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English-German Dictionary

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rhizophagous rhizophag
rhizophagousWurzeln fressend
rhizophore Wurzelträger {m}
rhizoplaneRhizoplane {f}
rhizopod Wurzelfüßer {m}
rhizopodal rhizopodial
rhizosphereRhizosphäre {f}
rhizospheric rhizosphärisch
rhizostome (jellyfish) [Rhizostoma octopus, syn.: R. cuvierii]Wurzelmundqualle {f}
rhizostome (jellyfish) [Rhizostoma octopus, syn.: R. cuvierii] Blumenkohlqualle {f}
rhizostome (jellyfish) [Rhizostoma octopus, syn.: R. cuvierii]Blaue Lungenqualle {f}
rhizotomy Rhizotomie {f}
rho <Ρ, ρ, ϱ> [Greek letter] Rho {n} <Ρ, ρ, ϱ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
rho meson <ρ meson>Rho-Meson {n} <ρ-Meson>
Rhoads's gerbil [Gerbillus pulvinatus, syn.: G. bilensis] Dschibouti-Rennmaus {f}
rhodamine Rhodamin {n}
rhodamine BRhodamin B {n}
rhodanic acid Thiozyansäure {f}
rhodarsenide [(Rh,Pd)2As] Rhodarsenid {m}
Rhode Island <RI> [The Ocean State]Rhode Island {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
Rhode Island bent (grass) [Am.] [Agrostis capillaris, syn.: A. capillaris var. aristata, A. tenuis, A. vulgaris] [common bent]Rotes Straußgras {n}
Rhode Islander [Mensch aus Rhode Island (USA)]
Rhodes [Greek island] Rhodos {n} [griech. Insel]
Rhodes grass [Chloris gayana]Rhodesgras {n}
Rhodes minnow [Squalis ghigii, syn.: Ladigesocypris ghigii, L. mermere, Leucaspius ghigii, Leucaspius prosperi] Goldrücken-Moderlieschen {n}
Rhodes minnow [Squalis ghigii, syn.: Ladigesocypris ghigii, L. mermere, Leucaspius ghigii, Leucaspius prosperi]Griechisches Moderlieschen {n}
Rhodes minnow [Squalis ghigii, syn.: Ladigesocypris ghigii, L. mermere, Leucaspius ghigii, Leucaspius prosperi] Rhodos-Moderlieschen {n}
Rhodes minnow [Squalis ghigii, syn.: Ladigesocypris ghigii, L. mermere, Leucaspius ghigii, Leucaspius prosperi] Türkisches Moderlieschen {n}
Rhodes PeakRhodes Peak {m}
Rhodesia Rhodesien {n}
Rhodesian rhodesisch
RhodesianRhodesier {m}
Rhodesian [female] Rhodesierin {f}
Rhodesian bluegrass [Andropogon gayanus] [gamba grass]Gambagras {n}
Rhodesian bluegrass [Andropogon gayanus] [gamba grass](Hohes) Bartgras {n} [Gambagras]
Rhodesian fruit fly [Ceratitis quinaria, syn.: Pardalaspis quinaria]Rhodesien-Fruchtfliege {f}
Rhodesian giraffe [Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti]Thornicroft-Giraffe {f}
Rhodesian ridgeback [dog breed]Rhodesian Ridgeback {m} [Hunderasse]
Rhodesian wisteria tree [Bolusanthus speciosus]Blauregenbaum {m}
Rhodesian wisteria tree [Bolusanthus speciosus] Baumwisterie {f}
rhodesite [(Ca,Na2,K2)8Si16O40·11H2O]Rhodesit {m}
rhodic platinum [(Pt,Rh)]Rhodiumplatin {n}
rhodium [(Rh,Pt)]Rhodium {n} [Rhodiumplatin]
rhodium <Rh>Rhodium {n} <Rh>
rhodium alloy Rhodiumlegierung {f}
rhodium anodeRhodiumanode {f}
rhodium atomRhodiumatom {n}
rhodium coating Rhodiumbeschichtung {f} [auch: Rhodium-Beschichtung]
rhodium complex Rhodiumkomplex {m}
rhodium compound Rhodiumverbindung {f}
rhodium content Rhodiumgehalt {m}
rhodium dioxide [RhO2] Rhodiumdioxid {n}
rhodium hexafluoride [RhF6]Rhodiumhexafluorid {n}
rhodium isotope Rhodiumisotop {n} [auch: Rhodium-Isotop]
rhodium layer Rhodiumschicht {f} [auch: Rhodium-Schicht]
rhodium oxide Rhodiumoxid {n}
rhodium platingRhodinierung {f}
rhodium plating Rhodinieren {n}
rhodium platingRhodiumplattierung {f}
rhodium price Rhodiumpreis {m}
rhodium tribromide [RhBr3] Rhodiumtribromid {n}
rhodium trichloride [RhCl3]Rhodiumtrichlorid {n}
rhodium trifluoride [RhF3] Rhodiumtrifluorid {n}
rhodium trinitrate [Rh(NO3)3]Rhodiumtrinitrat {n}
rhodium wood [Convolvulus floridus] Blütenreiche Winde {f}
rhodium(III) bromide [RhBr3]Rhodium(III)-bromid {n}
rhodium(III) chloride [RhCl3] Rhodium(III)-chlorid {n}
rhodium(III) fluoride [RhF3] Rhodium(III)-fluorid {n}
rhodium(III) nitrate [Rh(NO3)3]Rhodium(III)-nitrat {n}
rhodium(III) oxide [Rh2O3] Rhodium(III)-oxid {n}
rhodium(III) sulfate [Am.] [Rh2(SO4)3] Rhodium(III)-sulfat {n}
rhodium(IV) oxide [RhO2]Rhodium(IV)-oxid {n}
rhodium-plated rhodiniert
rhodium(VI) fluoride [RhF6]Rhodium(VI)-fluorid {n}
rhodizite [(K,Cs)Al4Be4(B,Be)12O28] Rhodizit {m}
rhodizonic acid [C6H2O6, (CO)4(COH)2] Rhodizonsäure {f}
rhodochrosite [Mn(CO3)]Rhodochrosit {m}
rhododendron [genus Rhododendron] Rhododendron {m} [auch {n}]
rhododendron [genus Rhododendron] Almenrausch {m}
rhododendron cicada [Graphocephala fennahi, syn.: Graphocephala coccinea]Rhododendronzikade {f}
rhododendron lace bug [Stephanitis rhododendri] Rhododendron-Netzwanze {f} [auch: Rhododendronnetzwanze]
rhododendron lace bug [Stephanitis rhododendri]Amerikanische Rhododendronwanze {f}
rhododendron lace bug [Stephanitis rhododendri] Rhododendron-Hautwanze / Rhododendronhautwanze {f}
rhododendron lace bug [Stephanitis rhododendri]Rhododendron-Gitternetzwanze {f}
rhododendron leafhopper [Graphocephala fennahi, syn.: Graphocephala coccinea] Rhododendronzikade {f}
rhododendrons [genus Rhododendron] Rhododendren {pl}
rhododendrum woods Rhododendrenwälder {pl}
rhodolite [(Mg,Fe)3Al2(SiO4)3]Rhodolit {m}
rhodologyRhodologie {f}
rhodomontade [archaic spv.]heiße Luft {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [Angeberei]
rhodoniteKieselmanganerz {n} [veraltet]
rhodonite [(Mn,Fe,Mg,Ca)SiO3]Rhodonit {m}
Rhodope Mountains Rhodopen {pl}
Rhodopen lily [Lilium rhodopeum, also L. rhodopaeum] Rhodopen-Lilie {f}
Rhodopes Rhodopen {pl}
rhodopsin Rhodopsin {n}
« Rhaerheorheurhinrhinrhizrhodrhubrhytribbribb »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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