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English-German Dictionary

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rhyme Vers {m}
rhyme form Reimform {f} [rein, unrein etc.]
rhyme schemeReimschema {n}
rhyme testReimtest {m} [Sprachverständlichkeitsmessung]
rhymed in Reime gefasst
rhymed couplets {pl} Reimpaardichtung {f}
rhymed prose Reimprosa {f}
rhymed stanza gereimte Strophe {f}
rhymeless ungereimt
rhymer Dichterling {m}
rhymester Verseschmied {m} [hum., pej.]
rhymesterDichterling {m}
rhymester [female] Verseschmiedin {f} [hum., pej.]
rhymester [pej.] Versemacher {m} [meist pej.]
rhyming reimend
rhyming sich reimend
rhyming couplet Paarreim {m}
rhyming couplet Reimpaar {n} [Verslehre]
rhyming dictionaryReimwörterbuch {n}
rhyming dictionary Reimlexikon {n}
rhyming schemeReimschema {n}
rhyming slangRhyming Slang {m}
rhyming verse Reimvers {m}
rhyming wordReimwort {n}
rhynchocoel Rhynchocoel {n}
rhynchocoelom Rhynchocölom {n}
rhynchocoelom Rhynchozölom {n} [selten]
rhynchocoelomRhynchocoelom {n}
rhynchodaeumRhynchodaeum {n}
rhynchodaeum Rhynchodäum {n}
rhynchonellids [Rhynchonellida] Rhynchonelliden {pl}
rhynchophylline [also: rhyncophylline] [C22H28N2O4]Rhynchophyllin {n} [auch: Rhyncophyllin]
rhyne [drainage ditch] Entwässerungsgraben {m}
rhyniophytes [Rhyniophytina or Rhyniopsida or Rhyniophyta] Rhyniophyten {pl}
rhyodacite Rhyodazit {m}
rhyoliteRhyolith {m}
rhyparography Rhyparographie {f}
rhypiaRhypia {f}
rhypiaRupia {f}
rhypophagy Rhypophagie {f}
rhypophobia Rhypophobie {f}
rhypophobia Verschmutzungsfurcht {f}
rhythmRhythmus {m}
rhythm Takt {m}
rhythm zeitliches Ebenmaß {n}
rhythm Rhythmik {f}
rhythm abilityRhythmisierungsfähigkeit {f}
rhythm ambulanceRhythmusambulanz {f}
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
rhythm and blues <R&B, R'n'B or RnB>Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
rhythm brush Jazzbesen {m}
rhythm guitar Rhythmusgitarre {f}
rhythm guitaristRhythmusgitarrist {m}
rhythm guitarist [female] Rhythmusgitarristin {f}
rhythm instrumentRhythmusinstrument {n}
rhythm methodRhythmusmethode {f}
rhythm method Knaus-Ogino-Methode {f}
rhythm method (of contraception)Kalendermethode {f}
rhythm of a songLiedrhythmus {m} [Rhythmus eines Liedes]
rhythm of life Lebensrhythmus {m}
rhythm of sleepSchlafrhythmus {m}
rhythm of sleep Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus {m}
rhythm of the songLiedrhythmus {m} [Rhythmus des Liedes]
rhythm of work Arbeitsrhythmus {m}
rhythm sectionRhythmusgruppe {f}
rhythm section Rhythmussektion {f}
rhythmic education Rhythmikerziehung {f}
rhythmic gymnast [female]Gymnastin {f} [rhythmische Sportgymnastik]
rhythmic gymnasticstänzerische Gymnastik {f}
rhythmic gymnastics rhythmische Sportgymnastik {f}
rhythmic motion rhythmische Bewegung {f}
rhythmic movement rhythmische Bewegung {f}
rhythmic movement disorder <RMD>rhythmische Bewegungsstörung {f}
rhythmic movement training <RMT> rhythmisches Bewegungstraining {n}
rhythmic prose Kunstprosa {f}
rhythmic prose rhythmische Prosa {f}
rhythmic repetition rhythmische Wiederholung {f}
rhythmic shaperhythmische Gestalt {f}
rhythmic structureRhythmusstruktur {f}
rhythmic structure rhythmische Struktur {f}
rhythmical [rhythmic] rhythmisch
rhythmicality Rhythmikalität {f} [selten]
rhythmically rhythmisch
rhythmically taktmäßig
rhythmicity Rhythmik {f}
rhythmics [treated as sg.] Rhythmik {f}
rhythmised [Br.]rhythmisiert
rhythmist Rhythmiker {m}
rhythmist [female] Rhythmikerin {f}
rhythmized rhythmisiert
rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
rhythmology Rhythmologie {f}
« rheurhinrhinrhomrhomrhymrhytribbribbriborice »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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