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English-German Dictionary

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rheumatologyRheumatologie {f}
rheumatology center [Am.] Rheumazentrum {n}
rheumatology centre [Br.] Rheumazentrum {n}
rheumy schleimig
rheumy arthritisch
rheumy [eyes] wässrig
rheumy [esp. air] [literary] feucht
rhexis [rupture] Riss {m}
Rhim gazelle [Gazella leptoceros]Dünengazelle {f}
rhinaesthesia Geruchssinn {m}
rhinalgia Rhinalgie {f}
rhinalgiaNasenschmerz {m}
rhinarium Nasenspiegel {m}
RhineRhein {m}
Rhine boundary Rheingrenze {f} [auch: Rhein-Grenze]
Rhine branch Rheinarm {m}
Rhine bridge Rheinbrücke {f}
Rhine crossing Rheinüberquerung {f}
Rhine crossingRheinquerung {f}
Rhine Cycle RouteRheinradweg {m}
Rhine daughters Rheintöchter {pl}
Rhine Falls {pl} Grosser Laufen {m} [früher, noch ugs. für den Rheinfall] [Schweiz]
Rhine Falls {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Rheinfall {m}
Rhine gold [gold from the River Rhine]Rheingold {n}
Rhine Gorge Mittelrheintal {n}
Rhine Hesse [region of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany]Rheinhessen {n} [Region in Rheinland-Pfalz]
Rhine knee [also: Rhine's knee]Rheinknie {n}
Rhine landscape Rheinlandschaft {f}
Rhine LeagueRheinischer Bund {m}
Rhine Main AreaRhein-Main-Gebiet {n}
Rhine meadow campsRheinwiesenlager {pl}
Rhine meadows Rheinwiesen {pl}
Rhine plainRheinebene {f}
Rhine Province Rheinprovinz {f}
Rhine rectification Rheinbegradigung {f}
Rhine rectificationRheinrektifikation {f}
Rhine rectificationRheinregulierung {f}
Rhine rectificationRheinkorrektur {f}
Rhine rift valley Oberrheingraben {m}
Rhine romanticism Rheinromantik {f}
Rhine salmonRheinlachs {m}
Rhine toll [Rhine tax]Rheinzoll {m}
Rhine ValleyRheintal {n}
Rhine Valley Rheinebene {f}
Rhine valley railway [Br.]Rheintalbahn {f}
Rhine wine Rheinwein {m}
rhinectomy Rhinektomie {f}
Rhine-Herne Canal Rhein-Herne-Kanal {m}
Rhine-Hesse [region of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany] Rheinhessen {n} [Region in Rheinland-Pfalz]
Rhinehessen [region of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany]Rheinhessen {n}
Rhinehessen wineRheinhessenwein {m}
Rhine-Hessian rheinhessisch
Rhineland Rheinland {n}
Rhineland rheinländisch <rhein.>
Rhineland bastards [pej.] [term used in Nazi Germany] [esp. children of German mothers and French-African soldiers] Rheinlandbastarde {pl} [pej.] [Nazi-Terminologie]
Rhineland heavy draft [Am.] [Rhenish-German coldblood] Rheinisch-Deutsches Kaltblut {n}
RhinelanderRheinländer {m}
Rhinelander [female] Rheinländerin {f}
Rhinelander [horse]Rheinländer {m}
RhinelandersRheinländer {pl}
Rhinelanders [female]Rheinländerinnen {pl}
Rhineland-Palatinate Rheinland-Pfalz {n} <RLP, RP> [RP ist der Ländercode]
Rhinemaidens Rheintöchter {pl}
Rhine-Main areaRhein-Main-Region {f}
Rhine-Main-Danube Canal Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal {m}
Rhine-Meuse delta Rhein-Maas-Delta {n}
Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt deltaRhein-Maas-Schelde-Delta {n}
rhinencephalon Rhinencephalon {n}
rhinencephalonRiechhirn {n}
Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area Metropolregion {f} Rhein-Ruhr
rhinestone Rheinkiesel {m}
rhinestoneGlitzerstein {m} [Brillant aus Glas]
rhinestoneKristallstein {m} [Brillant aus Glas]
rhinestoneGlasstein {m} [Brillant aus Glas]
rhinestone Glaskristallstein {m} [Brillant aus Glas]
rhinestoneStraß {m} [alt]
rhinestoneStrassstein {m} [auch: Strass-Stein]
Rhinestone [Bob Clark]Der Senkrechtstarter
rhinestone bramit Kristallsteinen / Glassteinen besetzter BH {m}
rhinestone bra Strass-BH {m}
rhinestone bra strassbesetzter BH {m}
rhinestone bra kristallbesetzter BH {m}
rhinestone briefs {pl} [one pair]Strass-Slip {m}
rhinestone briefs {pl} [one pair] Strassslip {m}
rhinestone briefs {pl} [one pair] strassbesetzter Slip {m}
rhinestone dress strassbesetztes Kleid {n}
rhinestone dress Strasskleid {n}
rhinestone dress Strass-Kleid {n}
rhinestone G-stringStrass-G-String {m}
rhinestone G-stringstrassbesetzter G-String {m}
rhinestone panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants]Strass-Höschen {n} [bes. Damenunterhose]
rhinestone panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants] Strasshöschen {n} [bes. Damenunterhose]
rhinestone panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants] strassbesetztes Höschen {n} [bes. Damenunterhose]
rhinestone skirt strassbesetzter Rock {m}
rhinestone skirtStrassrock {m}
rhinestone sticker Strassaufkleber {m}
rhinestone string (thong) Strass-String {m}
rhinestone string (thong) Strassstring {m}
« revorewaReykrhaprheorheurhinrhinRhodrhomrhym »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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