl}
response Antwort {f} [Wiedergabe]
response Reaktion {f}
responseRücklauf {m}
responseAnsprache {f}
responseRückinformation {f} [Antwort]
response Ansprechen {n}
response [answer] Erwiderung {f}
response [answer]Antwort {f}
response [answer-back] Rückmeldung {f}
response [answer-back] Rückantwort {f}
response [commentary]Stellungnahme {f}
response [feedback]Resonanz {f} [fig.]
response [fig.]Echo {n} [fig.]
response [to an accusation] Verantwortung {f} [veraltet] [noch regional] [Rechtfertigung]
response analysis Reaktionsanalyse {f}
« resoresoresoresprespresprespresprestrestrest »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers