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retirement agePensionierungsalter {n}
retirement agerentenfähiges Alter {n}
retirement age Ruhestandsalter {n}
retirement age Rentenalter {n}
retirement agePensionsalter {n}
retirement ageRenteneintrittsalter {n}
retirement age [statutory]Pensionsantrittsalter {n} [österr.]
retirement age for women Frauenrentenalter {n} [bes. schweiz]
retirement allowanceAltersruhegeld {n}
retirement annuity Altersrente {f}
retirement annuity contract Pensionsvertrag {m}
retirement arrangementAltersvorsorge {f}
retirement benefit planAltersvorsorgeplan {m}
retirement benefitsRuhestandszahlungen {pl}
retirement benefits Renten {pl}
retirement communitySeniorensiedlung {f}
retirement community Rentnersiedlung {f}
retirement creditAltersgutschrift {f} [schweiz.]
retirement (from a fleet) Ausflottung {f}
retirement grantAbfindung {f} im Rentenfall
retirement home Altenheim {n}
retirement homeAltenteilerhaus {n}
retirement home Feierabendheim {n} [veraltet]
retirement home Altersheim {n}
retirement homeSeniorenheim {n}
retirement homeSeniorenresidenz {f}
retirement home Heim {n} [Altenheim]
retirement home Pensionistenheim {n} [österr.]
retirement home Alterssitz {m}
retirement homeSeniorenwohnhaus {n}
retirement home Seniorenzentrum {n} [Seniorenwohnheim]
retirement income {sg} Ruhestandsbezüge {pl}
retirement income insurancePensionskasse {f}
retirement lump sum Abfindung {f} im Rentenfall
retirement migrantAltersmigrant {m}
retirement migrant Ruhestandsmigrant {m}
retirement migrantRuhesitzmigrant {m}
retirement migrant [female]Altersmigrantin {f}
retirement migrant [female]Ruhestandsmigrantin {f}
retirement migrant [female]Ruhesitzmigrantin {f}
retirement migration Altersmigration {f}
retirement migration Ruhestandsmigration {f}
retirement migrationRuhesitzmigration {f}
retirement migration Ruhestandswanderung {f}
retirement of a bond Tilgung {f} einer Obligation
retirement of a debenture Tilgung {f} einer Obligation
retirement of a loan Rückkauf {m} einer Anleihe
retirement of a partnerAusscheiden {n} eines Partners
retirement of a partnerAustritt {m} eines Gesellschafters
retirement of shares Rückkauf {m} von Aktien
retirement or redeployment Verrentung {f} oder Umsetzung
retirement pay Alterruhegeld {n}
retirement payPension {f}
retirement pay [Am.] Ruhegehalt {n}
retirement pensionAlterruhegeld {n}
retirement pension Ruhegehalt {n}
retirement pension Altersrente {f}
retirement pension institutionAltersversorgungsträger {m}
retirement pension savings Ruhestandsrücklagen {pl}
retirement pensionerBezieher {m} von Altersruhegeld
retirement pensioner Ruhegehaltsempfänger {m}
retirement plan Pensionsplan {m}
retirement plan Ruhestandsplan {m}
retirement planning Rentenvorsorge {f}
retirement planningAltersvorsorge {f}
retirement postponement [choosing to receive one's pension later in life]Rentenaufschub {m} [schweiz.] [Verschiebung des eigenen Rentenbeginns nach hinten]
retirement price Rückkaufpreis {m}
retirement rate Rückzahlungssatz {m}
retirement rumor [Am.] Rücktrittsgerücht {n}
retirement savings {pl}Vorsorgevermögen {n}
retirement securityAltersabsicherung {f}
retirement through ill health Pensionierung {f} aus Krankheitsgründen
retirements Rücktritte {pl}
retiringin Ruhestand gehend
retiring zurücktretend
retiring zurückhaltend [als Charaktereigenschaft]
retiring scheidend [geh.] [zurücktretend oder in Ruhestand gehend]
retiring [shy animal / person] scheu
retiring [partner] ausscheidend [Teilhaber]
retiring [withdrawn]zurückgezogen [Person]
retiring ageAltersgrenze {f} [im öffentlichen Dienstrecht]
retiring age rentenfähiges Alter {n}
retiring ageRuhestandsalter {n}
retiring age Rentenalter {n}
retiring partnerausscheidender Gesellschafter {m}
retiringly unaufdringlich
retiringly zurückziehend
Reto [Swiss male's first name] Reto {m} [selten auch: Räto] [schweiz.] [rätoromanischer Vorname]
retold wiedererzählt
retold nacherzählt
retooling [of a machine from one product to the next]Umrüsten {n} [bei Produktionswechsel]
retooling costsUmrüstkosten {pl}
retooling timeUmrüstzeit {f}
retorsion Retorsion {f}
retort Retorte {f}
retortscharfe Erwiderung {f}
retort scharfe Antwort {f}
retort Retourkutsche {f} [ugs.]
« retaretereteretiretiretiretoretrretrretrretr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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